“ Go Ye Into All the World“ mie THE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTA IN AND PLAINS AREA 4 year Liberal Arts leading to A. B. 2 year Theological leading to Th. B. 1, 2 and 3 year Bible Institute diploma courses A lM S : to lead each student into a richer experience and deeper knowledge of God and the Bible, to provide high quality instruction in the liberal arts with world vision, to give practical theological training from a con servative Christian point o f view. N EED S: to enlarge facilities for a rapidly growing student body, to erect a radio station broadcasting the unsearchable riches of the Gospel, win through merit a wider circle of friends, donors, prayer partners and benefactors. Catalog and Information on roquost. Wrllm today . Dr. Sam Bradford, president or Dr. Hale V. Davis, executive v . president 2011 Glanarm Place, Suite 102____________Dept. KB_____________ Denver 5, Colorado America's Bible Family Magazine • For over 35 years The King’s Business has been meeting the needs of the entire Christian family. • Today more than ever before, every Christian home needs the instructive inspiration of this true-to-the-Bible maga zine.
What is the difference between a manuscript of the Bible and a ver sionf A manuscript is a copy of the Bible in the original languages in which it was written. The Old Test ament was written in Hebrew; the New Testament in Greek. We have many ancient manuscripts, all writ ten by hand, before printing was in vented. The three most ancient, and, therefore, the most valuable, are: Vaticanus, in the Vatican Li brary, Vatican City; Sinaiticus, now in the British Museum, London, but until a few years ago in the library at Leningrad, Russia; and the Alex andrian, also in the British Museum. A version is a translation into some other language; there are more than 900 translations into the different language? and dialects of the world. CHRIST VERSUS ALEXANDER Jesus and Alexander died at thirty- three; One lived and died for self; one died for you and me. The Greek died on a throne; the Jew died on a cross; One’s life a triumph seemed; the other but a loss. One led vast armies forth; the other walked alone; One shed a whole world’s blood; the other gave His own. One won the world in life and lost it all in death; The other lost His life to win the whole world’s faith. Jesus and Alexander died at thirty- three; One died in Babylon; and one on Calvary. One gained all for self; and one Him self He gave; One conquered every throne; the other every grave. The one made himself God; the God made Himself less; The one lived but to blast; the other but to bless. When died the Greek, forever fell his throne of swords; But Jesus died to live forever Lord of lords. Jesus and Alexander died at thirty- three. The Greek made all men slaves; the Jew made all men free. One built a throne on blood; the other built on love; The one was bom of earth; the other from above; One won all this earth, to lose all earth and heaven; The other gave up all, that all to Him be given. The Greek forever died; the Jew for ever lives; He loses all who gets, and wins all things who gives. CHARLES ROSS WEEDE, in Now. MARCH, 1947
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The Christian Mission to Churchless Communities D arkest Am erica Is seeking to reach as many as possible of the thousands of communities that are without a witness for Christ. Your pray ers and gifts will help us to reach more of these needy places. For information address REV. HOMER STANLEY MORGAN Rm. 805, 140 Nassau St., New York 7, N. Y. THE POOR have the Gospel preached unto them in the mountains o f Arkansas. Missionary needs prayer and support, also donations of Bibles, colportage books, etc. Clothing for the needy will be gratefully received. “ W hatso ever He saith unto you, do it ." — John 2:5 R E V . E . M c L A IN , V olunteer W o rker B IB L E E V A N G E L IS T IC C R U S A D E D ardanelle A rk an sas KODACHROME Bible Slides Familiar scenes—Reverent in treatment. Full color 2"x2" slides in Eastman Ready- Mounts .50 ea. S.V.E. Binding .60 ea. Taped glass binding .65 ea. Send for free list. FRED V ISSER l3 9 '/2 S o . Westmoreland Ave. Ph. F E d e ra l 5008 Lo s Angeles 4, C a lif. LANTERN SLIDES o l , Glass slides, 2"xZ" and 3*4" *4 " from your films and snapshots. The exclusive service tor missionaries and Christian workers world wide, from whom many appreciative letters have been received. The old price of 60c a slide, colored. Either size. (Any quantity.) No lists. Phone CLeveiand 66129. C. WHITFIELD SIMS 6176 M yosotls S t. Lo * Angeles 42, C e llf. PAGE TWENTY-THREE
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