
left: Excursion group, Reynisfjara Beach, Iceland. Students drawing near Búðakirkja, Iceland. below: Drawing review at the Library of Water, Stykkishólmur, Iceland. Public exhibition, Dalhousie School of Architecture.

The second project is expanded in scope and scale and supports a public program based on in-situ provocations related to urban spaces and extreme landscapes. Research for the second project is undertaken during travel, and design development happens when we return home. We start looking for a site through the process of drawing. These are daily reviewed daily, seeing collectively through individual work. We study buildings, harbour structures and found architecture in their landscapes. Drawings include plans, elevations and sections; the geometric modelling of tactile form, habitable space and architectural presence and phenomena.

When the excursion group brings the work home, there is an exhibition of drawings and projects. We travel back through the drawings, taking others with us. Making collection of drawings as part of a group provides a shared experience. Individual drawing styles and preferences for subject matter emerge. Drawings are explained, traded and treasured. Drawings in the bank.

all iomages Roger Mullin

27 on site review 46 :: travel

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