Spring term 2020 curriculum leaflets

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 4. 2019-20 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Our topic is Imaginary Worlds Through this topic we will be linking our Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology. Imaginary Worlds is linking the history of maps to our understanding of modern day travel. The children will explore artists and authors of the sci-fi genre and discuss if their ideas came true. Our educational visit was a visit to the theatre to see Peter Pan as this allows the children to recognise imaginary worlds are what people create in their own minds and can be different. In DT children will be creating an electrical buzzer game to link with their science. Children will be exploring the locality of Warley Woods, completing walks and leading them and creating their own maps and comparing them to historical maps. Life skills developed: Being able to follow a map in a known location safely and plan a route. Children will be able to use woodwork tools safely and accurately. Bucket list opportunities: Visit a theatre. Soft skills: Able to explain personal opinions and thoughts.


English Children will learn a variety of texts including persuasive, adventure, a diary and an argument. Children will also practice handwriting formation and develop their spelling and grammar. In particular the children will develop their use of conjunctions, apostrophes for possession and contraction and a variety of sentence types.

This term the children will develop their multiplication and division strategies and link these to fraction work. The children will also develop their area work. Throughout all the work the children will develop their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.

French Children will be able to present orally and confidently about the weather and the months of the year. Children will readily write sentences with vocabulary learnt that is easily recognisable, independently.

Computing We are software developers. Children will plan and design a toy using scratch. Children will develop their algorithms from previous knowledge when creating their multiplication game. Science The children learn about how electricity is produced and the different components that make up a simple circuit. The children move on to investigating conductors and insulators within a simple circuit. Some children begin to draw simple circuits using some symbols. The children will develop their understanding of solids, liquids and gases and complete fair tests to prove their predictions.

History Children develop their understanding of chronological order through a study of cartography and their understanding of people͛Ɛ peƌcepƚionƐ of ƚhe ǁideƌ ǁoƌld of and how this has changed over time and hoǁ people͛Ɛ peƌcepƚionƐ of ƚhe ǁoƌld would be dependent upon their location. Through following the Warley wood history trail the children compare how land use has changed within living memory and beyond.

PE Volleyball ʹ new game ʹ Net and wall game.

Geography The children will be developing their understanding of maps by studying the art of Cartography. The children look at how land use has changed over time through a local history study. They further develop their understanding of OS maps creating their own map of the immediate local area using the principles of OS mapping. The children generate their own routes to follow developing their understanding of navigation. Children begin to develop their knowledge of scaling by creating their own map of the local area to a set scale.

Agility ʹ move to meet the ball that is not aimed at you. Hands to meeƚ ƚhe ball pƌopeƌlLJ͘ InƚƌodƵce Ɛpecific ƐhoƚƐ of ͚dig Iƚ͛ oƌ smash. Important team skills of preparing the shot for partner. Simple skill selection of shot type. Small group to mini-games. Dance ʹ Linked to the curricular theme of imaginary worlds. Well-chosen music (Harry Potter, Star wars extracts) to analyse the mood and feeling. Mini-performances link to whole class dance using the extracts selected. Greater speed, movement to convey a specific idea, change in level, moving in unison. Art & Design War of the Worlds is focused on when creating a movie poster using charcoal in the style of Alvim Correa. This is the first time the children use charcoal. Continuing with the same theme, a mixed media piece is produced using oil pastel, water colours and liquid tape pen. Oil pastels have been used in all previous years and the children are now starting to use them with greater control.


This unit focuses on Grime and lyric writing. The children are given the opportunity to work together and produce some of their own lyrics through composition, to fit with the song. (whole class, small groups, individual. The children are given the chance to perform these compositions. Children to look at Gospel music, how is it made up?

Design Technology

Religious Education Whaƚ dŽ ChƌiƐƚiaŶƐ LeaƌŶ fƌŽŵ ƚhe Bibůe͛Ɛ cƌeaƚiŽŶ ƐƚŽƌieƐ͍ Children will explore the Creation story, and discuss and compare things they are proud of. They will explore what being a Christian means and will offer their thoughts and ideas. Children will also discuss the meaning of Temptation and Forgiveness. WhLJ dŽ ChƌiƐƚiaŶƐ͛ caůů ƚhe daLJ JeƐƵƐ died ͚GŽŽd FƌidaLJ͍͛ Children will learn about the Easter Story and why it is important to Christians and how this links to Easter eggs.

The children will begin to look at electricity in their science lessons which will include making a simple electrical circuit where the light bulb comes on. Part 2 of the sewing will allow the children to move on to more challenging patterns.

Appraise and listen to examples. Provided with opportunities to play (following sheet music) using the glockenspiel

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