King's Business - 1947-03

live in the palace. Saul’s son, Jona­ than, loved David with all of his heart. To prove his love, Jonathan gave David his beautiful robe, his sword and his bow. David became a great hero. Saul became angry because people talked more about the shepherd boy than they did about their king. One day, as David was playing his harp for Saul, Saul took a javelin (spear) and threw it at David. Another time David escaped from Saul again. At last Saul became afraid of David and told his servants and Jonathan that they must kill David! This com­ mand made Jonathan very sad be­ cause David was his dearest friend. The people loved the shepherd be­ cause he followed the Lord in all that he did. Secretly Jonathan met David and told him what his father, the king, planned to do. He told David to hide in the field until morning. Jonathan went into the field with his father, Saul, and reminded him of David’s bravery and goodness. Then Saul was sorry that he had tried to kill David and promised that David should live. Jonathan was happy. How great Jonathan’s love for his friend! Unselfishly, he gave David his clothes and then risked displeas­ ing his father by standing up for David. That was, of course, because Jonathan knew that David was right and his father was wrong. Perhaps you do not have an earth­ ly friend with love as great as this for you, but you may have God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your dearest Friend, just by receiving Him as your Saviour. He will give to you all that you need spiritually and physically, and will never fail to help you in time of trouble. Vitalize VOUR miniSTRV WITH £ sauna nuns These films will help to Increese the ettend- ance and Interest In your church, Sunday School, YoungPeople's meetings, and to take the Gospel to others. Thousands hare been converted to Jesus Christ, gone Into full-time Christian work, and become missionaries, as a result of using these films. You will nood • Sound Projector Writ« ut for • cs UI oq of th« rsmsrkabi« lifotim« MIRACLE sound projsctor, with ov«r • dOf«n nsw, sscluslvs and outstsndlno f«atur«s that mshs It • joy to own and uss. Lost w«toht. lonoor Ufa. qulstsr. troubls- proof, no oiling, brlohtar picturss, bsttsr sound, no dano«r of film damad«. *tc- It Is th« Idoal sound pro* jsetor for Christian woriars. BHPTISTH Films Dopt. KB, 32B W. Huroa 9L, Chicago 10, III.

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