King's Business - 1933-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1933

world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). Approach: Most o f the time, Jesus had been teaching and preaching to the Jewish people. Jesus belonged to the Jewish na­ tion Himself, so He brought the gospel message to them first o f all. But He did

is the Saviour we have to offer to all who will accept Him, and, as this lesson so clearly reveals, the only method of accept­ ing either Himself or what He has to give is by simple faith. Lesson Questions Vs. 24-26. How many instances can you recall when Jesus' presence could not be hid? From another gospel, what would you say was this woman’s attitude in ap­ proaching Jesus? Vs. 27, 28. How does this explain Jesus’ reply? How was the woman’s strong faith expressed ? Vs. 29, 30. Show how her faith was com­ mended and confirmed. Contrast the promptness and completeness o f Jesus’ healing with the methods used by so-called healers today. Vs. 31-35. In what way is this man a type o f the unsaved? In a spiritual sense, does the Lord require separation before divine blessing can be received? How complete was the restoration in this case? Vs. 36, 37. Was Jesus’ command obeyed? How did it differ from His command to us today? Golden Text Illustration There is a strange tribe of natives in Africa, who are said never to count. They know nothing o f arithmetic. A gentleman asked one of them how many oxen he had. “ Don’t know,” replied the native. “ Then how do you know if one or two are missing?” The reply was striking and beautiful, “Not because the number would be less, but because of a face that I would miss.” So the Good Shepherd knows every sheep o f His flock.—T he C entury B ible . Little Neighbors M ark 7:24-37 Memory Verse: “ Go ye into all the Lesson T ext: Mark 8:27-38. Golden T ext: “Whosoever will come af­ ter me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Mk. 8 :34). Caesarea Philippi e spoke last week o f the abundance of water in the regions of Tyre and Sidon. The district around Caesarea Philippi is even more abundantly supplied. Indeed there is so much water here that much of the land must be drained if it is to be used for agriculture. It is

Is thi s Ca r e f r ee , Rol l ick ing J u n i o r in y o u r C l a s s ?

not stop there. He came to help any­ one who needed help, and w h o w o u l d come to Him for it. L e s s o n S t o r y : One time Jesus left the country o f the Jews and went into another country. He had gone to rest. But when people heard that He was there,

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they came to get help from Him. Among them was a foreign woman whose little daughter was very sick. She did not know much about Jesus. She did not think of Him as the Son of God, come to save people from their sins. But she knew that He had healed people’s bodies, and she begged Him to help her child. Jesus knew that she had great faith. He told her to go back to her home, for her child was healed. She be­ lieved and found that it was sp. On the way back to His own country, Jesus stopped to cure a deaf and dumb man. Jew or Gentile, people were all the same in His sight. When we see people from other coun­ tries, perhaps we think they are strange be­ cause they look different, or talk differ­ ently, or dress differently from us. We for­ get that we seem just as strange and just as different to them. But none of us seem strange to God. He made us all. Jesus came to this world to help us all, and He tells His friends to go to all people every­ where and tell them about Him. ceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think. The City of Banias, the ancient Caesarea Philippi, is in striking contrast to its beau­ tiful surroundings. It is a mean village of a few miserable huts which are squalid and dirty. Because of the constant seepage of water, and the presence of many trees which always shade the ground, the paths are damp and soggy. Thus the houses are denied that greatest of all disinfectants, sunshine. We shall not remain long within the vil­ lage, but go to the hill just west of the town from which we have an excellent view over the surrounding country. We find that between us and the hills to the west is a little valley about five or six miles across. It is green with the abundant grass of this district. The banks of the Jordan, which flows westward for a short distance before it heads south, are bordered with bright pink oleanders. This district might well have been the garden spot of Syria in the days of our Lord. We have ample evi­ dence of its advanced state in the Roman bridges and aqueducts which still remain.

Brimful of life, bubbling over with activity and the joy of living, these agile, vigorous Juniors challenge the Sunday School teacher’s best. Meet the challenge with Standard Lessons, Graded and Uniform, and special helps to make your Junior Depart­ ment outstanding in interest and ef­ fectiveness. Create in the mind of the child during these habit-forming years an interest in and a love for the Bible. Send today for FREE PACKET* containing complete information and samples of Junior Department sup­ plies and specimen lessons . . . every­ thing Christ Centered and True to the Bible. Similar packets available also for Beginners and Primary De­ partments. ^Because our supply of Free Packets is lim­ ited they will be sent only to ministers, su­ perintendents or teachers actively interested in Junior Departments. The Standard Publishing Co. Dept. KB-3 8th and Cutter Sts. Cincinnati, Oh’.o to one o f the famous prophets whose mes­ sages they had heard. To some, He was John the Baptist, the prophet who had re­ minded them o f their sin and need o f re­ pentance. To others, He was Elijah, the prophet whose voice had vindicated and maintained the law. To still others, He was as Isaiah, recalling them to the worship of the true God, while to another group He was as Jeremiah, reviving them and lead­ ing them back to their God. But however great they deemed Him to be, He was still only a man to them. They were ready to accord Him a high place among the fa­ mous of the earth, but they were not ready to grant Him the place which He Himself claimed. This is the attitude o f many today who close their eyes to the fact that if Jesus is not more than all the prophets who went before Him, if He is not indeed, as He claimed to be, very God o f very God, then we have no gospel and no salvation, and we are left just where the people o f Old Tes­ tament times were left, helpless and hope­ less in our sinfulness.


here that the River J o r d a n h a s i t s source. T h e r e is something aw e-in ­ spiring in the source o f the Jordan. It does not gather to­ gether many little trickling rills, which meander down slop­ ing meadows, and make o f them one

large, smooth flowing river. But with a mighty roar, it springs from the very bowels of historic old Hermon, a full-born river, and dashes off on its way to join the waters o f Galilee and the Dead Sea. We sat for hours watching those crystal-clear waters as they gushed from the rocks in a mighty torrent. They spoke to us of the everlasting God, who always provided ex­

Outline and Exposition I.

T he C onfession of H is P erson (27-30). All who came in contact with Jesus on earth were agreed that He was one o f the great figures o f history. They likened Him

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