King's Business - 1947-03


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Kg For ever word Is settin ? io Thy fniti i generation' tablTshcd the abideth. it They cont

word Is a lamp

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1yo My flesh trembiuth *<» fear of tike ; and I am afraid ot thy judgments. 7 AIN. I3f I have dune judgment an ! justice: leave me not to min.* oppressors. 133 Be sure!y for thy servant for good: let not the proud op­ press me. 133 Mine eves fail tor thv salvation, and for the word of. UMIVSS.

I 7S I know. O L ord , that thy judgments arc right, and that thou in faithfulness hast af­ flicted me. 76 Let. I pray thee, thy ireryl- ful kindness he for my CO according to thy word ur servant. / / 77 Let thy tende£' come unto me, tjr tajr

my unto have sworn, and I will ¿¡¡¡¿m tt. that I will keep thy very J2k*n me. O LORD, according ^ « * 1 bo»*» «“»■ SLl». 0 lord , and tench n>c cotlUnunUy n' ay hnnd: do I not force1 thv law, , . . . 110 The wicked have laid • for me : yet I e tr 1 1 | *■ • xccc 'S. h . > JJdJ anda

light. 78 Let the p y for they d.' y me withal17 4 meditiitdr , * 70 Lei ! «


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■ is ffssi hast trodden down sH them that err from thy statutes. for their deceit is hfcehood. >19 Thou puttest «w ay nil the wicked ot the earth like

unto ni y 1 than hont* 104 Tin* get under I hate eve

not thy precepts. 88 Oulcken m lovingkindness ; keep the testini on mouth.

T O this end the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles endeavors to permeate the mind of every stu­ dent with the imperishable truths of the Bible. These students are being fitted for Christian service without charge to them for tuition, the expenses of this missionary and evangelistic training center being met by the freewill gifts o f the people o f God.

Send coupon below for booklet "L ife at Btola” describ­ ing the program of this School.

inw minimusms 558 S . Hop* S t. L o t Angeles 13, C a lif.

Photo bg Euilng Galloway We earnestly solicit the prayerful support o f Christian friends. The cost o f instructing one student for a year is $125 , but any gift, large or small, is gratefully received and promptly acknowledged.

G entlem en: Please send me the folder on “ personal sponsorship" of students.

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