King's Business - 1933-03


March, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

march with them, or to hinder those who would march against them. Recently the. Soviet Government issued a special and most significant postage stamp. It was issued to commemo­ rate the tenth anniversary o f the Red army’s cavalry. We present herewith a picture made from one o f these stamps. The flag carried by the leading horseman is blood red-Sthe flag o f Russia’s Red army, and the emblem of world com­ munism. The black line, apparently marking the pathways, is likewise red on the original stamp— the red pathway of Gog. The designer o f this stamp probably never read a line of the Apocalypse. Y et who, familiar with the Bible, can look upon this stamp and fail to think of the four famous horsemen of Revelation 6, starting forth on their ride to judgment and to death? These appear to be setting the world afire as they ride. Note the Sea of Azov. They seem to be heading toward Palestine. Did God guide the hands of Gog’s workman in the making o f this stamp, to the end that it should speak to those who have ears to hear in

filthy and blasphemous for us to relate in print—we can well understand why profaning the name of Jehovah is one o f the express charges that will bring fearful judgment on the head o f Gog. W e can understand why God said, thinking o f the overthrow o f G og : “ And my holy name will I make known in the midst o f my people Israel; neither riñll I suffer my holy name to be profaned any m ore: and the nations shall know that I am Jehovah, the Holy One in Israel” (Ezek. 3 9:7, R. V . ) . Above all, it is decreed that the minds o f Russian childhood must be hopelessly diseased with the insanity o f utter hate for God and the moral and spiritual realm over which God reigns. All Russian schoolmasters are required to carry on an anti-God propaganda. To refuse, means dismissal. Even relatives of a teacher may not sym­ pathize with any religion acknowledging a Supreme Being. A Russian teacher, for instance, placed a picture on the wall of the schoolroom, representing God as a little old man with a long white beard, and then had the little athe­

istic cubs shake their paws at Him and spit at Him. The Children’s Communist League says: “ W e will climb up into the heaven and sweep away the gods.” There is a story we read somewhere once upon a time, of some she-bears that came forth out o f a woods! This story might be instructive to these young would-be God- destroyers. Yet, on the other hand, only infinite pity should be felt for the Soviet youth, who, between the ages of two and twelve years, were denied

these momentous hours? If these ride forth to the moun­ tains of Israel, they will ride forth never to return! With Gog’s hordes pre­ pared and threatening, disarm­ ament in other nations is but a dream. The whole world is slumbering over the most gi­ gantic munition dumps it has ever known! But thus spake the prophet: “ Behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, . . . Proclaim ye this among the na­

tions ; prepare war; stir up the mighty men; . . . Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning-hooks into spears: . . . Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye na­ tions” (Joel 3:1, 9-11). That is Jehovah’s challenge to the godless nations of all the earth, to assemble in “ the valley o f decision” (Joel 3 :1 4 )! A significant name, indeed! Then, oh, glorious sight: “ Thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Jehovah.” But wait, in our anxiety to get beyond the odor of powder-smoke to the breath o f the blooming roses, we have run ahead of our story. Crushing military weights never leave nations at ease. They never make for peace. How soon, we know not, but the nations all are standing tiptoe in the agony of expec­ tancy. One of these days, history will repeat! Some prince is going to be shot. Some statesman’s pen will slip. Re­ veille will sound! Quickly it will reverberate from nation to nation. The march will begin! “ I have tried to picture the average student o f the better class exactly as we find him here in Japan, bumptious but refreshingly naive, fiercely patriotic, but warm in his love of nature, and easily led Godward by the winsome and Spirit-filled missionary.” Thus writes Opal Leonore Gibbs, the consecrated mis­ sionary and gifted author whose charming three-installment story, beginning in April, is a happy combination of humor and pathos—a relaxation and a joy to read. It is true, as the author states, that people are very tired these days, and stories are restful and entertaining. When they go farther, as this serial does, and show how a hungry heart opens sweetly and beautifully to the Saviour, they are doubly refreshing. Jinsaburo’s Journal I n the A pril K ing ’ s B usiness

the love of a mother, the guidance of a father, the protec­ tion of a home, and have been innocent victims of a system notoriously immoral and godless, wherein every publicly spoken or printed word, every avenue of instruction, every source of information, every book, magazine, and newspaper, every school and club, every lecture platform, every radio speech, theatrical performance, and moving picture has been and is being used solely for the propaganda o f an inexorable political machine. Even when there is a death, the slightest semblance of a Christian burial is re­ garded as a crime against the State, and it calls for a heavy penalty.. We need not wonder that while in 1926, the Russian Alliance of the Militant Godless numbered only 120,000, in 1928 it reached 500,000; in 1929, 2,000,000; that it now numbers 4,000,000; and that it actually may reach the goal it has set, 17,000,000 in. 1933. Already the organ­ ization has 40,000 local groups. Communism determines to make Russia a nation of 180,000,000 atheists. Then, with Russia as its filthy base, it will ride forth for world conquest. Awful as the sins o f Russia’s children may be, they have been more sinned against than they have sinned. As God is just, the judgment of Gog must be terrible when it comes. And it comes on apace! G og F urther P repares By October 1, 1933, the Soviet plans to have 17,000 of its citizens in some form o f military and aviation activities. Women and girls, as well as men and boys, must train their eyes to glance quickly and effectively down rifle bar­ rels. Eighteen thousand trained pilots now drone in the air above the military aviation stations. The largest stand­ ing army in the world awaits only the bugle’s note to march! And millions of their comrades now scattered throughout the world are preparing (as in China) to

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