King's Business - 1942-11


November, 1942

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


hell is in earnest but man. It is an awful thing for a Christian, redeemed by the blood of Christ, and destined to an eternal future of weal or woe, to be frivolous or trifling: God help us to be intensely aroused to life’s solemn meaning.—A. B! Simpson. Suburbs of Heaven “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork” (Psa. 19:1). When you survey the spacious fir­ mament, and behold it hung with such resplendent bodies, think—if the sub­ urbs be so beautiful, what must the city be!' What is the footstool He m a k e s compared with the throne whereon He sits!—Seeker. 15. The Same Yesterday and Today “But when he saw the wind boister­ ous, he whs afraid;, and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him” (Matt. 14:30, 31). “Beginning to sink . . . immediately . . .” There are times when nothing comes to mind but these words. They assure us of so much more than they seem to say. . . . Chiefly they bring the certainty that there will be no sink­ ing, for Peter never sank. . . . How many seconds lie between a man’s be­ ginning to sink and his sinking? . A second or less, I suppose, sees one who is beginning to sink, under water. How swift, then, was the movement of love! And as He was, so He is. —Amy, Carmichael. 16. No Place for Discouragement “God, . . . turned the rock into a standing water, the flint into a foun­ tain of waters” (Psa. 114:7, 8K If'each worker realizes himself as a temple of the living God, an instru­ ment possessed and governed and used by the Almighty, t h e r e is no place for discouragement. Before Him, the hard dry rock shall be turned into a pool, the flint into a fountain of waters.—J. Hudson Taylor. 17. Singing in the Night “Who giveth songs in the night" (Job 35:10). I know not why this peace divine, This joy should come to me, Why sudden glory now should shine, Where sueh deep shadows be. Perhaps an echo of the song Of souls from earth set free, Of loved ones in that blessed throng, Is wafted now to-me! I only know, my soul doth find, As close to Thee I cling, A joy of heart, a peace of mind, Beneath Thy shelt’ring wing. 14.

, Make Us Well Again ” — pleads this young girl and her baby brother.

“Please God

“ W e h a v e , le p ro sy lik e o u r f a th e r a n d m o th e r a n d y e do n o t w a n t to 'g ro w u p w ith te rr ib le so re s a n d s u f f e r lik e th em . T h e y to ld u s a t th e M ission S ta tio n th a t ‘th e re was n o ro om ’ b e c a u se o f la ck o f fu n d s . W e w an t to g e t well a g a in to p la y lik e o th e r boys a n d g irls.” T h e ab o v e is a n o ld sto ry w h ich th e m is sio n a rie s h e a r a g a in a n d a g a in . H u n d re d s m u st b e tu rn e d - aw ay b e c a u se f o r th em , lik e th e 'i n f a n t Je su s, “ th e re is no, ro o m .” O n e m is sio n a ry w rite s, “ Y o u r , h e a r t w o u ld b r e a k to h e a r th em p le a d ., T h in k o f u s w ho m u s t re f u s e th em .”

I n the nam e of Christ, who H im self touched lepers, and who said, “Suffer little children to come unto Me,” will you send us your THANKSGIVING offering? Your g ift will no t only provide th e saving medical treatm en t, bu t will help bring the message of etern al salvation to these pleading lepers. Lepers have alw ays suffered, bu t In w ar th e ir lo t is h ard er th an ever. In China, for example, ,a pound of flour th a t used to cost 27 cen ts now costs $3.18. Please help accordingly. , $30 CARES FOR A LEPER CHILD ONE YEAR (But $80 In China!) illllf lliH Clip and mail today ' ‘)i|illlllllllllllllllliiinillillllllllllllllininillllillllHiillill)illlllHIIIII!IIUIHIIUI^ | THE AMERICAN MISSION TO LEPERS, INC. Dept. 5-N, 156 F ifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 1 A i my THANKSGIVING offering to the § lepersI am happy to enclose $................. D Complete care of an adult, I yr. $40 || I □ Complete care of a child, I yr. $30 | | Name ----------------- Q Medicine for one year.............. ........ $ 5 |j | Address ........... □ Seeds for farming____________ $20 | | Aids leper work of all denominations and o f the Faith Missions |

Walk with our Lord day by day with . . « ä '■ THE HEW DAILY J t M DEVOTIONAL G U ID E ... M Enjoy rich ministry from Dr. Edman, Dr. Lee, Dr. Talbot, Wendell Loveless, and other prom­ inent Bible teachers. Send 60c for year's sub­ scription—2 years Si.OO. Sample copy sent free. SEEK • 322 Weit Washington Street, Chicago, III. THE KING'S BUSINESS for Christmas! KEEPING FAITH . . . w ith the men on the firing line includes .play­ ing fa ir w ith th eir fam ilies on the “ Home F ro n t.” RA LPHS stores a re K EEPING FAITH . . . by m aintaining the sam e high stan d ard s of quality foods . . . the sam e courtesy and service you’ve alw ays known . . . a t guaranteed “ Sells-for-L ess” savings on consistent purchases.

It seems, O Lord, so sweet to me, This very wondrous thing, That e’en t h o u g h dark the night may be, Yet still my soul doth sing! —Eleanor Ruth Stephens, God's Merchantman “And to know the love of Christ, w h i c h passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God” (Eph. 3:19). O King, I want to 'be Thy mer­ chantman on earth. Give me the capi­ tal I need. Give me the filling of Thy Holy Spirit. Then shall all my service be a delight, and I shall be able to take all hours, and all activities, and everything that comes to me, and transmute it frt>m the dross of earth into the gold of heaven. —G. Campbell Morgan. 18.

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