Cife Insurance Js Zke fast Policy A Playlet by Inez Ware, First Year Biola Student CAST: Young Christian.
greatest advantage to young Chris tians. We guarantee that our policy holders will have good jobs and eventually, after working for several years, they may even retire. Of course, we don’t cater to anyone who wishes to go to the mission field, but I’m sure you don’t want to do anything that foolish. You may have heard of some of our salesmen: Mr. Pride, Mr. Conceit, and Mr. Selfish ness. Who won’t be happy if he is popular and has a lot of money? YOUNG CHRISTIAN: Both of your offers are interesting, I’m sure, but somehow something seems to be lacking. ANNOUNCER: This agent from the Living for Jesus Company may be able to help you. LIVING FOR JESUS REPRESENT ATIVE: Good morning: I see Worldly Pleasure and Social Success have al ready put in their bids for your pat ronage. But let me tell you from the Word of God about those two com panies. First of all, they are on Back slider Lane and are supervised by Mr. Satan, who delights greatly in customers he can find among young Christians. “Love not the world, nei ther the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him,” are the words of the Lord Jesus in First John 2:15. WORLDLY PLEASURE: This is where I leave. (Exits) LIVING FOR JESUS REPRESENT ATIVE: The Lord also said, “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall hum ble himself shall be exalted”. Again he commanded the rich young ruler to sell all his goods and to take up his cross and follow Him. Happiness is not gained by building personal wealth and. glory, but in yielding yourself to the will of God. SOCIAL SUCCESS REPRESENTA TIVE: This looks like ray finish. (Ex its) LIVING FOR JESUS REPRESENT ATIVE: You know, life insurance really is the best policy. Life that is used for the glory of God brings the only real happiness. If you take this policy you too can sing “Eternal In surance. Jesus is Mine.” AUDIENCE SINGS "Eternal Insur ance, Jesus is Mine” to the tune of “Blessed Assurance.” (Continued on Page S6J
Worldly Pleasure representative. Social Success representative. Living for Jesus representative. Announcer. SCENE: Atlantic Unmutual Insur ance Agency. ANNOUNCER: Most people know that there are several kinds of life insurance—accident, commercial, an nuity, etc. These policies not only provide for death benefits but for illness or accident while the Insured is still alive. In fact, there , . . YOUNG CHRISTIAN: (breaking in) Just a minute, please. ANNOUNCER: Yes, what do you want? Can I help you? YOUNG CHRISTIAN: All this talk f life insurance is very Interesting. But you won’t be able to help me I'm so confused. You see, I was re cently saved, and I am looking for some kind of insurance to guaran tee a happy Christian life. None of the companies around here seem to sell that type of insurance. ANNOUNCER: Well, you’ve come to the right place. This is the Atlantic Unmutual and we have all types of agencies with their representatives. One of the companies might have what you want. Here comes a repre sentative from the Worldly Pleas ure Company. WORLDLY PLEASURE: (bursting in, very boisterous and talkative) Good morning, good morning. I’ve had such a busy week selling insur ance from the Worldly Pleasure Company to young Christians, I haven’t had much time to get back to the home office on Backslider Lane. (Sees Mary) You look like a prospect. Say, did you know that the Worldly Pleasure Company offers more enjoyment than any other com pany? Why, you can go to shows, theaters, and dances. We even have a special offer this month only that allows you to spend all the money you might ordinarily give to church missionary work for any amuse ment you want You can’t beat those advantages. (To Mary) The Worldly Pleasure Company is doing a lot of business among Christians, I hear. SOCIAL SUCCESS: (bursting in; has a very conceited manner) Do I hear my friend from the Worldly Pleasure Company trying to sell his inferior brand of insurance around here? Why everyone knows that the Social Success Company offers the MARCH, 1947
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