Nordkapp, Sámpi. top: Wind + ink drawing on A2 paper. above: a commercial postcard of Nordkapp. below: House at Icelandic Emigration Centre, A2 drawing.
drawing and montage, Roger Mullin
Aphrodisias Stadium, Anatolia, Turkey. top: A2 drawing above : photographic montage
The orthographic translation of built form is of singular importance in architectural representation. In combination with the excursion the process acts as a map for architectural thought. Likened to cartography, it reunites the foot and the hand, the walking of the terrain and the representation of it, translating architecture and geography into the graphic image. There is a connection between the proportions of the physical space and the movement of the hand across the paper. In the Journal of Architectural Education, vol 61, issue 1, 2007; online 2013, Peter Schneider writes, ‘…thinking by drawing – thinking through the crafting of the disegno — is the primary way that architects extend their understandings of architecture. It suggests that drawing is an architect’s unique mode of research, inquiry, and is the site for his/her most crucial speculations and constructions.’
all drawings this page, Roger Mullin
28 on site review 46 :: travel
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