ON SITE r e v i e w
On Site review is published by Field Notes Press, which promotes field work in matters architectural, cultural and spatial. field
46: travel spring 2025
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ISSN 1481-8280 copyright: On Site review . All rights reserved. The use of any part of this publication reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise stored in a retrieval system without the prior consent of the publisher is an infringement of Copyright Law Chapter C-30, RSC1988.
Francis Towne, Castel Madama, above the River Aniene, near Tivoli, 1781. Pen and grey ink and watercolour, on laid paper with a fragmentary woatermark; signed dated and inscribed verso: CastelloMadamo/no,2./ April 22. 1781/ Light coming in from the right hand./Francis Towne. At auction at Sotheby’s 2021 Why do we travel? Is i to see new things? to rack up a gazillion photographs? to touch something elemental about unfamiliarity? to leave the quotidian behind for a while? What, historically, did travel bring to architecture? What do studios abroad, obligatory offerings for any self-respecting architecture school, bring to the study of architecture? Does travel always imply distance? Is travel a challenge or a pleasure? Is a challenge a pleasure? Is pleasure a challenge? Is there anything essentially imperialistic about travel? Is emigration travel or displacement? What does travel displace?
Each individual essay and all the images therein are also the copyright of each author.
back issues: www.onsitereview.ca editor: Stephanie White design: Black Dog Running printer: Kallen Printing, Calgary Alberta
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Peter Cook once titled a lecture: ‘I travel to find what I already know’. Is this the promise, or the danger, of travel?
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