King's Business - 1933-03



March, 1933

DO YOU NEED MONEY^ foryourfavorite organization • GOTTSCHALK'S METAL SPONGE has helped more than 40,000 bodies to raise money, thus enabling them to successfully carry on their work. Our liberal cooperative plan makes it easy for organizations to make money. Gottschalk’s

Some sudden tear spoke eloquently of sympathy and understanding. Some defi­ nite, pointed invitation bore results. Rise up, then, ye who are rich in posses­ sing these things, and withhold not thatwhich has made you what you are.— S elected . APR IL 4 “ Christ Jesus . . . being in the form of God . . . emptied himself, taking the form o f a servant" (Phil. 2:5-7, R. V .). Will any one reflect on what He gave up who left heaven’s throne to be cradled in a manger; who, having filled all things and wielded omnipotence, became a feeble in­ fant and wrapped in swaddling clothes; who, being the Loved One o f the Father, never unappreciated, never misunderstood, and receiving the ceaseless adoration of the hierarchies of heaven, became a despised Nazarene, misunderstood by His most faithful followers, suspected by those whom He came to bless, neglected and re­ jected by those who owed to Him their very being, and whose salvation He had come to seek; and, finally, mocked and spit upon, crucified and slain, with thieves, ban­ dits, and outlaws 1 Will, I ask, any brother or sister reflect on this, and yet hesitate to make the trifling sacrifices to which we have alluded? We give you credit, dear friends, for being prepared to give up not only these little things, but a thousand more for Christ. . . Once let the question arise, “Are we called to give up this, or that, or the other?” or admit the thought, “ I did not expect this or that privation or inconvenience,” and your service will cease to be that free and happy one which is most conducive to efficiency and success. - ^ H udson T aylo r ’ s L egacy . ' APR IL 5 "Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier o f Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3). In what spirit are we to fight? “ Suffer hardship” means to feel the allurement of difficulty, and to love the strenuous life. I am always thrilled by the love o f Paul for. difficult posts. They seemed to draw him and to magnetize him. They stoned him at Lystra,-dragging him out of the city as one dead. But you continue the record, and you find him back again at the place of probable martyrdom, proclaiming the evangel of grace. Do we “suffer hard­ ness” ? Do we not seek to amuse men more than to stimulate them? — J. H. J ow ett . APR IL 6 “ That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith" (Eph. 3:17). Think what it is we really possess, if Christ is in us. . . . W e have HIM, in whom all fullness of life actually dwells, in whom infinite resources are stored up for our use. Everything needed for continual growth] for perpetual freshness, and for abundant fruitfulness is found in Him. All power, all grace, all purity, and all fullness, abso­ lutely everything to make all grace abound toward us, in us, through us, are stored up in Him, who verily dwells within us. “Within, within, oh turn Thy spirit’s eyes, and learn Thy wandering senses gently to control; Thy dearest Friend dwells deep within thy soul, And asks thyself of thee That heart and mind and sense He may control In perfect harmony.” — S elected . APR IL 7 “ The grace which is to be brought unto

you at the revelation of. Jesus Christ" (1 Pet. 1: 13). Our life is to be a monument o f grace. All that we are, have, do, and become is of grace, and we are so to live that our lives are to be the “glory of his grace.” Our lips are to be mouthpieces of grace. We are to “testify the gospel o f .the grace of God.” Our speech is to be “with grace” and we are to “sing with grace in our hearts to the Lord.” Our love is to be a means of grace. God’s love is only made available for others through His children, and for this reason believers are to be “means of grace.” The truth needed for salvation, the comfort needed for cheer, the holiness needed for living are mediated by us to others, and in proportion as they see the love o f God in us, will our lives be means of grace to their.. —W . H. G riffith T h o m a s . APR IL 8 " God is able” (Rom. 14:4). How Paul seems to love to ring the changes on the word “able” 1 “He is able to build you up,” he says to the Ephesian elders; and that goes a great way toward the ability we claim for Him. “ He is able to make him stand,” he writes to the Ro­ mans, and that of the weak brother, mark you. “ He is able to make all grace abound towards you,” he tells the Corinthians. “He is able to s” bdue all things unto himself,” the Philippians are told, and amongst the all things surely are our sins, which Micah had expressly promised that He would subdue. “He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him;” writes the great father of so many souls to his dear son in the gospel; and to the Hebrews, plaintively, “He is able to succour them that are tempted.” And, as if all these were too little to say—and great as they are, they are too little about such a God and Saviour—he proclaims Him “ able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think.”—J. B. F iggis . APR IL 9 “More than conquerors” (Rom. 8:37). The Lord is able and is willing to make us “more than conquerors” over the devil, the world, and the flesh. He is able to make us entirely “ love what He commandeth,’’ so that, in that respect, we find it “not grievous” but delightful to do it ; yea, find a holy luxury and repose in being utterly beneath His will and subject to His law, which is our delight. . . . Reader, if this is the sort of thing—the uprightness and per­ fectness o f heart, o f which the Bible speaks, let us not rest without some genuine ex­ perience in our own souls o f what it means. Let us not connive at a lower experience, as if we thought it was all that was trea­ sured up for us in Christ, for faith to take and to use.-—H. C. G. M oule . APR IL 10 “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit" (John 15:8). Life is good, and leaves are fair, but without fruit .the Father is not glorified. Fruit is twofold—that which indicates spirituality o f mind, and that which is called service. Little as we yield o f labor, we yield still less of soul-beauty. Even when good works are abundant in quan­ tity, they are often inferior in quality. Un­ less the clusters are from Christ, the living stem, unless they are developing by the constant streams of His grace, and ripen­ ing in the sunniest light, you cannot say, “Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.” The value of fruit in God’s eyes is o f the first impor­ tance. —H. B. M ac a r tn e y .

Metal Sponge, due to a i new patented processof. formation, cleans and scours twice as fast with half the effort. V Keeps the hands dainty and 1 white. Sells on sight and re­ peats. Write for our liberal money making plan. Metal Sponge Sales Corp. JOHN W . GOTTSCHALK, PRES. 2726 Mascher St., Philadelphia Thelittlefello'w thatdoesthebigjob** OTTSCHALKS THE 0*ÎfrtNAl~$M ÎTÂàV'ê!& Z METAL SPONGE

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^ u a ^ a n t e e d L I F E I N C O M E . . . will specially interest those who have recently suffered grievous anx­ iety and severe losses from financial investments. UP TO 9 % . . . is paid in annuities, safe-guarded against worry, shrinkage, expense or loss. Principal intact while you live, and meanwhile:— A SENSIBLE GIFT . . . to the work of the approved, debt-free, century-old Evangelical agency of the churches for the pub­ lication and circulation of Christian literature in many languages, coun­ teracting the organized assaults on the Church and the Christian faith. THE TEST OF VALUE . . . is the gratitude and satisfaction of annuitants, many of whom have taken from two to eight annuity contracts with the Society. 7 West 45th St., New York Please send me information concerning the Society’s annuity plan. It is understood that this request places me under no obligation. Name........................................................................ Street...................................................................... . City.......... ................................... State................. A M ERICA N TRACT SO CIETY K.B.

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