King's Business - 1933-03



March, 1933

made a master, but to be created overseer by the Spirit is to be made a servant. One would have expected the words to be “the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, therefore take care to rule.” Instead of that, it is the contrary, “the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, therefore take care to feed, to nourish, to minister.” Di­ vine power is the power o f stooping. God Himself has purchased His conquest with His blood. The measure o f my power shall be the measure of my self-forgetful­ ness; I shall know, Lord, that Thou hast made me an overseer when in sacrifice I have shed my blood. —G eorge M atheson . APR IL 16 “ The Lord is risen indeed” (Lk. 24:34). The resurrection morning was the brightest sunrise that ever dawned on this sad earth o f ours. Then God gave His second grand public testimony o f His

APR IL 11 “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into ever­ lasting life” (John 4:14). In driving between Melbourne and my home, I often stop at a wayside trough to give the horse a drink. I notice that the trough is quite full of water, and that there is a box in one end o f it. As the horse drinks, the water is lowering; and pres­ ently I hear a sound as of a running tap. Yes, the sound is coming from the box. That box is covering a piece of mechanism which needs explaining. Within it there is a tap connected by pipes with the Yan Yean reservoir up in the Plenty ranges. Thus may it be with the soul of the be­ liever. No matter what the outflow into the surrounding emptiness may be, or the withdrawals by thirsty, needy souls, there is the continual inflow. The outflow de­ pends directly on the inflow'; one can only give as he gets.—J ohn M c N eil . APR IL 12 “Immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto him” (Mk. 1 :31). That is just what Jesus is doing all the time to people sick in body, to those sick in soul, and to those who are down in any way and unable to rise. He does not stand far off when He would help people and call them to come to Him, but He comes to them with a brother’s warm heart and ready hand. That is the way we should help each other, by extending a strong, up­ lifting hand to those who are down. Christ had given this woman back her life, and what should she now do with it but conse­ crate ‘it to the service of Him who had restored it to her? . . . Every sick person who is restored, whether in an ordinary or extraordinary way, should hasten to conse­ crate to the service of God the life that is given back. Surely it was spared for a pur­ pose, and we shall be disloyal to God if we do not thus devote it.—J. R. M iller . APR IL 13 "God being rich in mercy” (Eph. 2:4 ). What a fund of pleasures God is ready to pour upon His children, and He delights to do it! Is not this our constant expe­ rience in the life o f faith? We trust Him in a case o f difficulty, when we are power­ less as to our own efforts, sit quietly by, leaving it all to Him, and how beautifully He brings us through 1 Far better than if we had used the wisest exertions o f our own! How delightful it is to watch how He makes things start up in our favor that we never dreamt of, and we say, “I could not have thought that He would have helped me so beautifully” 1 We trust Him. He never fails us if we do fully trust Him, and He brings us off triumphant victors, humbled to the dust by His love, but filled with gratitude. “ Ten thousand, thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; Nor is the least a thankful heart, That takes those gifts with joy.” APR IL 14 “All scripture is given by inspiration o f God” (2 Tim. 3:16). The Bible contains the complete rule for the whole life o f man. It tells a man how he should conduct himself with reference to God, to the Lord Jesus, to the Holy Spirit, to the Word which God has given, and to the church which He has estab­ lished. It directs him how he should treat —S elected .

his wife and care for his children; how much he should pay his hired man, and when he should pay him. It teaches the hired man how he should conduct himself with reference to his employer. It tells a man how to loan money, and how to collect debts, as well as how to worship. It teaches a man what kind of a citizen he should be. If he is a magistrate, it tells him how he ought to exercise authority, and says that God will call him to account for the man­ ner in which he executes his office. W e are too apt to narrow down the teachings of the Bible and business o f the church. —C harles A. B lanchard . APR IL IS “ Take heed therefore . . . to feed the church o f God” (Acts 20:28). To be made an overseer by the Holy Ghost is a very different thing from being made an overseer by the world. To be made an overseer by the world is to be


An Assured Income for Life

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S i I THEreuSTEEsMJ w mm

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Date of Birth.............................City and State...............................................

(If a survivor is named) Date of Birth............... Address Box KB3-33

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