Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan


Satisfaction Ratings Respondents were generally satisfied or very satisfied with recreational activities provided by the City, across all age groups. More than two-thirds of respondents (68%) reported the two most positive levels of satisfaction regarding the quality of maintenance of DeSoto Park and Recreation facilities (very satisfied and satisfied). Only 14 respondents in 144 reported the two negative levels of satisfaction, and the remaining 22 percent of respondents selected the middle or neutral level of satisfaction. These responses in levels of satisfaction are generally satisfactory but reflect some areas of opportunity in terms of maintenance of park and recreation facilities. Approximately half of respondents (51%) reported being very satisfied or satisfied with the recreational programming provided by the City of DeSoto. The remaining respondents selected the mid-rating of “3” or less. These responses in levels of satisfaction reflect additional needs in recreational programming. Respondents provided the following top reasons for lack of participation in programs and park usage offered by the City:

Don't Know What Programs are Available


Lack of Time


Lack of Options


Don't Know Where all the Parks/Trails are


The responses reflect a need for additional communication on the City’s website and social media, as well as within the community on what programs and facilities are available.


City of DeSoto - 2020 Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Master Plan

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