Spring term 2020 curriculum leaflets

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 1 2019-20 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Our topic is Famous Scientists and Inventors. Through this topic we will be linking our History, Science and Design and Technology. This topic is about knowing and understanding the importance of significant people who have had a positive impact upon our world. Our visit from ͚Sublime Science͛ will allow the children to become scientists for the day! A great way to kick-start and ͚hook͛ the children into our new topic. Our educational visit will be to the ͚Think Tank Museum͛ as this will provide children with the opportunity to develop their scientific and historical knowledge. This will link nicely to our ͚Famous Scientists and Inventors͛ topic as the children will have a first hand opportunity to see how things were in the past and how things have become more established. This will allow children to explore, explain and compare the past to the present. We will be holding a design inspired session for parents/carers to attend. In Spring 2, as part of our Walt Disney focus, our Design and Technology lessons will see the children designing their very own moving carriage. Our Inspire session will provide you with a great opportunity to work together with your child to bring their design to life!

Maths The children will be working on addition and subtraction within 20. They will look at the links between addition and subtraction and will become familiar with key subtraction methods. When carrying out addition there will be a focus on making 10. For example 7+5 would be 7+3=10; 10 +2= 12. They will be developing their understanding of numbers to 50, applying their knowledge of addition and subtraction to larger numbers and more complex number problems. The children will be introduced to length and height and will take part in activities requiring them to compare and measure objects. They will also develop an understanding of weight and capacity, making comparisons and using non- standard units of measurement such as cubes and cups. Music During Spring 1 the children will be listening to and appraising different styles of music such as ͚Blues͕͛ ͚Baroque͕͛ ͚Latin͛ and ͚Bhangra͛. The terms pulse, rhythm, pitch will be further explored. The children will be playing a variety of percussion instruments and will be introduced to using symbols as an introduction into musical notation. Class and group compositions will be created and performed. Spring 2 will see the children learning and singing songs from Disney films. The children will be accompanying some of the songs with percussion instruments as well as performing actions.

Computing The children will be given the opportunity to develop their videoing skills. They will create their own algorithm through a set of instructions to make a sandwich, which will then be recorded. The children will be given time to watch their video, assessing what went well and how the video could be improved. We will also be focusing on how to use technology safely and respectfully, discussing our SMART message on a regular basis in order to raise awareness. Time will be spent ensuring that the children can identify where to go for help or support if they have any concerns about online content. Religious Education The children will be learning about Sikhism. They will be looking at stories of the 10 Sikh Gurus including the importance of Guru Nanak. Additionally, the children will explore the holy place of worship - the Gurdwara and the importance of the Langar (kitchen). This will develop their knowledge of sharing and being kind to others. A visit to a local Gurdwara will further enhance the children͛s knowledge and understanding͘ plants, looking at their basic structure and what they need to grow and stay healthy. We will also be identifying and naming common plants, including trees. The children will continue to observe changes over time by tracking the life cycle of a tree over the four seasons. Science The children͛s knowledge and skills will be developed through our unit of work on famous scientists and inventors. There will be lots of opportunity for the children to develop their ability to work scientifically by performing simple tests, observing closely and using these observations to suggest answers to questions. During the second half of the spring term our focus will turn to English During this term, the children will have the opportunity to explore a variety of texts and genres. The children will start off by learning a Non-chronological report and will then explore poetry and rhyme, traditional tales and newspaper reports. These texts will allow children to understand the key features required in order to be able to write in different styles. Children will also be taught how to use and apply different punctuation within their writing such as exclamation and question marks. They will also be using a variety of sentence types as well as using conjunctions such as ͚but͕͛ ͚or͕͛ ͚because͛ and ͚so͛ to join sentences together.

History Through our topic, the children will be further developing the autumn term skills spanning living and non-living memory, nationally and internationally. Looking at a range of scientists/inventors such as Stephanie Kwolek, Alexander Graham Bell and Tim Berners-Lee to name a few. The children will gain an understanding of why they are so significant and the impact that their inventions/discoveries have on their quality of life today. Spring 2 develops these skills further through a focus on Walt Disney. Pupils find this highly engaging and it is a relevant line of study due to their current age and stage of development. Here, there will be a second opportunity for a performance in front of an audience, building on YR nativity with strong links to developing the children͛s soft skills of teamwork, co- operation and oracy.

PE There will be a focus on games in Spring 1, to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching. We will also be working on developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities. Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending. Spring 2 will see the focus shift to dance in readiness for our Walt Disney production. The children will perform dances using a range of movement patterns in which flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance will be developed.


There will be a visit to a local Gurdwara in Smethwick. History will be the main focus for this term, with Geography skills being addressed in the Summer term.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Life Skills Knowing left and right position & direction Road Safety Bucket List Visiting the Gurdwara Do things with our family Visiting the Think tank Soft Skills Creativity and problem solving Leadership skills Teamwork Communication

Design Technology

Art & Design

In the second half of the term the children will be designing a new carriage for Cinderella and her prince͊ They will begin by looking at wheels͕ axles and chassis͘ They then use this knowledge to design their own carriage using a template͘ In a parent workshop, the chassis will be constructed and a range of materials and fixings will help to bring their design to life! A great opportunity to develop those all-important soft skills of teamwork, creativity and problem solving.

The children will be experimenting with colour mixing͕ using primary colours to create secondary colours and adding white to create tints͘ Kandinsky is studied as a famous artist͘ They will make use of the colour mixing skills they have acquired when replicating his style of work͕ producing Kandinsky style shaded concentric circles.

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