King's Business - 1933-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1933

the Holy Spirit come in all the plenitude o f His Pentecostal power! He is waiting to come. T he E ffect on the W orld The world sneers and jeers at the church. She may organize her deputations and wait on the legislatures and governments. She may even succeed in drafting and pass­ ing all kinds of social legislation, and she has succeeded in placing some splendid laws on the statute book. Some think the church has overloaded the land with legislation. I fear she has. But the world just stands aside and laughs, for the world knows that no law can be enforced which does not have public opinion behind it. And a law which cannot be enforced does infinitely more harm than good. When Peter preached this Holy Ghost sermon, there was no sneering or jeering— “ fear came upon every soul.” The world was afraid of the supernatural. It is always so. There is a picture entitled “ The Flight of the Holy Fam­ ily.” Joseph is afoot. Mary is sitting on the ass holding

T he E ffect on the S aints The effect o f this Holy Ghost sermon on the saints was as supernaturally marvelous as was the effect on the sin­ ners. W e read, “ They continued steadfastly in the apos­ tles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” They continued steadfastly. These saints did not begin to run well and then stop because something hindered them. They were not like some today who once were prominent in church work, but who are now carried away by every wind of doctrine. They continued steadfastly. In what did they continue steadfastly ? They might have continued steadfastly in sin or in apostasy. But instead they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine; that is, they believed that Jesus was the Son of God, that He died for our sins, and that He rose again for our justification.. Nothing could move them from a firm faith in that doctrine. Would that all the saints today held fast to that doctrine! Second, they continued stead­

the Holy Child in her arm's. They are passing through the desert; and it is night. The lions are leaving their dens. They spy their prey and are about to stalk it. Presently they be­ come aware o f the presence of the supernatural Son o f God. The wild' animals are a f r a i d . Instead of springing on their human prey, they turn terrified to seek their den. Thank God, so long as the sense of fear and wonder are still alive, there is hope for the world. And there is encouragement for the church so long as that sense leads the world to be afraid o f the super­ natural— God the Holy Ghost.

fastly in fellowship. There is noth­ ing. sweeter. or more precious on earth than Christian fellowship. It knows no denominational d i f f e r - ences. I well remember the old Methodist class meeting. How the old Methodists loved it! W e all loved it. It was a touch o f the genius o f Wesley. But what was it that made the Methodist class meeting so sweet and precious ? It was the fel­ lowship. These Pentecostal saints continued steadfastly in fellowship. Third, they continued steadfastly

Spirit of the Living God

0 Spirit o f the living God, In all Thy plenitude o f grace, Where’er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race. Give tongues o f fire and hearts o f love, To preach the reconciling wgrd'pS}. Give power and unction from above, Where’er the joyful sound is heard. Be darkness, at Thy coming, light; Confusion — order, in Thy path;, Souls without strength inspire with might; Bid nijercy triumph over wrath. Baptize the nations; far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record; The name o f Jesus glorify, Till every kindred call Him Lord.

in the breaking of bread. They never neglected the Communion. “ For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew forth the Lord’s death till he come.” God have mercy on the pauper saints who neglect the Sacrament o f the Lord’s Supper! Fourth, they continued steadfastly in prayer. “ Prayer moves the arm that moves the universe.” Is it any won­ der these early saints continued steadfastly in prayer ? What a commentary, what a reflection on our faith to see Christian churches giving up the prayer meeting— closing down the power house o f the church! Is it any wonder that divorces are multiplying, crime increasing, and social un­ rest spreading everywhere? No, it is not, when we think o f the families where there is no altar. “ Where there is no altar, there may be a house, but there can be no home.” And when the home goes, our whole civilization topples and falls into ruins. We need today, we saints, to continue steadfastly in prayer. T he E ffect on the C hurch The church grew—-the Lord “ added to the church daily such as should be saved.” The church was united— “ all that believed were together.” There never is anything but union and unity in the church when God the Holy Ghost is given His rightful place of leadership. The church was happy— they continued “ daily with one accord in the tem­ ple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness o f heart.” What a tribute to the Holy Ghost and His word—unity, concord, and gladness! The church today should not allow fraternal societies and twentieth century clubs to rob her of minister­ ing to the poor, the indigent, and the destitute. That was the effect of a Holy Ghost sermon on the early church, and the world would see the.same result again if only the church would open her doors and let God

—M ontgomery .

Half-Baked Christians B y W . E. P ietsch

A cake not turned is one that is cooked only on one side. Ephraim was in many respects not touched by divine grace, and although there was partial obedience to God, there was very much o f rebellion left, so that the Spirit o f God records the statement, “ Ephraim is a cake not turned” (Hos. 7 :8 ). In 2 Peter 3 :l8, we read that the Christian is to grow in grace as well as in the knowledge o f our Lord and Sav­ iour Jesus Christ. It will behoove us to examine ourselves to see if Ephraim’s position is like our own. Has grace gone through our whole being; so that its power and influ­ ence are felt in all life and actions, all words and thoughts ? Grace should be working in all departments o f our life— not holiness in one part, and reigning sin in another. A cake not turned is soon burnt on the side nearest to the fire, like many Christians who are burnt black with pig-headed zeal for that part of the truth which they have received; but on the other side, they are untouched by God’s grace, They are not well balanced, or baked through. God, in His great mercy and love, has given us the honored priv­ ilege o f being His children by new birth through faith in the finished work o f our Lord Jesus Christ. He delights to take complete possession o f our body, soul, and spirit, so that we will be well rounded and well developed. Yet how often a Christian seems to be established in one particular line o f truth, but entirely ignorant of a consistent, godly, yielded life in the home and in business! Christian victory should be the normal condition o f every true believer, and if you and I discover a certain weakness in our lives, may God give us grace to expose this to His sovereign grace, so that we will not be burnt black on one side and uncooked on the other!

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