“ T hings S urely to B e B elieved ,” A Primer of Bible Doctrine, by E. Schuyler English, Litt. D. This is the first in a series of four volumes to be written by Dr. English “for the confirmation of the faith.” There are twenty-two chapters, cov ering nearly every important doc trine of the Scriptures, including the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the incar nation, the virgin birth, creation, the fall of man, repentance, faith, regen eration and eternal security. There is a fine index, and the bibliography is complete. Not controversial, but convincing, spiritual, scholarly and readable, this book will prove a val uable contribution to the Bible teach er and student. 307 pages. Our Hope Press, 456 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $3.00. S outh F rom G uadalcanal , by Northcote Deck, F.R.G.S. This is an inspiring missionary story, an account of God’s grace at work in Rennell Island. 124. pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rap ids, Mich. Cloth. Price not given. O n B ible R eading , by A. D. Nor ris, Ph.D. Furnishing a bird’s-eye view of the Bible, this volume would be val uable to one who was beginning for the first time to read the Word of God from cover to cover. It lays out an orderly plan for reading, better than the hit-and-miss fashion em ployed by many Bible readers. 78 pages. Pickering & Inglis, Ltd., Lon- doni Cloth. Price 3/6 net.
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BY W IL L IA M W. O f t ft , P. P-
F rom S inai to C alvary , by Leh mann Strauss. (A Dispensationalist Views the Ten Commandments.) This volume is a series of mes sages, emphas i z ing present-day grace truth from the background of the God-given Decalogue. Dealing faithfully with material which is often ignored, Dr. Strauss points the way to a fuller use of these com mandments. 182 pages. Loizeaux Brothers, New York, N. Y. Paper. Price $1.00. T he A B C ’ s of S alvation , by J. J. Van Gorder. The author is a well-known pas tor and Bible Conference speaker who has chosen to express his thoughts on many Bible passages under an alphabetical sequence. To il lustrate, under “A” is “Ass’s Colt” dealing with the analogy of lost man and the proverbial ass; under “B” the birds sent out by Noah are described, showing the typology of the dove and the raven, etc. Some excellent material for pastor and layman is presented. 175 pages. Moody Press, Chicago, 111. Cloth. Price $1.50.
P lace of S prings , by Barbara C. Ryberg. A delightful and spiritually re freshing collection of short poems on the Christian life. 75 pages. Moody Press, Chicago, 111. Price $1.00. T he P rophetic P arables of M at thew T hirteen , by Arthur W . Pink- A sound, premillennial interpreta tion of this much misunderstood chapter. Dr. Pink shows that these seven parables constitute a prophetic foreview of the present age. The key to their understanding is cor rectly stated to be the two parables interpreted by our Lord Himself. 102 pages. Kentucky Bible Depot, Cov ington, Ky. Paper. No price given. S unday S chool P rograms for I n termediates , by Mary Alice Biby. Here is a valuable volume for teachers of the ages from 13 to 16 in the Sunday school. There is a divi sion of material under the headings: Doctrinal; Evangelistic; Church Mem bership; Christian Living; My Life for Jesus; Missions; Special Days and Miscellaneous. Each chapter contains an opening worship serv ice, complete with hymns, medita tions, seed thoughts for the leader’s message with an appropriate illus tration, and Scripture suggestions. This should prove a veritable treas ure to leaders of Intermediates, not only in the Sunday school, but in young people’s groups as well. 276 pages. Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn. Cloth. Price $1.50. A ll O ut for G od , by Walter R. Alexander. A biographical sketch of the life of John C. Cowell, young Southern evangelist and pastor, who went to be with the Lord at the age of 43. It is a good account of what one young man can accomplish when he is ‘‘all out for God,” and should be especially helpful to students in training for Christian work. The volume includes three of Dr. Cowell’s sermons. 140 pages. Moody Press, Chicago, 111. Cloth. Price $1.50. MARCH, 1947
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