King's Business - 1947-03

Y ou can share the W o rd with others and receive an incom e f o r life f o r yourself— easily and simply through the Annuity Agreement plan o f the American B ible Society. Why not jo in the thousands o f grateful owners o f these Agreements— those who REGULARLY receive their checks at stated intervals— those who have that pleasant satisfaction o f know ing that their agree­

ment has over 100 years o f success be­ h ind it. And, too , wouldn’ t it give you a glow o f satisfaction to know that you are sharing in the w ork o f distributing the Scriptures to m illions throughout the w orld ? “ A G ift That Lives” tells you o f this grand Plan and how it works. W ill you not let us send you this b ook le t?

Mail the Coupon Today!

American B ible Society, 4 50 Park Avenue, New Y o rk 22, N.Y. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-78 entitled “ A Gift That Lives.“





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