King's Business - 1933-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N Ê S S

March, 1933

POWER o f lie Ç J t o ly f f lio s {

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T HE H oly G host was in the world be­ fore Pentecost. His moral and spiritual influence was similar in former dispensa­ tions to His influence in this dispensation. But there were these differences. In former dispensations, He came at certain times, in certain places, on certain persons—usually great ones. When He had finished His work, He returned to the realms of the Godhead. But at Pentecost, God the Holy Ghost came, as God the Son had promised, to abide. God the Son is not here today as He was in the days of His flesh; but God the Holy Ghost is. In this dispensation, He comes “ upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, . . . And on my servants and on .my handmaidens will I pour out in

coward, who was afraid o f a single maid, faced the angry mob o f the city and charged them with murder o f which they were guilty. How can we account for the change ? God the Holy Ghost transformed and sanc­ tified the powers o f Peter’s mind, so that his whole character was changed and sta­ bilized. Nor is this an unusual experience. Ever since Pentecost, God the Holy Ghost has been coming down upon men and women, and by His supernatural power transform­ ing their character and filling their lives with usefulness and service for God and the world. A few years ago, there was a little Scot­ tish maid working in one o f the jute fac­ tories in Dundee— so timid, bashful, and re­

those days o f my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.” I won­ der if we Christians realize this— not fully, I am very sure. The church of God has only one King and Head, even God the Son. She can have only one, otherwise she would not be a body, but a monstrosity. So also she has only one Leadei— God the Holy Ghost. So long as she follows His leadership, she goes on “ fair as the sun, clear as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners.” But whenever she leaves His leadership and follows a man, or men, there is always trouble. When the church was formed and even beyond the apostolic days, she recognized the leadership, o f God the Holy Ghost. But by the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church had dethroned the Holy Ghost from His place of leadership, and the Pope had usurped His place. All the errors, corruptions, and trouble in the Roman Catholic Church are due directly to this great sin against the Holy Ghost. Likewise, the Protestant Church, as such, has ceased to follow His leadership. As a consequence, we see the many schisms and divisions of Protestantism, which are a constant reproach to the name o f Christ. T he P reacher The influence and power of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost was marvelous— if was supernatural. W e see His powerful influence most clearly on Peter. Naturally, Peter was a very ordinary man. There are plenty o f men in any congre­ gation equal and superior to the natural man Peter. He was a Galilean fisherman. There is much to be admired in him, but he had many and great limitations. He was impet­ uous and impulsive. He was uneducated and uncultured. Further, he was a coward; he was afraid of one little Jew­ ish maiden. •He was also disloyal; he avowed his loyalty to his Lord and then denied Him with cursing and swearing. But one day the supernatural power o f God the Holy Ghost came down upon Peter and transformed him. This uneducated and Uncultured fisherman composed and deliv­ ered one o f the greatest sermons o f all time; and this *Minister, Knox Church.

tiring that when the whistle blew at the end o f the day, she would rush out and hurry home, stealing along close up to the tenements, lest any one should stop and speak to her. But one day God the Holy Ghost came with His supernatural power, lifted Mary ¿lessor out o f that fac­ tory, and placed her in the heart o f Africa in the midst of the fiercest o f the tribes. She was the means o f turning many o f them to God, and over them she ruled with greatei power and perfection than the arm of the Imperial army. God the Holy Ghost was again powerful in His work o f transformation. When Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, there was business transacted in the interests o f the kingdom and for all etérnity ; because it was a Holy Ghost sermon, there were four very marked effects. T he E ffect on S inners Sinners’ hearts were pierced, and 3,000 were converted. They cried out, “ What shall we do?” Nothing but the supernatural power of God the Holy Ghost will make sitH ners utter such a cry. Only the same power can inspire the answer. Peter answered in a moment. Fulfill two condi­ tions, and -you shall receive two gifts. Confess your sins and believe in your Saviour; and you will receive for­ giveness o f sins and the gift of thé Holy Ghost. Three thousand in Peter’s audience confessed their sins and trusted in the Saviour. Instantly they received forgiveness and the gift o f the Holy Ghost. Are there any sinners reading these words? Are there any who have no assurance that they are saved? Are there any who have no power because they have not received the Holy Ghost ? Let me say to you— and I can bear this testimony from my own experience—you may this moment receive the assurance o f eternal salvation ; and you may this moment receive the gift o f the Holy Ghost and all His power. This is the sure word of promise— and God is not a man, that He can lie: “ If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us: I f we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive üs our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

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