King's Business - 1947-03

Consistency & The rarity of the exceedingly de­ sirable quality of consistency is no­ where better illustrated than in the following excerpt: “Says Roger Babson: ‘Why the American people will continue; to spend thousands of millions on schools and teachers to train the children of our cities, and then per­ mit a bunch of irresponsible men to exhibit each night crime-breeding pictures within the shadow of the school building, just to make a few dollars, is beyond my comprehension. Such pictures in one night uproot all the good seed which the schools can plant in a month. It is exactly like appropriating money for a fire de­ partment and then permitting every­ one to set the buildings on fire to collect insurance.’ ” Culprit Recently several horrible hotel fires have occurred, in v/hich scores of people have met agonizing deaths. The blame has been laid to one cause or another, but by some strange reasoning, or perhaps be­ cause of graft, the real cause has not been divulged. Most of these interior fires are the result of the careless­ ness of smokers, who toss lighted cigarettes onto carpeted floors or into wastepaper baskets, or who fall asleep while smoking in bed. When will the American people awake to the insane folly and danger of this filthy tobacco habit? Testimony Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse, pas­ tor of the Tenth Presbyterian Church in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsyl­ vania, in a recent visit to mission fields in Africa and Europe, had an opportunity for a personal audience with the Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie. Taking advantage of this moment, Dr. Liarnhouse asked the Emperor to express his personal faith. The reply is heart-warming. “I know I am saved, not by anything that is of character or the works of the human 'heart, but by the blood of Jesus Christ alone.” Aspirin j * A late news note sheds a wealth of light upon the mental and nervous condition of the people of MARCH, HM7

“the boys and girls of our country,” the Reverend Sam Morris and Henry M. Johnson have filed suit against the Columbia Broadcasting System and the Schenley Distillers’ Corpora­ tion for “damages and relief against Columbia’s selling the choicest radio time to Schenley. . . and refusal to sell any time whatever to the abstin­ ence, church, and welfare forces for broadcasts counseling against the drinking of alcoholic beverages.” The amount of damages asked is about fifteen million dollars. No doubt the reason for this suit is to stir the leth­ argy of the American Christian peo­ ple to the insidious and dangerous propagandizing begun by the en­ trenched liquor interests. We are thoroughly in sympathy with the ab­ solute prohibition of anything over the air which tends to weaken our national moral character. We com­ mend these brethren for their coura­ geous and timely stand. More J* A recent statement from The Woman’s Home Companion shocked us. "All over the United States, more and more women are becoming the victims of alcoholism. But while no­ body knows just how many of the chronic alcoholics In this country are women, the ratio of women alco­ holics to men has risen steadily dur­ ing the last twenty years and is con­ tinuing to rise . . . “More women are seen intoxicated in public, say police in most larger cities. Actually, more than two-fifths of all women in jail in America are there because of ^drunkenness. But abnormal drinking by women is not confined to the lawless. What makes the spread of alcoholism so ominous, is the fact that it is among our most intelligent and most sensitive wom­ en that it is making its deepest in­ roads.” If this is not a danger signal, then we are not aware of what constitutes peril. Surely we need to pray that God will raise up a race of coura­ geous men and women who will strike a deathblow at the heart of this terrible habit. PAGE TWENTY-ONE

our land. According to a recent peri­ odical, our citizens consume eleven million pounds of aspirin each year. This quantity represents an almost unbelievable amount of headaches and nervous disorders for which as­ pirin is employed as a sedative. Be­ hind this is a world that is fraught with unrest, and which we believe, according to the Word of God, will get no better. However, for the child of God, there is a guaranteed relief in Philippians 4:6,7, and Psalm 37:l-7. Pictures & A new department in visual edu­ cation has been recently inaugurated by the American Bible Society. Be­ cause of a special gift, the Society embarked on a program of producing colored sound moving pictures of Bible stories. We understand that three are now ready, including “The Woman of Samaria,” “The Parable of the Sower,” and “The Nativity.” A second group of six stories will go into production early in 1947. A fine feature of these pictures is that the narrative is entirely in the words of Scripture. Further information may be obtained from any American Bi­ ble Society office. Immanuel J* Rev. Paul C. R. Peterson is the young and energetic director of the Youth for Christ rallies in the city of San Francisco. Recently, in an in­ terview, Mr. Peterson described a project which is very close to his heart. It is his desire to start a chain of Christian grammar schools throughout the Golden State. These institutions, to be called Immanuel schools, would be directed by ac­ credited Christian teachers, and would be held in some of the well- equipped buildings of our modern churches. Of the need of this move there is not the slightest doubt, and Christian people are asked to pray that strength and wisdom for this very much-needed project may be given to Brother Peterson and his associates.

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