King's Business - 1947-03

FOURTH CLUE When I had been preaching twen­ ty-two years, the Chaldeans carried away ten thousand captives, among them the boy Daniel. Eight years later, Babylon took captive thousands more, as I had prophesied. Through all of this, God kept me. I remained with my people, en­ treating them to repent and to re­ turn to God. They refused to the end to listen, and I died a martyr’s death in Egypt. With good reason, I am known as “the weeping prophet” and “the prophet with the broken heart.” Often I spoke to the people in symbols; for example, “the linen gir­ dle,” and “the potter and the clay." WHO WAS I? Handbook of World Events in the light of God's W ord; also digest of the most dependable prophetic thought. News and views gathered by Research Staff of American Prophetic League, Inc. S u b s c r i b e T O D A Y Trusted and appreciated for many years by Bible teachers over the world because of its dynamic information, sane presen­ tation and conviction-laden articles. Only $1, 1-yr. sub. You’ll wonder why you didn't have it before. Sample free. Write . . . P R O P H E C Y Box BB, Eagle Rock Sta., Los Angeles 41 EVEN IFYOII DON’TKNOW A NOTEOFMUSICNOW... You Can Learn Your Favorite Instrument This Easy A-B-C Way No special talent, no previous training need­ ed. This U. S. School home-study method is so successful because you learn to play by playing real tunes by note, right from the start. And just think, you can learn your fa ­ vorite instrument for a few cents a day. If interested, mail coupon for FREE Booklet and Print-and-Picture Sample. See for yourself how easy it is to learn any instrument, right at home, in spare time, without a pri­ vate teacher. MONTHLY Editors: Keith L . Brooks and Howard W . Kellogg

God gave me four visions: the four beasts, the two beasts, the prophecy of the seven weeks, and the vision of the conflict of kings. I recorded the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and the fiery furnace. Again, at the feast of Belshazzar, I interpreted the hand­ writing on the wall. My book and Revelation are closely related, although I was told that the words of my book were closed and sealed until the time of the end, and John was commanded to seal not the sayings of his book for the time of the end was at hand. WHO WAS I? I was the son of the priest Hilkiah, and lived at Anathoth, a village ’ a few miles north of Jerusalem. Born to the priesthood, I became a prophet. During forty years of faithful min­ istry, I was ridiculed, ignored, beat­ en, misrepresented, starved, mocked, threatened and cursed, by enemy and friend alike. Mine was an apparently fruitless ministry; I was tom between two “could not”s: it seemed I could not speak because of natural timidity and fear of persecution, yet I dared not refrain from speaking because of the urge of the Holy Spirit with­ in my heart. WHO WAS I? SECOND CLUE Although I was called before I was born, I never felt adequate for my mission; but I was not excused by God from service. He promised me His guardianship and I received the personal touch of God, as well as the divine message to deliver. I was fearful and reticent, and sometimes God had to encourage me, even to the point of threatening me, to keep me at the hard task of pub­ lic ministry. I lived before and during the cap­ tivity of Judah, and the burden of my message was to tell the nation that its judgment was at hand. III. FIRST CLUE After the good king Hezekiah died, King Manasseh set up idols in God’s house. Although judgment was post­ poned for the sake of the righteous king Josiah, Judah was doomed. I foretold "the times of the Gen­ tiles” and the seventy years of Babylonian captivity which I warned would comb if the people resisted God’s chastisement. WHO WAS I? WHO WAS I? THIRD CLUE

the king’s personal service, and ad­ vanced rapidly in iavor and in po­ litical power. My enemies paid me a tribute to which saints might aspire. They said of me, "We shall not find any oc­ casion against this . . . except we find it against him concerning the law of his God." That was why they raised an is­ sue between King Darius and Je­ hovah, but 1 defended the Lord and God saved me from the wrath and plots of my enemies. WHO WAS I? THIRD CLUE I am called three times “the greatly beloved” and of me God wrote only good. I 'was a man of strong purposes, yet I was gentle; I “requested” of the prince of the eunuchs that I might not defile myself with the king’s meat and wine, and proposed a ten days’ trial of another plan. I was lovable, for the prince of the eunuchs loved me tenderly, al­ though he was of a strange race. I was a thorough student of God’s Written word. I was brave, for I spoke fearlessly to kings; I worshiped God openly, although the penalty for it was death. My faith did not waver when I was cast into the depths, face to face with death. WHO WAS I? FOURTH CLUE Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had overturned David’s throne, car­ ried away the people, and possessed their lands. Like all Gentile kings to this day, he used the gift of power, not for God’s glory, but for his own. I received no special call, but the circumstances in which I was placed made for me both call and oppor­ tunity to speak for God. My book is divided into two parts of six chapters each. The first part relates historical facts, beginning with the rule of the Babylonian king, and continuing chronologically to Cyrus the Persian king. It refers to the Gentile powers which will rule the world in the last days. The second part describes visions, and refers to the character of these same Gentile powers.

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I interpreted King Nebuchadnez­ zar’s dream of the image, which was a prophetic outline of the future his­ tory of the world, and his dream of the tree that was cut down.


MARCH, 1947

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