Message from Acting chief executive Dr Tamsin Waterhouse
This week is Patient Experience Week, 26-30 April, and our hospitals and services have been focussing on our patients’ experience by holding special events. Patient experience is defined as the sum of all interactions, shaped by our culture, that influence patient perceptions across the continuum of care. It doesn’t matter how small our actions are when it comes to elevating a patient’s experience: it could be a warm smile, listening, even the way in which we address our patients can improve their stay in our hospitals. Please visit the Elevating the Human Experience intranet page to find out more, and join in to reflect on how we put human connection at the centre of everything we do. You can also find downloadable patient experience resources to use and share. It is wonderful to see many staff coming forward for their flu vaccination. All NSLHD staff clinics are open and we have seen around 2000 staff receive their flu vaccination. It is important staff in Category A+ and emergency department staff receive their flu shot by the end of May to meet the NSW Health policy requirement. Staff are reminded of the following: • You need to have a 14-day break between the flu and other vaccinations this year, including for COVID-19
• You need to bring your COVID-19 vaccination certificate when you present for your flu vaccination • You need to bring your Medicare card when you present for your flu vaccination We have also achieved a fantastic result with around 75 per cent of NSLHD staff receiving their COVID-19 vaccination. This comes as we work with the NSW Ministry of Health to expand the vaccination roll out more broadly. Finally, I recently had the pleasure of attending NSLHD’s Aboriginal Health Service’s second Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Island Staff Network Day. It was great to be with so many
passionate and committed people who came together to work out what the district can do better to recruit, attract and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff. Thank you to the team for
organising such a great day. Next week we look forward to
welcoming Deb Willcox back as NSLHD chief executive after her secondment to the NSW Ministry of Health. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone for the fantastic support they have provided while I have been acting in the role.
Dr Tamsin Waterhouse Acting Chief Executive Northern Sydney Local Health District
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