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April 27, 1947 SERVICE AS THE CHRISTIAN INVESTS IT M a t t , 16:24-26; 25:14-30.
the Saviour and hating the world. They should make it easy for others to live for God a life of separation and devotion to His service. They should never invite anyone to par take in any questionable pleasure or practice which would hinder the work of the Spirit in the soul. Chris tians should help one _ another to know the Scriptures more fully, love the Lord more dearly, follow the Saviour more closely, and yield to the Spirit more completely. Thus each one will be a blessing as a child of God. 3. SERVICE FOR THE CHURCH COLLECTIVELY. Eph. 2:21,22. When we meet together as a church, it should be to form on earth each Lord’s Day and on other oc casions a place w h e r e God the Father, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit may feel at home and receive a welcome. The church is God’s house. The saved people in it are God’s people. The church is called His body, His temple, His family. For this reason all the music and ministry, teaching and conversation, should be for the purpose of glorify ing God, bringing joy to His heart and blessing to the people. Most of the time should be given to learning and teaching the Word of God. Everything else should be like the trimmings on the dinner plate, just to make it attractive. The young people should learn the Bible and God’s ways in the church so that they can be a great help and bless ing to the pastor in all the service and ministry of the congregation. 4. SERVICE FOR THE WORLD. Titus 2:14. There is sorrow throughout the world, broken hearts, disappoint ments, and burdens. The Christian will have many opportunities, both indivdually, and with groups, of showing forth the loving-kindness of God to the just and to the unjust. In the matter of temporal blessings, the Lord sends His rain, the sun shine, the increase of the field, and the blessings of health to both His own children and the children of the devil, without partiality. God is a good God. Let us partake of that same precious nature, showing kind ness to all. The story of the Good Samaritan is a good example. Where there is a need, there should be a loving Christian heart to help. With the physical aid, however, there must be spiritual help, else the service has no value for eternity. Let us do
All the service which the Christian renders for the Lord should be char acterized by a deep earnestness, a love for God, a love for men, and a deep regard for the Word of the Lord that the service may be rendered ac cording to His will. This service may be divided into three sections: wit nessing to the lost, helpful service to individual Christians, and an up building ministry for the church collectively. As Christians, we should check upon our service to see whether eternal results are being produced or whether we are just beating the air with much voice and much energy, but with no results in the souls and hearts of those whom we serve. In the Scriptures, service was centered in making known the truth of God and reach ing hearts for the glory of God. Ap parently nothing else was worthy of consideration. Everyone from the janitor to the bishop should examine his service to see what God is getting from it. 1. SERVICE FOR THE LOST. Phil. 1:18. Unsaved men everywhere need to know how to be saved. It is the privilege of every Christian to tell the Gospel story. The janitor or the church secretary may speak for the Lord. The ushers should do it, and the church treasurer. Each Sunday school teacher should be an expert at it, and so should the preacher. None of God’s children are shut out from this great and precious task. Everything that is done in or by the church, or in the young people’s society, should have as one of its objects the making known of God’s way of salvation to the lost. It is not enough just, to invite them to the meetings. They should be told the way of life. It is not enough to bring them to the bean soup suppers. The supper should just be a means of opening the way for the Gospel story. The music should bring to people’s hearts God’s message of salvation. 2. SERVICE FOR INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIANS. Gal. 6:2. It is God’s will that His people should be a blessing to one another. Christians should add to one an other’s joys and never add to each other’s sorrows. They should dry one another’s tears, not cause any tears. They should encourage one another, never throw a wet blanket on an other. Their ministry should be of such character as to promote loving
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our works of kindness in the Name of the Lord Jesds, as we are in structed in Colossians 3:17. Thus, the kindness we show is intimately link ed with the kindness of God, and the results will be both temporal and eternal, and God will receive the glory.
MARCH, 1947
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