Travellers/migrants/emigrants/invaders/day trippers, Dublin Port has seen them all. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, steamships bound for North America and Australia regularly departed from Dublin Port with Irish men, women, and children seeking a better life abroad. Today Dublin Port is the largest ferry service in Europe. A very busy port. From Vikings to day trippers.
If you are a fan of James Joyce, Howth Head is the location where Leopold Bloom proposes to Molly in James Joyce’s Ulysses . In ‘Eveline’ from the collection Dubliners , Eveline and her family picnic on the Hill of Howth. Howth Head is also central to Joyce’s final work, Finnegans Wake .
Anne O’Callaghan
As I reach the late afternoon, the sun comes out, the wind off the irish Sea dies down, Howth Head is clear and I can see the Martello Tower. The twenty-nine Martello towers built by the English around the Dublin Bay Area between 1803 and 1808, were to act as a deterrent against an invasion by Napoleon, a bulwark by one occupier against another.
ANNE O’CALLAGHAN is interested in the intersection of art and politics — politics as the air we breathe, and how we as artists effect change.
I find a sunny spot, put my camera away and sit and watch the day trippers climb Howth Head. £
45 on site review 46 :: travel
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