King's Business - 1933-03

March, 1933


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Doing evil that good may come is an in­ sidious danger besetting each Christian. Such a spirit is to be cast off, as one would cut off the hand that offends. This verse, o f course, is not to be taken literally; the offense is not in the hand itself but in the mind that moves the hand. It is the mind o f self-seeking that is to be cast away at whatsoever cost. What is condemned in another is frequently allowed in oneself. Unholy ambition for place, power, wealth, or anything of the earth is the snare that Satan uses to warp spiritual perception and to hinder the Christian’s going on with the Lord. The true ambition for every Chris­ tian, found in 2 Corinthians 5 :9, is to be “ well pleasing to the Lord.” Lesson Questions Vs. 33-37. Jesus was able to read men’s thoughts; what did this prove concerning Him? What constitutes, true greatness? Did the disciples aspire to this? What re­ ply did they make? What characteristics o f a child should be seen in a Christian? As children o f God, how are Christians to be received? Vs. 38-41. Did Jesus teach that every­ thing done in His name bore His stamp of approval ? Or did He mean to rebuke pre-. j udice and exclusiveness ? Who, besides the disciples, had been guilty of this (Num. 11 : 26-29)? Vs. 42, 43. What does the word “offend” mean hère? Did Jesus teach that future punishment is everlasting? Golden Text Illustration One of the original bulwarks o f the so­ ciety called Quakers, and the founder and legislator of Pennsylvania, was the son of Admiral Sir William Penn. When, in 1861, Charles II conferred by patent on Penn and his heirs the province of Pennsylvania, Penn wrote in the most affectionate terms to the Indians, expressing his wish to hold the lands not only by the king’s patent, but also by their consent and, love. “ Peace­ makers” were appointed to prevent expen­ sive lawsuits. He settled the administra­ tion o f the colony on the firmest basis of justice, and taught the people, by example as well as by precept, the advantages of diligence and economy, and the happiness o f sobriety and order. When he left Penn­

sylvania in 1684, he went with the affection of the settlers and the veneration of the In­ dians. “Love is the fulfilling of the law.”

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My Playmates M ark 9:33-43

Memory Verse: “ Be ye kind one to an­ other, tenderhearted, forgiving one an­ other” (Eph. 4:32). Approach: Jesus’ disciples had so many things to learn! They were with Jesus for three years. They watched Him go about among the people, never thinking about Himself, always helping others. Many

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times His disciples forgot to be like Him. L e s s o n S t o r y : One day, as Jesus a n d H is disciples were walking along, He heard them quar­ reling among them­ selves. He asked them what the t,rou- ble was. They were silent because they

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were ashamed, for on the way, they had quarreled as to which one was the greatest among them., Jesus knew their thoughts, and He knew what they had been saying. He needed to teach them how wrong this was. He took a little child and stood him before them and said, “Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth m e: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.” A little child does not think that he is very big and important, and this was the way that Jesus wanted His disciples to feel. If they were busy thinking how important they were, they would be forgetting the importance of the work they had to do. They were God’s messengers, and the mes­ sage that they had to tell was so important that they would not have time to think about themselves and quarrel as to who was greatest. Sometimes children quarrel. Perhaps one child always wants to be first, or al­ ways wants to choose the game; or perhaps one child is always angry when another child wins. If children act like this, they should remember, too, that Jesus told His disciples to be “kind one to another.” The land over Jordan forms a great plateau which stretches all the way from Mount Hermon on the north to the desert of the south. Most of it consists in slightly rolling plains, but here and there some higher eminences rear their heads and have become historic. The mountains of Gilead and Mount Nebo are two in par­ ticular. There were few large cities there, but there are some of the most interesting ruins in all the Holy Land in this seldom visited region. At Amman, the ancient capital o f the land o f Moab, there are ex­ tensive ruins which date from the Roman period. A beautiful Greek theater is in very good state of preservation. At Jerash, there are ruins of many sorts, which are of peculiar interest to archaeologists. At Ma- .deba, near Mount Nebo, is a convent in which is a very ancient mosaic floor. This floor contains a map o f that region as it mysterious country, seldom visited by tour­ ists, yet the site of many great events of Biblical history and of the ruins of ancient cities.

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Lesson T ext: Mark 10:13-27. Golden T ext: “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them like­ wise” (Lk. 6:31). Over Jordan T h e first verse of the tenth chapter of Mark tells us that Jesus came into - the borders of Judaea on the other side of the Jordan. It was there that the events described in our lesson o f today took place. Since earliest times, the land

“over Jordan” has been intriguing. It was so fair to some of the Israelites that they wished to settle there rather than in the land of Caanan itself. Throughout history, it has re­ mained the land of mystery. Today it is

called Transjordania, just the same as it was in Bible times. It is still the same

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