King's Business - 1947-03

Ap ril 20, 1947 MONEY AS THE CHRISTIAN USES IT L uke 16:1-13;

THE N A V A JO B IB L E S CH O O L AND M ISSION A im s to evangelize and train N avajo Indians

1 C or . 16:1, 2. represent the human kingdom. These three enemies are quite busy doing their best to take away the riches of those who hoard for themselves. Let us invest for eternity. Let us give as liberally as possible to the One who gave His all to us and for us. 3. THE CHRISTIAN’S INVEST­ MENTS. Matt. 25:15; Luke 19:13. In these two passages of Scripture we read about the talents which refer to the quantity of our gifts and the pounds which refer to the quality of our gifts. Our blessed Lord looks from both viewpoints at the investments we make for Him. The atheist said, “I give gifts to the church regularly so they will leave me alone.” This m an had the quantity, but the quality of his giv­ ing was obnoxious to God. The widow threw in two mites. The quan­ tity was negligible, but the quality was of the highest order. We should always ask in regard to an invest­ ment, “How much of this money will reach its destination? Will it be used for the salvation of souls, and the blessing of Christians, when it does reach its destination? Is the work profitable for eternity that will be ac­ complished by these funds?” This will guide us as we spend for God. 4. THE CHRISTIAN OBTAINING MONEY. 1 Cor. 16:1. This passage indicates that in the early days the church evidently ob­ tained funds from the voluntary gifts of the Lord’s people. God’s work should be supported by God’s chil­ dren. The house of God should not be made a house of merchandise. Money should not be raised by heavenly bazaars and divine lunch counters. It is unthinkable among Christians that money should be raised by gambling devices, bingo, the selling of liquor, and other such evil methods as are used by one of our g r e a t e s t denominations. God never asks the devil’s children to support His work. Raffles of auto­ mobiles, turkeys, et cetera, have no place in God’s program. Those who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb should give heartily and gladly of their funds for the propagation of the life-giving Gospel. Please Mention The King's Business When Replying to Advertisements. TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Today God’s people are blessed with more funds than usual. Wages have been on the increase and the wise have increased their savings. There are two ways of investing these funds. They may be sent on ahead as our Lord requested: “Lay­ ing up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” They may be spent in the service of the King, or they may be invested in our own selves for our own increased comfort, joy, and prof­ it. We should investigate our spend­ ing to see whether we shall be glad for the way we spent our money when we stand before the judgment throne to give an account. Our Lord desires that each one of us shall be without shame and without sor­ row in that day when the desires of men are exposed in the light of His glory. Someone has said, “Live a life of no regrets.” This should apply to the way we spend the money which God has entrusted to us. 1. THE CHRISTIAN’S LOVE FOR MONEY. 1 Tim. 6:10. The Lord does not condemn the rich for having riches, but only for loving those riches. The Lord does not give credit for postmortem giving on the part of those who love their wealth too much to give it away in their lifetime. Christians are re­ warded for the deeds done “in the body.” Those who desire reward from the Lord must give it away before they die. The Christian's love should be centered in the .person and the work of our risen Lord. "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” When the heart loves itself, the money is spent on one’s self. If one looks through a glass window, he will see others, but if he looks at glass with silver on the back of it, he will see only himself. Let us not permit silver to come between us and others. 2. THE CHRISTIAN’S SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Matt. 6:19. Because our Lord loves us, He has commanded that we should not lay up treasures for ourselves, but rather lay them up in Heaven. Those who invest in the securities of Heaven may expect God to come to their rescue when the tide turns and ad­ versity attacks. Those who lay up for themselves here will find that moths will destroy; they represent the animal kingdom. Rust will de­ stroy; this represents the mineral kingdom. Men will destroy; they

50,000 Navajos— only 40 per cent of children in school; only 5 per cent of Nav ajos know Christ Funds and pray er needed. Liter ature sent on re­ quest. Address the Rev. Howard A. Clark. Window Rock, Arizona

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