King's Business - 1947-03



April 13, 1947 GOD AND I ARE PARTNERS 2 C or . 6 :1 ; E ph . 3:14-21.

CHRIST. Phil. 2:9. Since it is the will of God to give all things into the hands of His Son and to commit all judgment to Him, it is our wonderful privilege to join heartily in the great work of God exalting Christ Jesus in this world. God speaks well of Him; let us do so, too. God has committed all things into the hands of the Lord Jesus. Let us commit ourselves and our ways to Him. God offers Christ to lost men. Let us take Christ to them. God honors His Word. Let us also honor it. God in Christ lived separate from sinners. Let us also live a life of separation from all evil influences which hinder the working of the Spirit. Thus, we shall agree with God; we shall walk with Him, and serve Him acceptably with rev­ erence and godly fear.

suit in the salvation of souls? Will it enrich the Christians? Will it glorify God?’’ If the answer is “Yes,” God’s plan will be followed, and we will see fruit for His glory. 3. P A R TN E R SH I P IN UNDER­ STANDING. Eph. 5:17. Since God has given us His Word, it is our responsibility to know it in order that we may agree with Him. In Amos 3:3 we read, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” We know, of course, that they can-

In order to work with God, we must know God’s thoughts and un­ derstand In some measure His plans and desires. We can hardly expect to live at some distance from the Lord and still work with Him in­ telligently and acceptably. Enoch walked with God and was aware of His thoughts. Noah walked with God and knew His plans. Paul work­ ed with God and was acquainted with His desires. John was intimate with his Lord and was sensitive to the feelings of His heart. Walking with God is a heart matter, as well as a demand for the activities of the mind. God reveals Himself in His Word. Therefore, those who walk with Him intelligently and accept­ ably must know His Word wherein He reveals His will. Much that is called Christian work has really very little value and produces very poor results for eternity. Let us learn to serve as His Word teaches us. 1. PARTNERSHIP IN PLANNING. Acts 13:22. King Saul did not agree with God in His decisions, but God found in David one who would carry out His thoughts and His will. David dis­ covered that the ark could not be carried by the Israelites on a cart, as the Philistines carried it, but that it must be carried on the shoulders of the priests as the Lord had com­ manded. If we would work with God, we must plan our work in ac­ cordance with His revealed will. By prayer and yieldedness, God's plans become our plans for the winning of souls, the upbuilding of Christians, the spread of the Gospel, and min­ istry to both saint and sinner. As our plans fit God’s plans, we see definite results in the salvation of the lost and in the growth of Chris­ tians. 2. PARTNERSHIP IN WORKING. 1 Cor. 3:9. We read a description of the work of the Lord in John 6:29. This work consists of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, the work of God must be centered around the glorious Person of His Son. The work that we do must result in reaching hearts for Christ and in carrying the message of the Saviour to every­ one possible, if it is to be effective. There are many ways of doing this and as we plan with God and learn from Him through His Word, we become more efficient. In each Chris­ tian activity that we undertake, let us ask the questions, "Will this re

r r s AN IDEA REV. CARLTON C. BUCK IdM I. Why not contact your pastor, and volunteer the assistance of your Young People for the Good Friday services in your community? Idea 2. In the Easter meet­ ings, we should emphasize the fact, not only of the res­ urrection of Christ, but also of His living presence today. The song, “He Lives,” by A. H. Ackley, may be used ef­ fectively. Idea 3. In preparation for the four topics following Easter which concern stew­ ardship, the c ha l l eng i ng book by Guy L. Morrill, “Laughing Stewardship Through” (Richard H. Smith, Inc., New York, publisher) will be a real help. Idea 4. As part of the topic development for April 27, have each one in your grbup make a list of ten people in the community who are making definite life invest­ ments in Christian service. The results could be com­ pared in the evening meet­ ing.

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not. We must agree with God if the partnership is to be a success. We should know God’s mind about sin and about sinners. He hates the sin but loves the sinner. He tells us that the sinner is dead, in sin, blind, in the dark, an enemy of God, lost, helpless, and in need of the life-giv­ ing Saviour. As we understand God’s thoughts about this world and the people in it, we can join in with Him in perfect agreement and give to our fellowmen the rich remedies which God offers through the Lord Jesus Christ, His Word and His Spirit.

Here at Last! Footsteps of Faith Bible oourse for boys and girls covering the Old Testa­ ment In two years. Beautiful­ ly colored, large feltograph figures included.

Volumes 1 and 2, covering the Pentateuch, 7.">c each. 14 sheets of figures - - - $2.50 Volumes 3 and 4, covering Joshua through Malachi, 75c each, 18 sheets of figures $3.75 Tokens for each course, a set - - $ .05 Please add 5% for postage. Order at once. BIBLE CLI'B MOVEMENT 1505 Race Street Philadelphia 2. Pa.

MARCH 1047


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