Your guide to Christ's College 2025

College rules condensed Rules at College are based on our school’s virtues. For easy reference, the full school rules have been condensed to these main points. However, all boys are expected to know the full school rules. • Relationships at College should be positive and respectful. Consequently, discriminatory actions and language are unacceptable, along with bullying and harassment • Chapel is a special place in College and behaviour in Chapel must be appropriate at all times. There is to be no talking in Chapel • The Quadrangle is a formal area. Consequently, walking on the grass, eating, shouting, ball games, skateboarding, scooters and e-scooters, and cycling are prohibited, as is not wearing footwear or a shirt • Boys must wear the correct uniform at all times. They must be clean shaven and their hair and personal appearance must always be neat • Boys must not have their hands in their pockets • When in uniform, boys must behave in a way which upholds the school’s good name • When in uniform, boys must wear blazers or full dress uniform outside the College campus and they must not eat on the street. Please note, College hoodies are not part of the school uniform – they are worn for sports practices and games only • Boys may not walk around the campus listening to music on portable devices or using their phones • Cell phones must not be visible on campus or in classrooms between 8.30am and the end of period 6, and may only be used in class with the teacher’s permission

• Boys must communicate with staff directly in order to excuse themselves from classes, sport and activities. When leaving campus during periods 1–6, boys must have their Housemaster’s permission and must sign out at Reception. Make a good impression We expect our students to take care of their appearance and maintain high standards of personal care. These requirements are designed to encourage self-respect and self- management, and instil in students a sense of pride in their school.

Uniform All boys should have

• Belts (black) for their shorts and trousers • Black shoes (lace-up or slip on) – not boots • Shirts that fit around the neck – tucked in and with top button done up • Clean and tidy uniform Hair • Hair should be kept neat, clean and tidy at all times. • Hair will be kept clear of the collar, off the ears and off the eyebrows. • Hair may not be dyed or gelled. • Hair may be no shorter than a ‘number 2’. • Students are not allowed to have lines or designs shaved into their hair, nor grow long sections of hair that can be fashioned into long fringes, dreadlocks, plaits, rats’ tails, mohawks, top knots and mullets or mop tops. • Hair is not to be worn tied up, or pinned. • Sideburns may not extend below the opening to the ear.


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