Your guide to Christ's College 2025

The Home and School Partnership

We are in this together. When a boy starts College, he and his family are welcomed into our school community. As we encourage our students to dive in and take advantage of the many opportunities available through their College experience, we also encourage their families to get involved.

Marketing and communications A wide range of publications are distributed to the College community, including: Register – a chronicle of each year at College, published in Term 1 College – a colour news magazine, published yearly In Black & White – an electronic newsletter, published every two weeks in term time College calendar – a list of key events, dates, times and venues, published electronically College website – a useful source of news and information about all aspects of College life College Facebook – ChristsCollege – for the latest news and events at College Please tell us if your son has done anything you think we should know about, whether as part of his school activities or in other areas of his life. We encourage parents to contact our marketing and communications team with news and photographs celebrating students’ successes. Director of Advancement Claire Sparks

There is always something happening at College, and parents are always welcome to attend. Whether you are cheering on the sidelines or helping manage a sports team, lending a hand behind the scenes for drama or music productions, or accompanying students on away trips, we are grateful for your support. Your Housemaster will let you know about any House-specific activities, or you can have a look at the Calendar page on our website to find out about upcoming events. Christ’s College Parents’ Association For parents, joining the Parents’ Association is a great way to meet other people and support the school. The Parents’ Association plays a pivotal role in coordinating some of College’s main social functions, including Athletics Sports Day, Mid-Winter Drinks and the Pink Lunch. Parents’ Association President Jane Elworthy

18 – Your guide to Christ’s College

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