Kevin Patrick Law - February 2021


2860 Piedmont Road N.E. • Suite 140 Atlanta, Georgia 30305

The Benefits of Spending Time in the Mountains Inside This Issue 1 KPL Shares Love Snack by Snack 2 What’s the Deal With Valentine’s Day Cards? President Truman: The Man With No Middle Name 3 A Time Travel Trip to Colonial Georgia Butter and Herb Baked Oysters 4 Can Mountain Air Actually Improve Your Health?

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In the famous Swiss novel "Heidi,” a little girl recovers from her fragile health — both physically and mentally — by spending time in the mountains. There are plenty of anecdotal stories about the medicinal effects of mountain air, but how much is supported by research? Here's what there is evidence for so far: CLEANER, POLLUTION-FREE AIR One basic but important benefit of getting to a higher altitude is the escape from city pollution. It may surprise some city dwellers that air pollution is linked to asthma attacks for those with sensitive lungs and also to more serious conditions. Research suggests that prolonged exposure to air pollution may lead to chronic illnesses such as cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, and other lung diseases.

Even more interesting, mountain air may passively improve your weight loss journey as well.

NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS One German study followed 20 obese men who lived in an

environmental research station below the highest peak in the country. The subjects reached the peak effortlessly by railway or cable car, and they were allowed to eat as much as they liked. By the end of the week, however, each had lost an average of 1.5 kilograms or 3.3 pounds. Two factors are thought to have contributed to the weight loss: A naturally decreased appetite from the altitude (the men ate nearly 700 fewer calories than usual) and an increased metabolic rate. While there is still more to learn about the potential benefits of spending time in the mountains, these three studies give the greenlight for more high-altitude adventures.

Up in the mountains, you’ll likely be able to breathe a little easier.

REDUCED RISK OF OBESITY AND HEART DISEASE People who spend more time at high altitudes may also experience a decreased appetite and lower risk of obesity. One study from 2017 even found that living at a higher elevation is associated with a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, which is a cluster of conditions that include high blood pressure, excess body fat, and abnormal cholesterol.

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