King's Business - 1942-11


FREE to any E vangelical C hristian M inister, Sunday School or Mis­ sionary S uperintendent, one copy, “ Prove Me Now, Herewith*’ for each fam ily in his co n g reg atio n pro ­ viding he will ag ree to give a ta lk on T ith in g before d istrib u tio n . W rite sta tin g denom ination and num ber of leaflets de­ sired to T ITHER , 721K Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, California.

P a te n te d in U . S. A. a n d o th er c o u n trie s. F a m o u s th e w o rld o v e r fo r f if t y y ea rs.


by Brenda Cannon Fas­ cinating story of a young man living in the so-called higher strata ofsociety, dis- satisfied with life until he meets a young Christian girl a t b u sin ess college. C lo th , $ 1.00.

• Sweet tone • Astonishing volume • Easily carried • Inexpensive S uitable for M issions, Camps, Sundav Schools, Homes, etc. W rite fo r descriptive folder and prices, GEO. BILHORN & CO. 1414 McLean Ave., Dept. K , Chicago, 111.

IS HE NOT ABLE? byEdithE Norton Thirty-one meditations (one for each day of the month) on various problems of the Christian life. Messages ofcomfort, encour­ agement. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 60c. “ OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM" sby EstherMacKay A Christian mother’s ^testimony concerning her small son whose departure to be with Christ caused grief and heart-searching. A message of peace and comfort. 30c. Servicemen Want Bibles In a recent poll, 53% of men in the service asked for complete Bibles for Christmas presents. POCKET SIZE BIBLES French Morocco, round corners, red under gold edges, 01120x................................... $2.75 French Morocco, India paper, overlap­ ping edges, 01153x.................................. 4.00 Morocco, hand grained, leather lined, gold edges, 01159x.................................. 6.00 ORDER DJLRBCT FROM D EPT. K-323 T£ / V U i > y ¡ P

Why not make your Christmas selections from offers appearing in this issue of THE K ING ’S BUSINESS.


An "all purpose" book for Church Service, Sunday School, Prayer Meetings, etc. 312 "tested" songs. Expensive appearance, yet low priced. Beautiful "stay flat" brown cloth bound binding. $45.00 per 100, not postpaid; single copy 60c. In heavy bristol paper, $30.00 per 100, not postpaid; single copy, 40c. YOUTH lHYMNAL gSisSsS WÊÊÉÈ

Let us help you earn money for your church or society. This beautiful calendar sells on sight to Christian people everywhere. Thirteen full color illustrations by famous artists, an inspiiational mes­ sage for each day, Sunday School lessons shown on Sundays—these and other useful facts make these cal­ endars an easy source of big money for a small amount of spare time.

A b u s i n e s s g i r l . . .


wins her first soul She had prayed that the Lord would let her win others for Him. She knew she needed to be ready—that’s why she had enrolled in the Moody Practical Christian Work Course. Then one day, “I explained Isaiah 53:6, using a box to illustrate the point . . . and right there . . . my friend was saved;’ Are you ready to show others the way of salvation? Every Christian should know how. The Practical Christian Work Course is planned to help you learn how. For details, write Dept, k - sio C O R R E S P O N D E N C E S C H O O L ody Bible Institute .i, t$3 INSTITUTE PIA CE • C H ICA G O ;

EXACT SIZE 9^ x 16 INCHES S P E C IA L Amt. Cost $18.00

P R IC E S TO C H U R C H E S Sell for Profit

Single copies, 30 cents; 4, $1.00; 12 $3.00: 25, $6.00; 5 0 , $ 9 .50. A ll Prices s lig h tly higher in Canada.

$30.00 $12.00 60.00 26.00 75.00 32.50 90.00 42.00

100 200 250 300

34.00 42.50 48.00

The ideal song book fo prepare youth for a victorious American life. 266 Songs, 34 Worship programs. Re­ sponsive Readings, Prayers. Water­ proof binding, dark blue with gold stamping, may be cleaned with damp cloth. $45.00 per 100, not postpaid, single copy 60c. Returnable examination copies sent upon request • THE R0DEHEAVER HALL-MACK CO. Dept. K B - 1 1 , Winona Lake, Ind.

Order Messenger Scripture Text Calendars f rom y o u r o w n p u b l i s h i n g h o u s e o r MAIL THIS COU PON M essenger C orporation —Dept. KB for which send me -----------------------Messenger Scripture Text Calendars. Also send your free sales plan. Name_____________________________________ Address. Auburn,Indiana Enclosed find $.

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