
call for articles 47: move fast and break things v stand still and fix things: restoration, refurbishment, renovation, reconstruction, repair — we know how to do these things

Life as we know it, as we were trained to navigate through architecture and planning, is done. It will never be the same again, so what are our options now? We can simply keep going on the paths we know, even although they keep being bombed, or burned, or buried. We can make something out of nothing, or rather out of things previously considered nothing: rubble, debris, abandoned structures, inhospitable landscapes. We can do some re-thinking about consumption and class: do we need more buildings, or just better use of buildings. Is history a viable way to proceed? after all we just saw a twelfth century French cathedral reconstructed in five years, eschewing any of the technologies that have developed since 1345. Is there a lesson in this?

Clearly there is a discussion here about what progressive , with all its modernist baggage and forward thrust, means. The opposite of progressive is perhaps not regressive, but rather stillness — something rather more lateral, more conscious. Find yourself somewhere in all of this, in your own work, or writing, or in something you have seen, or read, or thought. There is no one right way, just an array of convergent and divergent streams. And it almost goes without saying that we can learn from all fields, from art, from landscape, infrastructure, engineering, social movements, construction, emergency responses and front lines.

Proposals please by May 30, 2025. Proposals are outlines that we take very seriously, and tend to hold you to them. Plan your porposal if you are able to eventually submit a full article (text, drawings, photographs) six weeks late, by July 15, 2025

Include a brief text description outlining what you wish to say, and how your submission addresses the overall theme of this is- sue. Please use our website contact form: https://onsitereviw.ca/contact-us This form does not accept images, but send your proposal as text and we will get back to you by email. If you are interested in our general terms, we have a page of specifications here: https://onsitereview.ca/specs

Arno Brandlhuber, 0113 Brunnenstrasse 9, Berlin 2007-2010 The gallery and studios at Brunnenstrasse 9 are built on the foundations of a ruin, the result of a bad investment in the 1990s. This made the site unattractive to corporate investors who were buying empty lots at the time. Brandlhuber, investor and builder, purchased the site for the running costs minus demolition expenses. There are strategies, clever and interstitial, for ways to build. https://bplus.xyz

58 on site review 46 :: travel

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