April 27/ 1947 K indness O f A
(Continued from pp. S0-S1) Answers to Bible Question Game I. Ezekiel. II. Daniel. III. Jeremiah. Read the Bible Through in One Year SYSTEMATICALLY, INTELLIGENTLY 20 Minutes Each Day Begin Any Time. Write for Full Details WINONA TAKE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Fellowship Dept., Winona Lake, Indiana The Graham Minister's Service Box 307 Station “ A,” St. Petersburg, Fla. Useable Sermon Briefs Unique Feature Services Workable Organization Plans Intriguing Bible School Lessons We invite your correspondence “Service is our privilege” “ Satisfaction, your experience” For Twenty-five Cents Over 100 sample assortment of more At tractive Gospel Tracts, Motto Cards and Booklets, all thoroughly sound. THE SA LVAT ION TRACT SO C IETY Publishers & Distributors of Sound Gospel Literature Crafton Sta., Pittsburgh 5, Pa. TRI-STATE BIBLE CONFERENCE A Christ-centered vacation conducted by the Old-Fashioned Gospel Hour. Speakers have included: Armstrong, Bus- well, Conant, Gremmels, Keeney, McNeely, Massee, Melconian, Neighbour, Palmer, Pettingill, Phiipott, Shepherd, Zeoli and many others. Advantages of Mountains, Seashore and Country^ Restful, Beautiful, Wonderful Meals, Reasonable Rates. A great pro gram will shortly be announced for this season. Send for free illustrated folder. ELM O L BATEMAN , Director Irvington II, New Jersey A PENNY A DAY! (Not such a large sum’ to invest for eternity) Will Give Spiritual sight to the Blind HOW? For information write to THE C H R I S T I A N A SSO C IA T ION FOR TH E BLIND, INC. 43« East 141st Street, New York 54, N. T. C. E. Gremmels, Pres. J. E. Bennet, Treas Guided by Experienced Teachers Receive Bible Reader’s Certificate
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CASH PAID FOR YOUR BOOKS. SEND a list or write for details. We reimburse shipping cost. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids 6, Mich. TONGUES SHALL CEASE ANSWERS the Tongues delusion. 100, 50 cents. Help us distribute it. B. A. Booster, 2225 West 62nd, Seattle. BIBLE FELTS FOR CHILD EVANGE- lism. Wool felts painted with oil. Write for price list. Blackwood Studio, 1724 Burwell, Bremerton, Wash. SINGERS—NEW &UETS YOU’LL AL- ways enjoy. “Sacred Inspirational Duets,” joyously singable, easy, medium. Twelve numbers in 29-page book, 50c. No stamps. Braun Music Publications, 1505 N. 27th St., Milwaukee, Wis. BIBLE FILMSTRIPS (600 PICTURES) $24. Also projectors, filmstrips. See our other advertisements on this page. Christian Ed ucation Company, Dept. K, Box 31, High land, 111. BARGAIN! 8 LOVELY “ SUNSHINE Line” Scripture-Text Birthday Greetings with envelopes, only 35c. Order today! Crusader, Dept. K., Seward, Nebr. WANTED—MAN TO SERVE IN THE Field Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Apply Director, Extension Department, 558 So. Hope St., Los An geles 13, Calif. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN any quantity for distribution to the un saved: “What Have YOU Done With CHRIST?” “ The Most Important Question of Today,” “Judge or Saviour,” “ The Res urrected Body,” “Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the WORLD’S HISTORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kans. CORRECT AND-SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poem, assured editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and printed. New book. Poetic Me tre—Explained, 25c. Est. 1918. Raymond Iden, (K.B.) Mount Vernon, Ohio. R O L L S D E V E L O P E D , E X T R A E N - larged prints, 8 exposures, 30c; 12 expo sures 40c; 16 exposures 50c. Reprints 10 or more, 4c each. 5x7 enlargements 25c. 8x10 40c. Write for souvenir. Mt. Horeb Photo Service, Box 583, Mt. Horeb, Wis. WRITE ARTICLES, STORIES, ETC. FOR God’s glory. Free course. Appreciate 50c to help cover cost of advertising, postage, etc. Pacific School, Box 482, Bellflower, Calif. WILL DEAD MEN LIVE AGAIN? 127- page book 20c postpaid. P. O. Box 446-K, Minneapolis, Minn. WILL YOU HELP PREACH THE GOS- pel with Scripture tracts—500 assorted $1, 100 assorted 25c. All money received is used for the Lord’s work. Scripture Tracts, 90 Coral St., Paterson 2, N. J. SEND POSTCARD FOR LIST OF BIBLE Story, Organ, Chimes, and Sacred Rec ords. E. J. Thomas, Box 501, Los An geles 25, Calif. “ SONGS OF LOVE AND TRUST,” AND “ Loving Songs,” two books, containing 197 new hymns. Restful, lifting melodies. Seri ous, comforting words. Each book 75c, both $1.25. Rev. Fred M. Waehlte, Mulino, Ore. THE WILSON INDEX SYSTEM OF FIL- ing and indexing. Designed for needs of clergymen and other Bible students. Cir culars upon request. Wilson Index Com pany, East Haddam, Conn. PAGE FORTY-SIX
Object: A piece of paper 8% x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap Vi. inch wide. In this space, print the word “DAVID.” Open the folds, and using the letters in the word “DAVID,” complete the following words, “KINDNESS , REVEALED, FAVORED, MEPH IBOSHETH , DAILY.” Begin the lesson with the flaps closed.) Lesson: We see the word “DAVID” printed on this piece of paper, and immediately we think of his great kingdom. It is interesting to watch and see what a man does when he becomes famous. When David reached the throne of Israel, he inquired, “Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” (2 Sam. 9:1). He did not forget the one who had loved him so dearly-, his old friend Jonathan. He was told about a son of Jonathan who was a cripple, named Mephibosheth. If we open the paper, we shall find the story briefly told. We read, "KINDNESS REVEALED, FAVORED MEPHIBOSHETH DAILY.” This is exactly what happened. David the king ordered Jonathan’s crippled son to come and live with him in the-palace. All his needs were supplied by the king, and he ate at the king’s table, like the sons of the king. This story reminds me of the story of salvation. Because of a fall, this man was lame in both feet. Because of the fall into sin by Adam and Eve, sinners do not live as God wants them to. The king invited the lame man to the palace, and the Lord Jesus, our king, invites sinners to come to Him and live with Him for ever. STRENGTHEN CHRISTIAN HOMES BY introducing The Christian Parent, monthly parent magazine on Bible basis (includes daily devotions for children) $2.00 year. The Children’s Hour, weekly paper with stories that help children love Jesus, 50 cents year, less In quantity. Same price Little Folks Story Time for children from 3 to 8. See our other advertisements this page. Christian Education Company, Dept. K, Box 31, Highland, 111.
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