Merlino & Gonzalez - August 2021

Most colleges are designed with the traditional, 20-something college student in mind, which may not appeal or be a great fit for adults in their 50s, 60s, and beyond. But many universities are starting to cater to an older crowd with lifelong learning programs. One example is the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Washington (UW). UW’s program offers a full course schedule on subjects in the arts, sciences, and current events taught by qualified faculty and provided at an affordable rate. There are over 100 such programs at universities across the U.S. Have a longtime dream to write children’s books? UC San Diego Extension has a certificate program for that! If you’re looking to dive into a single subject or perhaps you’d like to continue working in retirement or shift gears later in your career, certificate programs are a great option. No previous education is required. Most certificate programs are open to all, typically run for less than a year, and easily accommodate part-time learners. Celebrate your years of hard-earned wisdom but commit to keeping your brain young by going back to school this fall.

While you may be happy for the years of wisdom you’ve gained since being in your 20s and 30s, you might be missing the mental sharpness you once had. Why not have the best of both worlds? Scientists have found that the human brain changes with age — neurons fire more slowly, for example, and short-term memory recall can be more challenging — but that we often underestimate our capacity to continue learning as we grow older. Negative stereotypes about aging can reinforce these beliefs. However, new research is showing that older adults who’ve committed to immersive study of a new subject show brain function akin to someone 30 years younger. This goes beyond the tired advice to do a crossword puzzle or work a sudoku puzzle every day. The participants in this research study were learning entirely new-to-them subjects, like how to speak a foreign language, use a new piece of technology, or make art. Convinced of the benefits but not sure where to turn to learn? Try these two sources.


The Strange Battle of Castle Itter


and Gestapo troops roaming the woods that surrounded the castle. So, the castle handyman and cook asked for help.

The battlefields of World War II were often fought by complex sets of alliances between countries and factions, the likes of which few wars before or since have ever seen. Few battles proved that more than the Battle of Castle Itter. In the grand scheme of WWII, Castle Itter was no Omaha Beach. During the Nazi occupation, the Third Reich converted this medieval Austrian castle into a prison for important French prisoners who could possibly be used as bargaining chips, and they ran this as a subunit of the Dachau Concentration Camp which sat about 90 miles away. All of that said, if allied forces captured this, it would not represent any sort of decisive victory. Instead, what made the happenings of May 5, 1945, so remarkable is that the Battle of Castle Itter is the only WWII battle where German and American soldiers fought on the same side. In the waning days of the war, the German guards of Castle Itter abandoned their posts, leaving control of the prison to the prisoners. However, they were still prevented from escaping by units of Waffen SS

The cook encountered Major Josef Gangl, a Wehrmacht officer, who, after becoming disillusioned with Nazism, had decided to

help the Austrian resistance instead. Gangl only had about 20 other Wehrmacht troops that were still loyal to him. So, in order to free Castle Itter from the SS, he hoisted a white flag when he made contact with Captain Jack C. Lee Jr., a U.S. tank commander. Together, they made their way to Castle Itter and prepared to withstand a siege and free the prisoners.

The battle was short and resulted in only one casualty — Josef Gangl was killed by a sniper. It ended when a small rescue group dispatched by Major John T. Kramers, with whom the castle handyman had made contact, arrived with a column of tanks, and scattered the SS troops. The prisoners were freed, Lee was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, and Josef Gangl, for his service to the Austrian resistance, has a street named after him in a nearby town that still remains to this day.


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