King's Business - 1942-11

Jewish Army Boys Need Christ Again your Jewish Mission is on the front line of battle! We are printing an edition of the Gos­ pel of Matthew for Jewish soldiers. It is a new translation by Dr. Einspruch, the same Jewish Christian scholar who translated our American Yiddish New Testament. But this Matthew trans­ lation is in English, with Hebrew original quota­ tions all in language which has an appeal to the Jewish mind. There are also beautiful illustra­ tions. What a companion such a precious Gospel will make to any boy, Jew or Gentile, on a lonely night on w a tch ! Here is your part in the campaign: Won’t you please direct the attention of every chaplain, Christian Army officer, and Christian soldier boy, th a t you may happen to know, to the fact tha t they can secure from us, free of charge, as many (I copies o'f this beautiful pocket edition of Matthew as they want? We ask only th a t you shall tell us definitely how many copies you can use, without waste.

far more than a prophet. This is he of whom it is io written, w i - yZ L ° J 7 r the way for •'*•’| | | | j § m i “Truly I tell you, that of all men born of women n no one has yet appeared who is greater than Johanan the Baptizer; and yet the least important in the King­ dom of heaven is greater than he. But from the time 1 2 of Johanan the Baptizer until now the Kingdom of heaven has been suffering violence, and the violent have been seizing it by force. For all the Prophets 13 and the Law prophesied of it until Johanan, and, if you 14 are ready to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. Let him who has ears hear. 15 “To what shall I compare the present generation? 16 It is like children sitting in the market-place and call­ ing to their playmates, “ ‘We have played the flute for you, 17 But you did not dance! We lamented, And you have not beaten your breasts/ “For when Johanan came he neither ate nor drank, 18 and they said, ‘He has a devil/ The Son of Man came 19 eating and drinking, ^nd they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax-collectors and sin­ nersT But Wisdom is vindicated by her actions!” Then He began to censure the cities in which His 20 “See, I send my messenger on njjn 1|’3$7


“W e H ave P layed for Y ou ”

Facsimile pages from Gospel of Matthew, translation for Jewish hoys in the Army A S TO F IN A N C E S

The cost of this emergency undertaking will run into several thousands of dollars. But we know we are being led of the Lord in this new field, and He has the money for us. We need only tell you, as His stewards, and you will pray not only that the cost will be met, but, most important of all, that He will grant us to see a bountiful harvest. If you feel led to fellowship with us in this campaign, just designate your gift, "For Jewish Army Boys' Gospel Fund"

Canadian friends may send their gifts to our Canadian office: Rev. Donald J. MacKay, Treasurer Philpott Tabernacle Hamilton, Ontario, Canada All funds contributed in Canada are spent in Canada or Great Britain.

American Board of Missions to the Jew s, Inc., 31 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Dear Friends. My gift I joyfully enclose for: I. Jewish Army Boys’ Gospels $..........................

2. Your General Work $

May God bless your labors, and I shall be praying for you. N am e...................................................................................................................................................................

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