The VenoArt National Loving Day Auction

Artist: Daniel Gibert Perez I am an artist based in Barcelona, Spain. My works are part of figurative minimalism. I seek to communicate ideas, feelings, and emo- tions with the minimum possible elements. I seek to express deep ideas through flat colors in compositions where the human being is a simple spectator. I am fascinated by the sea, the sky, and the light of the Mediterranean. My paintings seek to express the admiration of man against nature. My desire to transmit a mixture of calm, reflection, and respect for the environment. I seek to create works that are calm, pleasant, honest, and quick to understand. Statement: This work tries to capture that intimate moment of communion between each one of us and the world. That moment when everything disappears, except for an invisible thread that connects us to the universe. Artist: Daniel Gibert Perez Oil on Canvas Title: Me and the world. 31.8 x 25.5 x 1.3 in Lot: 109


Starting bid: $850 Barcelona, Spain

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