King's Business - 1933-03



March, 1933

V. S entence S ermons “ Too many petitions are mere repeti­ tions.” “ The life of prayer is the life of power.” “ Prayer is not beggary, but communion.” “ Prayer is not the conquering of God’s reluctance, but the taking hold of God’s willingness.” “ If we would have God hear what we say to Him by prayer, we must be ready to hear what He says to us by His Word.” VI. B ible V erses on P rayer “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” “ Be careful for nothing; but in every­ thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”

Discussion Material I.

A Noteworthy Record B y E dwin N oah H ardy

F inal P roducts of S in " and S alvation A German poet illustrates the greatness of our salvation thus: A gentleman, after a most examplary life in Christ, died. The gate of heaven opened, and he was wel­ comed as an heir of glory. One of the glorious ones was commissioned to be his conductor and teacher. First, he took him to a point where he could see the most fearful representation o f sin in its fruits o f misery. The objects of horror made him shudder. Then his guide bade him look farther and farther down in the dis­ mal vault, and he saw the most hideous and terrible of beings, the fruit of sin. “That,” said his guide, “is what in the ages o f eternity you would have been had you gone on in sin.” His. guide next took him to a point from which could be seen the glories o f the re­ deemed. He saw rank after rank o f angels, seraphim, and cherubim, dwelling in in­ effable glory. He bade him look beyond these; and in the far distance he beheld a being transcendently more radiant and glo­ rious, around whom floated the soft music of unspeakable sweetness and joy. “That,” said the guide, “is yourself many ages hence. Behold the glory and bliss to which the salvation o f Jesus will bring you.”—S elected . II. S eeing H im F ace to F ace Referring to one of Fanny Crosby’s hymns, “ Saved by Grace,” Mr. Moody said that it was one of the best hymns written in the present century. When one remem­ bers that the writer was blind, and that she would rather be blind and able to write such hymns than to have her eyesight and not be able to write them, there is added path&s to the beautiful sentiment: Some day the silver cord will break, And I no more as now shall sing; But, oh, the joy when I shall wake Within the palace of the King! And I shall see Him face to face, And tell the story—saved by grace. III. T urning C onviction into A ction The general invitation still comes to all who hear the gospel. The dawn of every Sabbath brings it. It is repeated in every gospel sermon; it comes to us in the read­ ing o f the Bible in public and in private. Many concede that it would be a good thing to be a Christian, byt they do not ac­ cept the invitation. Then comes the more particular and per­ sonal invitation. Will you now be a Chris­ tian ? Will you confess your faith, and let the world know whose you are and whom you serve? Won’t you accept the challenge to turn conviction into action and join the ranks of the soldiers o f Jesus Christ?—S talker . .

In the general undermining and upheaval, which has been caused by the financial crisis of commercial enterprises, long es­ tablished institutions, and not a few social and religious organizations, there is fre­ quently an interesting revelation of exist­ ing conditions which otherwise might not claim special attention. This is eminently true o f the American Tract Society, the century-old interdenom­ inational and evangelical agency of the churches for the publication and circulation of Christian literature in many languages. A host of friends will be glad to hear that the Society has successfully withstood the financial storm and its disastrous results. By strict economy, wise management, and the adoption of the best-tested up-to-date business principles, it is maintaining the splendid records of the past three years, the highest reached in many decades, and meanwhile it has steadily improved the quality of its service. Financially thus far, the Society has suffered no loss of invested funds and only a slight shrinkage of the income therefrom. In a time of nation-wide spiritual de­ clension and religious indifference, when atheism is rampant and liberalism dom­ inant, it is a pleasure to report that the Society has in nowise deviated from the sound evangelical principles loyally held for more than a century. For the past three years, it has published and distributed an annual average of five million carefully selected pieces of Christian literature— Bibles, hymnals, books, pamphlets, and tracts in many languages, which have ex­ alted the message, mission, and deity of the Lord Jesus Christ—and it has championed the Bible, the observance o f the Sabbath, the church, and our cherished institutions. Because of the above facts, as we sin­ cerely believe, God has wonderfully blessed the Society and this should cause no sur­ prise, for it accords with. His promises. It is impossible to estimate the good accom­ plished by the national and world-wide broadcasting of evangelical truth. The So­ ciety avoids duplication of services and centers its ministry where the need is greatest, and where, to a large extent, the work otherwise would be left undone. John 3:16 GOD (the greatest lover) SO LOVED (the greatest degree) THE WORLD (the greatest company) THAT HE GAVE (the greatest act) HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON (the greatest gift). THAT WHOSOEVER (the greatest op­ portunity) BELIEVETH (the greatest simplicity) IN HIM (the greatest attraction) SHOULD NOT PERISH (the greatest promise) BUT (the greatest difference) HAVE (the greatest certainty) ETERNAL LIFE (the greatest posses­ sion). ' —S elected .

APR IL 30, 1933 STORIES JESUS TOLD M atthew 21:28-32; 22:1-10 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“For You I am Praying.” Hymn—“Jesus Is Calling.” Prayer. Hymn—“Whosoever Heareth.” Scripture. Solo— “Love Sent My Saviour.” Testimonies. Leader’s Message. Quiet Hour. Closing Hymn—“Jesus Calls Us.” Benediction—Numbers 6 :24-26. Meditation on the Lesson M atthew 22:1-10

Trench remarks, “ In this parable, we see how the Lord is revealing Himself in ever clearer light as the central Person of the kingdom, giving here a far plainer hint than in the last parable o f the nobility of His descent. In Matthew 21:33 to 46, He was indeed the Son, the only and beloved One o f the Householder; but here His race is royal, and He appears as Himself at once the King and the King’s Son.” In this parable of grace, God appears as giving something to men, for grace is “ God bestowing.” God had “sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden,” meaning the Jews who were “ bidden,” from the first choice o f them onward through every summons addressed to them by the prophets, to hold themselves in readiness for the “wedding.” It is a sad comment—“and they would not come.” Then the story tells us that He sent other servants after Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, saying, . “My oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.” Again we see indifference, hostility, and spiteful treatment. “ But when the king,” who is God Him­ self, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, “heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.” This was literally fulfilled in A. D. 70, when Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus and his Roman army. Then the world-wide call went forth— through the great outlets o f tow;n and coun­ try wherever men were found—“the high­ ways and hedges.” Jews, Gentiles, Samar­ itans, good and bad, were invited; and thus the wedding was “ furnished with guests.” It is a beautiful picture of the “marriage supper” o f the Lamb, to which we are ur­ gently invited.

A SERIES OF VITAL STUDIES IN Present and Future Fulfillment o f B ible P rophecy IS NOW RUNNING IN THE CH R IST IAN V ICTORY M AG A Z IN E Christian people should be acquainted with the remarkable way world conditions now coincide with God’s prophetic picture of the “ latter days” in the Bible. Be sure to read, “ The Day of Jacob's Trouble” in the March Issue. Christian Victory Magazine has just the inspirational and edifying messages each month the Lord's people need in times like these. Subscription, $1.00 a year. Trial Subscription, 3 mos. 25c. Published by THE CHRISTIAN VICTORY PUB. CO., 2909 Umatilla St., Denver, Colo., Fred J. Meldau, Editor

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