King's Business - 1933-03

March, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


(C rum b s from THE K ING ’S TABLE . . . By the E ditor

ing socialism. None of us knows much about economics, but some preachers seem to know nothing at all. They are very apt to study under some half-baked college professor who has never handled a payroll or had any knowledge of practical affairs. Mr. Coolidge’s analysis is deadly accurate. The minis­ ter’s field is the Word o f God. To expound the Word of Godj and to show that Christian character is the character o f Christ implanted through the channel of faith and sus­ tained and built up by the Word, is the work of the minister. It is for him to show that Christianity is not an imita­ tion o f Christ, but an imputation o f the righteousness of God and the impartation of the life o f Christ in our hu­ man life. The Apostle Paul said, “ To me to live is Christ.” That is the message the minister should bring. Laying Foundations é 1II re an y college classmates or fraternity brothers o f yours ‘doing time’ in Sing Sing ?” Chaplain Anthony N. Petersen shocks the reader with the question. Then he goes on to tell us that “ some of our most highly respected families have been, and now are, represented by inmates o f Sing Sing who rub shoulders with other lawbreakers who were brought up amid the squalor and ignorance of city slums.” This great Protestant chaplain, who has spent years among unfortunate souls who have followed the wide path which leads to destruction, paints a sad and shameful story o f the ever-increasing number o f American college men who find a place in the “ Big House.” Much blame has been laid on the colleges, on their heretical teachings and false ideas of life. Some o f it is just. But Mr. Petersen devotes the last paragraphs o f his article to a truth which every Christian, yes, and every non- Christian, mother and father in America should heed. It would seem that, after all, it is not the college that was responsible for sending John to Sing Sing, but rather the home from which he went out unprepared for the greater freedom and larger responsibilities o f life in col­ lege, and after that, in the great world o f men. The solu­ tion of the problem is not to refrain from sending any more young people to college, but to see to it that they have a home which faces life squarely and honestly, with­ out foolish pretenses, unconvincing evasions, or over­ emphasis on superficialities. Have some real religion in his home; not just a formal church connection, but the kind of religion that is shown in a wholesome way in the daily life of his father and mother, the kind o f religion that will make him, also, want to do justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with his God. The boy that comes from such a home I should like to meet some day, but I shall never meet him in Sing Sing prison. In addition to such home surroundings, a year in the Bible Institute before your boy or girl enters college will equip him or her to stand the buffeting o f the stormy sea that is ahead. Why not send them out into life with clear­ ance papers for the right port ?

[T h e ed itoria ls this m onth are fu rn ish ed by D r. S tew a rt P . M acL en nan.] Dr, White Enters New Field e put a query to Dr. W . P. White. “ You have had an active and interesting life. Show us some of its high­ lights and shadows, that others may be inspired.” In his slow, deliberate way, he replied, “ My life is hid with Christ in God. That is all I can say.” What more need be said ? No man could give a grander testimony in the forty-sixth year of his active Christian service. Those who know him know that the hidden life is filled with hours o f prayer, sacrifice, and toil that the gospel o f the saving grace of Jesus Christ might reach the needy. Dr. White has just returned from a journey to the Far East. There he saw emphasized what he had already known, that the mature World had so hardened its heart and forgotten God 'that there seemed little human hope of change. It is to the youth of the world— those who are now building the superstructure of their lives— that Christianity must hand on her battle flag and sword o f the Spirit. With that vision in his mind, Dr. White has resigned from the executive work with the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles-, to fake up a ministry •with the University Bible Clubs, Inc. There his wisdom, his counsel, his clear-cut knowledge of “ whatsoever things are true” will be avail­ able to those who work among our young people in Ameri­ can colleges. Dr. White rendered a distinctive service to the Bible Institute. He came at a time o f crisis and exercised a steadying power in Institute affairs. When, because of financial stringency, it became necessary to reduce the num­ ber o f regular instructors, he secured the cooperation of well-known ministers who are giving their time and thought without financial compensation as faculty members in the Institute. The Institute has passed through many dark days, but we believe God intends it to live and to be a mighty center of truth on the Pacific Coast. Here in Los Angeles, where cults, multiply thick and fast, there is needed a great Chris­ tian Bible School and College. The prayers o f the readers of T he K ing ' s B usiness will follow Dr. White in his new enterprise and will continue to support and assist the great Bible Institute that must carry on. Coolidge and Christian Character an y th inkers and writers are giving attention to the various systems o f human government and are making recommendations for their change. It is for the Christian minister and teacher to carefully assess the situation- and emphatically and definitely show that it is the man in the system that must be changed— that Christian character is the only security. When the minister steps from his own field into that of economics, he becomes as ridiculous as many splendid scientists who leave their field o f endeavor to advise in the realm of Christian thinking. Mr.- Calvin Coolidge, in the Literary Digest, is reported to have said: I would not for a minute be critical o f the church or its work, but I think most o f the clergy today are preach­

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