MAA 2022 Benefits Guide

2 0 2 2 Benefits Guide Your L i fe . Your Cho i ce . Your Bene f i t s .


Table of Contents

4 Glossary of Terms 6 Welcome Message 7 Benef i ts El igibi l i ty

8 El igibi l i ty by Associate 9 Qual i fy ing Li fe Events 10 When and How to Enrol l 12 Medical Plan Opt ions 13 How the Plans Di f fer 14 What is a Heal th Reimbursement Account? 15 How Does My Heath Reimbursement Account Work wi th My Heal th Plan? 16 What is a Heal th Savings Account? 17 How is My Heal th Savings Account Funded and How Much Can I Cont r ibute? 18 How Does My Heal th Savings Account Work wi th My Heal th Plan?

19 Mot ivate Me Wel lness Incent ive Program 20 Cigna Heal th Programs & Resources 22 Medical + Prescr ipt ion Drug Benef i ts


23 2022 Medical Bi -Weekl y Payrol l Cont r ibut ions 24 Which Plan is Right for You? 26 Dental Plan Opt ions 27 Vision Plan 28 Flexible Spending Accounts 29 HRA, HSA, FSA: What 's the Di f ference? 30 Li fe and Accidental Death & Dismemberment 33 Disabi l i ty Benef i ts 34 401(k) Plan 35 Employee Assistance Program Care@Work 36 Voluntary Benef i ts 38 MAA Associate Disaster Rel ief Fund 39 Open Arms 40 Get Connected 41 Benef i t Vendor Contacts and Websi tes 42 Af fordable Care Act 43 Impor tant Heal th Plan Not ices


Glossary of Terms

Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) AD&D covers the unintentional death or dismemberment of the insured. Dismemberment includes the loss, or the loss of use, of body par ts or functions (i.e. , limbs, speech, eyesight, or hearing). Coinsurance Refers to the percentage of charges you and your plan will pay for covered services. For example, if your plan has a coinsurance split of 80/20, this means your plan will pay 80 percent of charges and you will pay 20 percent of charges. Copay Is a fixed dollar amount you pay for covered services in addition to what the plan pays. The copay is normally paid at the time of your visit. Deductible The amount you must pay for covered services before your plan coinsurance is applied. The deductible star ts over every January 1. Embedded Deductible In a health plan with an embedded deductible, no single individual on a family plan will have to pay a deductible higher than the individual deductible amount. Once you meet the individual deductible, your plan coinsurance is applied. Embedded Out-of-Pocket Maximum In a health plan with an embedded out-of-pocket maximum, no single individual on a family plan will have to pay more than the individual out-of-pocket maximum amount. Once you meet the individual out-of-pocket maximum amount, your plan begins to pay 100% for the individual ’s expenses for the remainder of the year. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) FSAs allow associates to set aside pre-tax funds from their paychecks to accounts that can be used to pay for qualified medical or child care expenses. Formulary A formulary is a list of generic and brand name drugs covered by an insurance plan offering prescription drug benefits. Generic Drugs Are created to be the same as an existing brand name drug in dosage, safety, effectiveness, strength and quality, but cost less. Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) An HRA is an employer-funded account offered in combination with a health plan. The money in your HRA is used to pay expenses applied to your health plan copays, deductible and coinsurance.


Health Savings Account (HSA) An HSA is a tax-advantaged savings account offered in combination with a high deductible health plan. The account can be funded by your employer and you with pre-tax dollars from your paychecks. It comes with a debit card that can be used to pay qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses, such as those applied to your health plan deductible and coinsurance, as well as dental and vision expenses. High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) Is a health insurance plan with lower premiums and a higher deductible than a traditional health plan. You pay 100% of the cost of your non-preventive health care and prescriptions until you meet your deductible. Once you meet your deductible, the plan coinsurance is applied. Preferred Brand Drugs Are medications for which generic alternatives are not available and cost less than non-preferred brand drugs. Preventive Care Are routine health care services to prevent illnesses, disease, or other health problems. It includes most vaccines, screenings and annual check-ups and is typically covered at 100% under health plans. Non-Preferred Brand Drugs Are medications that have alternative generic or preferred brand drugs available and cost more. Out-of-Pocket Maximum The out-of-pocket maximum is a specific limit for the total amount you will pay for covered health costs during the plan year. This includes amounts applied as copays, deductible and coinsurance. If you meet the out-of-pocket maximum, your health plan will pay 100% of your covered health care costs for the rest of the year. Specialty Drugs Specialty drugs are high-cost medications used to treat complex, chronic conditions such as cancer, rheumatoid ar thritis and multiple sclerosis.

Throughout your Benefits Guide, you can refer back to this glossary for definitions of the words in orange print .


Welcome to Your Benefits Enrollment Guide

MAA Associates,

MAA is committed to providing you and your family with access to a competitive, affordable and comprehensive package of benefits. We are excited to share our benefits program – Your Life. Your Choice. Your Benefits. – which offers many quality choices and rewards you for taking an active role in your health. Whether you are reading this as a new associate making benefit elections for the first time or as an existing associate in preparation for our annual open enrollment period, we recognize the impor tance of MAA’s benefits in meeting your needs and encourage you to take advantage of the resources made available to maximize their value. I encourage you to review the information on our various benefits options available and to take full advantage of the oppor tunities to “take care of you.” Keeping you and your family healthy and making sure you have affordable access to quality medical care when you need it is our goal and an impor tant par t of our effor t to create value for you and in your relationship with MAA. To help you navigate your benefit options and answer any questions you may have, we have invested in multiple resources, as well as this guide, including: • ALEX® is a virtual benefits counselor that can help you understand your options and decide which benefits are best for you by guiding you through an informal, interactive process, explaining how the plans work and providing information regarding cost and coverage. • Our MotivateMe® program through Cigna features rewards for associates and spouses covered under our medical plan in the form of contributions from MAA to their health fund account (HRA or HSA) upon completion of various wellness-related activities throughout the year.

• Your connection to all things Benefits—including plan summaries, links to supplemental information, and vendor websites and contact information—can be found on AccessMAA. We hope you find that the package of benefits for the 2022 plan year effectively meets the need for better health, wellness and protection for you and your family.

Me l an i e Carpenter EVP, Ch i ef Human Resources Of f i cer


Benefits Eligibility

The table on page 8 highlights eligibility for benefits and who pays for the coverage. If you are paying for all or par t of the cost, the table also indicates whether your contributions are deducted from your paychecks before or after taxes are withheld. Most calendar years have 26 bi-weekly pay periods. Your cost will be deducted from each bi-weekly paycheck. Eligible Dependents you can cover include: • Legal spouse (same or opposite sex) • Child(ren) up to age 26, regardless of marital or student status. Eligible children include your biological children, stepchildren, adopted children or children placed in your home for adoption, foster children and children for whom you are the cour t-appointed legal guardian if that child is financially dependent on you. • A child of any age who is medically cer tified as disabled (prior to the child’s 26th bir thday), resides with you and is primarily dependent upon your suppor t. Please Note: When electing to cover a dependent spouse and/or child(ren) under MAAs medical , dental and/or vision plans, you have 30 days from your coverage effective date to submit documentation to verify the dependent(s) for which you elect to cover. Click here to review acceptable suppor ting documentation and eligibility requirements.


El igibi l ity by Associate

Regu l ar Assoc i ate

Temporar y Assoc i ate

Par t Time 20-29 HRS/WK

Par t Time <20 HRS/WK

Par t Time < 30 HRS/WK

Pre/ Post Tax

Fu l l Time

Fu l l Time

Who Cont r ibutes

Benef i t


Eligible to enroll the 1st day of the month on/after 30 calendar days of employment based on the eligibility char t below

Medi ca l




Pre-Tax You & MAA

Denta l



Pre-Tax You & MAA

Vi s ion



Pre-Tax You at Group Rates

F l ex ibl e Spendi ng Accounts (FSA)

WEX Benef i ts




Automatically enrolled the 1st day of the month on/after 90 calendar days of employment based on the eligibility chart below

L i ncol n F i nanc i a l Group L i ncol n F i nanc i a l Group L i ncol n F i nanc i a l Group L i ncol n F i nanc i a l Group

Basic Li fe Insurance




Basic Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)




Shor t -Term Disabi l i ty




Long-Term Disabi l i ty




Eligible to enroll the 1st day of the month on/after 90 calendar days of employment based on the eligibility char t below

Opt ional Employee, Spouse & Chi ld Li fe Insurance Opt ional Employee, Spouse & Chi ld AD&D Accident , Hospi tal Indemni ty & Cr i t ical I l lness Insurance

L i ncol n F i nanc i a l Group L i ncol n F i nanc i a l Group


Post -Tax You at Group Rates


Post -Tax You at Group Rates




Post -Tax You at Group Rates

Pet Insurance

Pets Best



Post -Tax You at Group Rates

Legal Insurance




Post -Tax You at Group Rates

Ident i ty Theft Insurance

L i feLock Post -Tax You at Group Rates Automatically enrolled the 1st day of the month on/after 6 months of employment based on the eligibility chart below X X

Empower Ret i rement

401(k) Pl an






Pre-Tax You & MAA

Automatically enrolled on your date of hire

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)










Qual ifying Life Events After your initial enrollment period or a subsequent annual open enrollment period has expired, you cannot enroll in or make changes to your benefit elections until the next annual open enrollment period unless you experience a Qualifying Life Event, as defined by the IRS, such as: • Marriage, divorce or legal separation • Birth, adoption or placement of adoption or becoming the court-appointed legal guardian of a child(ren) • Death of your spouse or child • Gain or loss of coverage for you or your dependents with your spouse’s employer as a result of an employment event • Change in your child’s eligibility • Becoming eligible for Medicare or Medicaid • Receipt of a Qualified Medical Child Suppor t Order (QMCSO) • Significant change in cost or coverage in your spouse’s or child’s health insurance plan • Gain or loss of benefits eligibility, such as a transition from full time to part time or part time to full time Changes made on account of a qualifying life event must be consistent with the event. You have 30 days from the date of a qualifying life event to notify the Benefits depar tment and make changes to your benefit elections in Workday. Benefit elections made following a qualifying life event will become effective on the date of the event (such as the date of marriage or bir th), in most situations. For questions or additional information, contact the Benefits depar tment at (877) 277-2327 or send an email to Notice of Special Enrollment Rights If you are declining coverage for yourself and/or your eligible dependent(s) during your initial enrollment period or a subsequent annual open enrollment period because of other health coverage (such as COBRA coverage or coverage under another health plan), you may be able to enroll yourself and your eligible dependent(s) in MAA’s medical coverage if you or your dependents lose eligibility for such other coverage (such as due to the end of the maximum COBRA period, ceasing to meet the eligibility requirements or as otherwise required by law) or if employer contributions toward that other coverage cease. However, you must request enrollment within 30 days after loss of other coverage. If the other coverage ends voluntarily, such as due to failure to pay the required premiums, there is no right to special enrollment. If you or your dependent (1) becomes eligible for state-granted premium assistance or (2) lose health coverage under Medicaid or State Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP), you will have a special enrollment right under MAA’s group medical plan. To enroll , you must request coverage within 60 days of either of these two events.


When + How to Enroll


Determine if you are eligible and who you can cover. The table on page 8 highlights eligibility for benefits and who pays for the coverage. In addition, page 7 describes which of your dependents are eligible to be covered under most benefit plans.


Need help choosing your plans? We have the tool for you! ALEX ® is a vir tual benefits counselor who can help you decide which benefit plans will best serve your needs. The experience is designed to be light, jargon-free and helpful. ALEX is completely confidential and does not create, receive, maintain, transmit, collect or store any identifiable end-user information. ALEX is not an enrollment platform for benefits. Click here to talk to ALEX.


3. Make your benefit elections in Workday. New Hire Enrollment:

If you are a new associate, you have 30 days from your date of hire to complete the New Hire Enrollment event that will be delivered to your inbox in Workday after one week of employment.

Review the benefit plans for which you are eligible and “Waive” or “Elect" coverage under each plan for the 2022 plan year. If you do nothing, your elections will default to “Waive” for all benefit plans, with the exception of the plans for which you will be automatically enrolled, as indicated in the table on page 8. Open Enrollment : If you are an existing associate, you have from November 1 through November 15, 2021 to complete the Open Enrollment event in your inbox in Workday and make your benefit elections for the 2022 plan year. If you do nothing, your current benefit elections, with the exception of Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), will carryover for the 2022 plan year. Elections for all FSA plans will default to “Waive” for the 2022 plan year. Read more about the FSAs on page 28.


Medical Plan Options

Cigna Choice Fund HRA + Cigna Choice Fund HSA MAA offers two medical plan options through Cigna - the Choice Fund HRA Plan and the Choice Fund HSA Plan. These plans share common features but differ in what you pay when you use the plan and the amount you pay through your paychecks. Each plan comes with an account that can be used to pay for cer tain health care expenses. It is impor tant to take the time to understand how each plan works and what you can expect to pay so you can choose the plan that best meets your needs.

Plan Links Click here for the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) for the Cigna Choice Fund HRA Plan.

Click here for the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) for the Cigna Choice Fund HSA Plan.

Both Plans Share Common Features:

• Access to par ticipating providers and hospitals in Cigna’s Open Access Plus (OAP) Network. • Flexibility to receive care in- or out-of-network. However, when you receive in-network care, your costs are lower. • Routine Preventive Care covered at 100%. • Coverage for the same types of services. • Once you meet the Deductible , coverage is shared with the plan in a Coinsurance arrangement until an Out-of-Pocket Maximum is met. • When you meet the Out-of-Pocket Maximum, the plan pays 100% for covered medical and prescription drug expenses for the remainder of the calendar year. • Cigna’s Standard 4-Tier Prescription Drug Formulary . Click here to learn more. • Cigna’s Health Programs and Resources found on pages 20 and 21.


How the Plans Differ

Choi ce Fund HRA Pl an

Choi ce Fund HSA Pl an

Highest payroll contributions

Lowest payroll contributions

Lowest Deductible

Highest Deductible

You pay a Copay when you visit an urgent care center or a doctor ’s office for covered services that are not considered Preventive Care . You pay Coinsurance for prescription drugs up to a cer tain amount. For all other covered services that are not considered Preventive Care , you pay 100% until you meet your Deductible . When one or more dependents are covered under this plan, the plan includes an Embedded Deductible . When expenses are applied toward an Embedded Deductible, they are also applied toward the shared family Deductible . After you meet your Deductible , you and the plan pay Coinsurance until you reach your Out- of-Pocket Maximum . When one or more dependents are covered under the plan, the plan includes an Embedded Out-of-Pocket Maximum . You will not pay more than this amount in a calendar year for any individual covered under the plan.

You pay 100% for prescriptions, doctor visits, and all covered services that are not considered Preventive Care until you meet your Deductible .

Click here to see the prescription drugs that are covered under this plan at 100%.

When one or more dependents are covered under the plan, the family Deductible is shared. After you meet your Deductible , you and the plan pay Coinsurance until you reach your Out- of-Pocket Maximum . When one or more dependents are covered under the plan, the plan includes an Embedded Out-of-Pocket Maximum , which means you will not pay more than this amount in a calendar year for any individual covered under the plan.

The plan comes with a Health Reimbursement Account (refer to pages 14 and 15 for more information).

The plan comes with a Health Savings Account (refer to pages 16-18 for more information).


What is a Health Reimbursement Account?

A Health Reimbursement Account, or HRA, is an employer-funded account offered in combination with the Choice Fund HRA health plan that is used to pay covered expenses applied to your health plan Copays , Deductible and Coinsurance . The account is administered by Cigna and funded by MAA, as indicated below.

How i s My HRA Funded?

Automatic HRA Contribution for Employee + Child(ren) Coverage Level

Automatic contribution upon enrollment and January 1 of each year thereafter

$250 per year

Earned HRA Contributions for Employee + Covered Spouse

You and your covered spouse (if applicable) can earn wellness incentives by completing various activities throughout the year in our Motivate Me program with Cigna. Read more on page 19.

Up to $250 each per year

Unused funds in your HRA carryover at the end of each year with no limit, as long as you remain covered under the Choice Fund HRA Plan. If your coverage terminates under the Choice Fund HRA plan, you forfeit any unused funds in your HRA.


How Does My HRA Work with My Health Plan?

time of service. 1.

When you obtain medical care or fill a prescription, a claim is submitted to Cigna. With the exception of Preventive Care , below is what you can expect to pay at the

PCP Visit

$30 Copay $40 Copay $50 Copay

Specialist Visit Urgent Care visit

Coinsurance , up to a cer tain amount, as indicated on page 22


Coinsurance for which you are responsible. 2.

Cigna processes your claim based on the covered expenses and negotiated discounts from in-network providers (if applicable), and applies any Copay , Deductible or


If there are funds available in your HRA, Cigna will use the funds to:

• Pay the provider or pharmacy for expenses applied to your Deductible or Coinsurance . • Reimburse you by check for a Copay paid at the time of service. If there are no funds available in your HRA, you must pay the provider the amount for which you are responsible that was not paid at the time of service.

which you are responsible. 4.

Cigna provides an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) to you and the provider outlining the details of your claim including the amount paid to the provider by your plan and from your HRA, and any amounts applied to your Copay , Deductible or Coinsurance for or by calling Cigna at (800) 244-6224. 5.

Information regarding your HRA, health care claims and benefits are available on


What is a Health Savings Account?

A Health Savings Account, or HSA, is a personal savings account that works in combination with a High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) , like the Cigna Choice Fund HSA Plan, and can be used to pay for qualified medical , dental and vision expenses. You and MAA can contribute to your account, up to the federal limits. Your contributions to the account, the interest your account earns and withdrawals you make for qualified expenses are tax free, making it a triple tax- advantaged account. Additional advantages of an HSA include: • Annual Rollover: If you have money left in your HSA at the end of the year, it rolls over to the next year. • Portability: The money in your HSA remains available for future qualified expenses, even if you change health insurance plans, leave MAA to work for another employer or retire. • Convenience: A debit card will be issued so you can pay for prescriptions and other eligible expenses right away. If you wait for a bill to come in the mail , you can make a payment online, by mail or phone using your HSA debit card. Am I Eligible for an HSA? You must meet the following IRS requirements to be eligible for an HSA: • You must be enrolled in a HDHP, like the Cigna Choice Fund HSA health plan. • You must not be covered under another health plan, including Medicare Par ts A and B and TRICARE. • You must not be par ticipating in a Medical Flexible Spending Account (FSA) that reimburses for medical expenses unless it is limited to work with an HSA (for example, a Limited FSA for dental and vision expenses as described on page 28). • You must not be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax return.


How is My HSA Funded & How Much Can I Contribute?

By You


MAA will make a contribution to your HSA upon enrollment and every January 1 thereafter equal to $250 for single coverage (Employee Only) and $500 for family coverage (Employee + Spouse, Employee + Child(ren), Employee + Family). MAA will make a contributions (up to $500 each) to your HSA throughout the year when you and your covered spouse (if applicable) complete various wellness-related activities through the Motivate Me Wellness Incentive Program. See page 19 for more information.

You can fund your HSA every pay period with pre-tax payroll contributions. You may change your contribution any time during the year in Workday. You can fund your HSA at any time by making a deposit with after-tax dollars.

The sum of contributions made by you and MAA cannot exceed the federal limit, as indicated in the table below.

IRS Annual Contribution Limits for HSAs



Single Coverage (Employee Only)



Family Coverage (Employee + Spouse, Employee + Child(ren), Employee + Family)



Additional Catch-Up Contribution (Age 55+)




How Does My HSA Work with My Health Plan?

Cigna Choice Fund HSA Plan

Health Savings Account

Upon enrollment in the Cigna Choice Fund HSA Plan, you will receive a health plan insurance card from Cigna within 7-10 business days. You will present your insurance card when you obtain medical care or fill a prescription for claim processing purposes.

In addition, an HSA will be opened with the initial contribution from MAA and maintained on your behalf through HSABank. You will receive a Cigna Choice Fund Health debit card and welcome kit from HSABank. You can use this card to pay for eligible out-of-pocket expenses at the time of service or after.

You decide how and when to use the money in your HSA, up to the amount available in your account. You can use your HSA debit card to pay for qualified medical , dental and vision expenses at the time of service or upon receipt of a bill from a provider. You can also save the money in your HSA to use for future qualified expenses, like retirement. You won’t need to submit documentation to substantiate the charges made to your HSA debit card, but it’s impor tant to keep your receipts for all expenses paid from your HSA for tax and recordkeeping purposes. When you obtain medical care or fill a prescription, a claim is submitted to Cigna. With the exception of Preventive Care , you will pay 100% of the cost of medical care and prescription drugs, at the time of service or your provider will bill you directly, until you meet your Deductible . Once you meet your Deductible , you will pay a por tion of your covered expenses and the plan will pay the rest ( Coinsurance ) until you reach your Out- of-Pocket Maximum . 1. Cigna processes your claim based on the covered expenses and negotiated discounts from in-network providers (if applicable), and applies your Deductible or Coinsurance that you are responsible for. 2. If there are funds available in your HSA, you decide whether or not to use the funds to pay all or a por tion of the qualified expenses that you are responsible for, including amounts applied to your Deductible and Coinsurance . If there are no funds available in your HSA, you must use another form of payment to pay the provider the amount that you are responsible for. 3. Cigna provides an explanation of Benefits (EOB) to you and the provider outlining the details of your claim, including the amount paid to the provider by your plan and any amounts applied to your Deductible and Coinsurance that you are responsible for. 4. or by calling Cigna at (800) 244-6224. 5 .

Information regarding your HSA, health care claims and benefits are available on


Motivate Me Wellness Incentive Program

Through our Motivate Me platform with Cigna, associates and spouses covered under our medical plans will have the oppor tunity to earn incentives throughout the year in the form of contributions to their HRA or HSA by completing the wellness-related activities listed in the char t below. • Associates and Spouses covered under the Cigna Choice Fund HRA plan will be able to earn up to $250 each per year. • Associates and Spouses covered under the Cigna Choice Fund HSA plan will be able to earn up to $500 each per year. After completing an activity*, no further action is required by you to receive the incentive. The incentive is typically deposited into your HRA/HSA within 4 weeks of the date you completed the activity. *In order to receive an incentive for a biometric screening, you and your doctor must complete the wellness screening form found here and return it directly to Cigna. • Click here for more information on the program. • Click here to read the Notice for MAA-Sponsored Wellness Programs.

Incent i ve Va l ue HRA HSA

Act i v i ty

Earn i ng Frequency

Hea l th Assessment Biomet r i c Screen i ng

$25 $50


1 per year 1 per year


Preventat i ve care , va l idate by c l a im: Adu l t Phys i ca l

$75 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $25 $25

$150 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

1 per year 1 per year 1 per year 1 per year 1 per year 1 per year 1 per year

Annua l OB/GYN Exam

Cer v i ca l Cancer Screen i ng Rout i ne Mammogram Colon Cancer Screen i ng

Prostate Screen i ng

F l u Shot

$50 $25

Denta l Cl ean i ng & Exam

1 per act i v i ty, up to 2 per year

Matern i t y Suppor t : Hea l thy Pregnanc i es , Hea l thy Babi es



1 per year

Other Programs : On l i ne Hea l th Coach i ng



1 per program, up to 4 per year

Te l ephon i c Coach i ng-Chron i c On l y Apps & Act i v i t i es (Digi ta l Engagement ) Se l f -Repor ted Act i v i t i es Par t i c ipat ion i n loca l f i tness events (5k , marathon , obstac l e races , char i t y races) F i nanc i a l We l l ness Programs (budget i ng , debt e l imi nat ion , ret i rement pl ann i ng)


$200 $100

1 per year


1 per year upon earn i ng 20 stars

1 per act i v i ty, up to 4 per year 1 per act i v i ty, up to 4 per year





1 upon compl et ion of the pr imar y ser i es

Fu l l y vacc i nated aga i nst COVID-19 (documentat ion may be requ i red)



$250 per member

$500 per member

Max imum amount of i ncent i ves Assoc i ate + Spouse are e l igibl e to rece i ve i n a pl an year


Cigna Health Programs & Resources myCigna Register on and download the myCigna app to conveniently access information regarding your health plan while on the go. Through this app you can: • Manage and track claims • View, share and print your ID card information • Find in-network doctors and compare cost and quality ratings • Review your coverage • Track your account balances and deductibles • Order your Cigna Home Delivery prescriptions online and view order history

Register today! Visit or download the myCigna app. Languages suppor ted: English and Spanish

Cigna Virtual Care As par t of your health plan, Cigna par tners with MDLIVE to provide access to minor medical and behavioral/mental health vir tual care, including vir tual counseling. This lets you get the care you need including most prescriptions (when appropriate) for a wide range of minor conditions including behavioral/ mental health. You can connect with a board-cer tified doctor as well as licensed counselors and psychiatrists 24/7/365 even on weekends and holidays via video chat or phone, without leaving your home or office.

The most common reasons for v i r tua l care ser v i ces :

Minor Medical

Behavioral/Mental Health Vir tual Care


Pink Eye


Parenting Issues



Child/Adolescent Issues Relationship/Marriage Issues

Cold and Flu

Sinus Infections




Sore Throat



Vir tual Wellness Screenings


Men's Issues

Women's Issues

Connect with vir tual care your way. • Contact your in-network provider or counselor • Talk to an MDLIVE medical provider on demand on • Schedule an appointment with an MDLIVE provider or licensed therapist on • Call MDLIVE 24/7 at (888) 726-3171

Click here for more information on Cigna’s Vir tual Care.


Cigna One Guide ® Cigna One Guide is a service that provides personalized one-on-one suppor t via app, chat, online or phone during pre-enrollment and post-enrollment. Your personal guide will help you understand the basics of health coverage and get the most out of your plan, find the right providers and hospitals, understand your bills and more. To speak with a Cigna One Guide representative, call (800) 244-6224, click the chat option on or use the myCigna app.

Click here for more information on the Cigna One Guide service.

Cigna 90 Now Cigna 90 Now is a maintenance medication program that allows you to fill prescriptions in a 90-day supply at a 90-day retail pharmacy in your plan’s network or through Cigna Home Delivery. Filling your prescription in a 90-day supply means you can make fewer visits to the pharmacy and save money.

Call 800-835-3784 to speak to a Customer Service representative.

Click here for more information on Cigna 90 Now.

Cigna Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies ® The Cigna Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies program is designed to help you and your baby stay healthy during your pregnancy and in the days and weeks following your baby's bir th. This program will assist you with finding suppor t early and often, learning as much as you want by providing live suppor t and access to online resources 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Completion of this program qualifies for an incentive under the Motivate Me program.

Call 800-615-2906 to enroll.

Click here for more information on the Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies program.

Omada ® for Cigna Omada for Cigna is a digital lifestyle change program designed to help at-risk individuals combat obesity-related chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and hear t disease. Omada combines the latest technology with ongoing suppor t so you can make the changes that matter most – whether that’s around eating, activity, sleep, or stress. MAA is covering this program under the health plan at 100% for associates and their adult dependents who are at risk for diabetes or hear t disease and are accepted into the program.

To see if you’re eligible for the program visit (Company identifier is maa)

Click here for more information on the Omada for Cigna program.


Medical + Prescription Drug Benefits at-a-Glance

Choice Fund HRA Plan

Choice Fund HSA Plan






Medical Benefits: Annual Deductible Individual Individual (Embedded)/Family Out-of-Pocket Maximum (copay, deductible & coinsurance) Individual Individual (Embedded)/Family

$1,500 $1,500/$3,000

$3,000 $3,000/$6,000

$2,000 $4,000

$4,000 $8,000

$4,000 $4,000/$8,000 Plan pays 80% You pay 20%

$8,000 $8,000/$16,000 Plan pays 50% You pay 50%

$5,000 $6,900/$10,000 Plan pays 80% You pay 20%

$10,000 $13,800/$20,000 Plan pays 50% You pay 50%


Preventive Care

No charge

Not covered

No charge

No covered

$30 Copay for Behavioral Health services; No charge for all other services

Cigna Vir tual Care (Telehealth) Services (MDLive)

After Deductible you pay 20%

Not covered

Not covered

Primary Care Physician (PCP) Office Visit

After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50%

After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20%

After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible, you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50%

$30 Copay

Specialist Office Visit

$40 Copay

Urgent Care

$50 Copay

$50 Copay

After Deductible you pay 20%

After Deductible you pay 20%

Emergency Room

Emergency Medical Transpor tation

No charge

No charge

Inpatient Hospitalization & Professional Service

After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% 20% ($10 min, $20 max) 30% ($25 min, $50 max) 40% ($50 min, $100 max)

After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50% After Deductible you pay 50%

Outpatient Facility & Professional Services

Retail Pharmacy (30-Day Supply): Generic Medications

Preferred Brand Medications Non-Preferred Brand Medications

Home Delivery Pharmacy (30-Day Supply): Specialty Medications Home Delivery Pharmacy (90-Day Supply): Generic Medications

50% ($75 min, $150 max)

After Deductible you pay 20%

Not covered

Not covered

20% ($25 min, $50 max) 30% ($50 min, $100 max) 40% ($100 min, $200 max)

After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20% After Deductible you pay 20%

Not covered

Not covered

Preferred Brand Medications Non-Preferred Brand Medications

Not covered

Not covered

Not covered

Not covered


2022 Medical Bi-Weekly Payroll Contributions

We know that rising health care costs are of concern to our associates, and we want to do as much as we can to help you save money on your medical plan premiums. First, we pay a large por tion of your total premium. Second, we reward you if you have not used tobacco in the last 12 months or more by providing a $25 per payroll discount. Third, we reward you for your continued service by providing the following per payroll discounts:

Years of Service





10+ $20

Bi-Weekly Discount





Choice Fund HRA Plan

Choice Fund HSA Plan

Don't Use Tobacco

Uses Tobacco

Don't Use Tobacco

Uses Tobacco

Coverage Level & Years of Service Employee Only: 0

Your Contribution

MAA Contribution

Your Contribution

MAA Contribution

Your Contribution

MAA Contribution

Your Contribution

MAA Contribution

$91.16 $234.00 $116.16 $209.00 $60.78 $239.11 $85.78 $214.11 $81.16 $244.00 $106.16 $219.00 $50.78 $249.11 $75.78 $224.11 $78.66 $246.50 $103.66 $221.50 $48.28 $251.61 $73.28 $226.61 $76.16 $249.00 $101.16 $224.00 $45.78 $254.11 $70.78 $229.11 $73.66 $251.50 $98.66 $226.50 $43.28 $256.61 $68.28 $231.61 $71.16 $254.00 $96.16 $229.00 $40.78 $259.11 $65.78 $234.11 $253.88 $396.45 $278.88 $371.45 $193.36 $406.41 $218.36 $381.41 $243.88 $406.45 $268.88 $381.45 $183.36 $416.41 $208.36 $391.41 $241.38 $408.95 $266.38 $383.95 $180.86 $418.91 $205.86 $393.91 $238.88 $411.45 $263.88 $386.45 $178.36 $421.41 $203.36 $396.41 $236.38 $413.95 $261.38 $388.95 $175.86 $423.91 $200.86 $398.91 $233.88 $416.45 $258.88 $391.45 $173.36 $426.41 $198.36 $401.41 $166.03 $419.27 $191.03 $394.27 $128.13 $411.66 $153.13 $386.66 $156.03 $429.27 $181.03 $404.27 $118.13 $421.66 $143.13 $396.66 $153.53 $431.77 $178.53 $406.77 $115.63 $424.16 $140.63 $399.16 $151.03 $434.27 $176.03 $409.27 $113.13 $426.66 $138.13 $401.66 $148.53 $436.77 $173.53 $411.77 $110.63 $429.16 $135.63 $404.16 $146.03 $439.27 $171.03 $414.27 $108.13 $431.66 $133.13 $406.66 $314.06 $661.43 $339.06 $636.43 $247.22 $652.44 $272.22 $627.44 $304.06 $671.43 $329.06 $646.43 $237.22 $662.44 $262.22 $637.44 $301.56 $673.93 $326.56 $648.93 $234.72 $664.94 $259.72 $639.94 $299.06 $676.43 $324.06 $651.43 $232.22 $667.44 $257.22 $642.44 $296.56 $678.93 $321.56 $653.93 $229.72 $669.94 $254.72 $644.94 $294.06 $681.43 $319.06 $656.43 $227.22 $672.44 $252.22 $647.44

2 4 6 8


Employee + Spouse: 0

2 4 6 8


Employee + Child(ren): 0

2 4 6 8


Employee + Family: 0

2 4 6 8



Which Plan is Right for You? Jack is single and considers himself healthy. He doesn't have any health conditions or takes any prescription drugs on a regular basis. He gets a flu shot every year and sees his primary care physician for an annual preventive exam and health screening. He doesn't anticipate the need for any other medical care. Jack's interested in the Cigna Choice Fund HSA Plan because the bi-weekly payroll contributions are lower and MAA will make contributions to his HSA that he can use for unplanned medical expenses in the future.

Cigna Choice Fund HRA Plan

Cigna Choice Fund HSA Plan

Bi-Weekly Medical Premium (Less than 2 years of service & doesn't use tobacco) Annual Medical Premiums (26 pay periods)





MAA Annual Contribution to HSA/HRA Motive Me Wellness Incentives Earned (contributed to HSA/HRA)





Jack's Out-of-Pocket Expenses (assume Jack goes in-network for all medical care)

Deductible $1,500

Coinsurance 20%

Deductible $2,000

Coinsurance 20%

Jack's Medical Care & Prescriptions



1 preventative adult exam and health screening (assumes $347 in provider & lab changes) *Jack earns Motivate Me Wellness Incentives 1 sick visit with primary care physician (assumes $197 office visit charge)













1 retail generic prescription drug (assumes $20 for 30-day supply)







1 preventive flu shot at CVS Minute Clinic *Jack earns a Motivate Me Wellness Incentive Total Combined Out-of-Pocket Costs for Medical Care & Prescriptions (all can be paid with HSA/HRA funds)









Total Annual Payroll Contribution



Total Annual Payroll Contributions + Jack's Total Out-of-Pocket Expenses



Total Costs Net of HSA/HRA Funds



He's elected the Choice Fund HSA Plan . Under this plan, his payroll contributions and out-of- pocket expenses were the lowest of the two options by $789.88. Jack used $217 of the $600 that MAA contributed to his HSA to pay his out-of-pocket expenses and the remainder of the money will carry over to next year. Jack’s Choice


Jill needs to cover herself and two children. Although no one in Jill ’s family has a medical condition, she anticipates her children will have illnesses, a visit to the emergency room, and everyone will obtain their preventive care exams, screenings and flu shots. Jill is interested in the Cigna Choice Fund HRA Plan because she wants to pay the least amount out of pocket when she uses the plan, even if that means she has to pay more in premiums every pay period.

Cigna Choice Fund HRA Plan

Cigna Choice Fund HSA Plan

Bi-Weekly Medical Premium (Less than 2 years of service & doesn't use tobacco) Annual Medical Premiums (26 pay periods)





MAA Annual Contribution to HSA/HRA Motive Me Wellness Incentives Earned (contributed to HSA/HRA)





Jill 's Out-of-Pocket Expenses (assume Jill goes in-network for all medical care)

Deductible $1,500/$3,000

Coinsurance 20%

Deductible $4,000

Coinsurance 20%

Jill 's Medical Care & Prescriptions



1 preventive adult exam and health screening (assumes $347 in provider & lab changes) *Jill earns Motivate Me Wellness Incentives 2 preventive well child exams (assumes $197 office visit charge per visit) 6 sick and follow up visits with primary care physician for Jill 's children (assumes $247 office visit charge) 1 emergency room visit for Jill 's child (assumes $1,000 in charges) 4 preventive brand medications (assumes $50 each for 30-day supply) 3 preventative flu shot at CVS Minute Clinic *Jill earns a Motivate Me Wellness Incentive













6 visits, $247= $1,482

6 copay $30=$180











30% coinsurance =$15 x 4 =$60












3 MDLive consultations (assumes $45 each)

3 visits, $45=$135






Total Combined Out-of-Pocket Costs for Medical Care & Prescriptions (all can be paid with HSA/HRA funds)



Total Annual Payroll Contribution



Total Annual Payroll Contributions + Jill 's Total Out-of-Pocket Expenses



Total Costs Net of HSA/HRA Funds



Jill elected the Choice Fund HRA Plan . Under this plan, her payroll contributions and out-of-pocket expenses were the lowest of the two options by $166.60. All of the money that MAA contributed to her HRA was used toward her out-of-pocket expenses. Jill’s Choice


Dental Plan Options

Cigna Dental PPO Low Option + Cigna Dental PPO High Option MAA offers two dental plan options through Cigna. Both plans give you the flexibility to receive care in or outside of Cigna’s DPPO Network. However, when you receive care in-network, your costs are lower. Those who need less care can pay less by choosing the Low Option, while those who need more care, including Or thodontia, can choose the High Option. 2022 Bi-Weekly Associate Payroll Contributions by Dental Plan Option & Coverage Level Dental PPO Low Option Dental Plan High Option Employee Only $9.61 $13.51 Employee + Spouse $20.20 $28.38 Employee + Child(ren) $17.31 $29.72 Employee + Family $23.08 $40.54

Cigna Denta l PPO Low Opt ion Cigna Denta l PPO High Opt ion

Benef i t


Out -of -Network


Out -of -Network

Genera l Pl an Informat ion Re imbursement Leve l s Ca l endar Year Deduct ibl e Indi v idua l Fami l y Ca l endar Year Benef i ts Max imum Benef i t High l ights Class I : Diagnost i c & Prevent i ve Oral Exams, Cleanings, X-rays, Fluoride Appl ication & Sealants Class I I : Bas i c Restorat i ve Fi l l ings , Per iodont ics , Oral Surgery, Br idge Repai rs , Crowns & Dentures Class I I I : Major Restorat ive Inlays/Onlays , Prosthesis , Over Implant , Crown, Br idges , Dentures Class IV: Or thodont ia Coverage for Adul ts & Chi ldren, Li fet ime Benef i ts Maximum: $2,500

Max imum Re imbursabl e Charge (MRC)

Max imum Re imbursabl e Charge (MRC)

Based on Cont racted Fees

Based on Cont racted Fees

$50 $150

$50 $150

$50 $150

$50 $150

$1 , 500 per person Appl i es to Cl ass I , I I , I I I expenses

$1 , 500 per person Appl i es to Cl ass I , I I , I I I expenses

$2 , 500 per person Appl i es to Cl ass I , I I , I I I , IX expenses

$2 , 500 per person Appl i es to Cl ass I , I I , I I I , IX expenses

Pl an pays 100% of MRC

Pl an pays 100% of MRC

Pl an pays 100%

Pl an pays 100%

After Deductible Plan pays 80% of MRC You pay remainder After Deductible Plan pays 50% of MRC You pay remainder

After Deductible Plan pays 80% of MRC You pay remainder After Deductible Plan pays 60% of MRC You pay remainder No Deduct ible, Plan pays 50% up to Li fet ime Benef i ts Maximum Af ter Deduct ibl e Pl an pays 50% You pay rema i nder

Af ter Deduct ibl e Pl an pays 80% You pay 20% Af ter Deduct ibl e Pl an pays 50% You pay 50%

Af ter Deduct ibl e Pl an pays 80% You pay 20% Af ter Deduct ibl e Pl an pays 60% You pay 40% No Deduct ible, Plan pays 50% up to Li fet ime Benef i ts Maximum Af ter Deduct ibl e Pl an pays 50% You pay 50%

Not Covered

Class IX: Implants

Not Covered

Click here for the benefit summary for the Cigna PPO Low Option. Click here for the benefit summary for the Cigna PPO High Option.


Vision Plan MAA offers a comprehensive vision plan through Cigna. The plan offers you the flexibility to see eye care professionals in or out of Cigna’s network. However, when you receive care in-network, your costs are lower. When you see an eye care professional outside the network, you will pay in full at the time of service and file a claim to Cigna for reimbursement, up to the amounts listed below.

Frequency (Begins Jan 1)




You pay $10 Copay plan pays remainder

Eye Exam

Up to $45 reimbursement

12 months

Materials Copay

$20 Copay


12 months

Eyeglass Lenses Allowances: (One pair per frequency period)

• Single Vision • Lined Bifocal • Lined Trifocal • Progressive • Lenticular

Plan pays 100% after copay Plan pays 100% after copay Plan pays 100% after copay Plan pays 100% after copay Plan pays 100% after copay Plan pays up to $150 20% discount on amount over allowance

Up to $40 reimbursement Up to $65 reimbursement Up to $75 reimbursement Up to $75 reimbursement Up to $100 reimbursement

12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months

Frame Retail Allowance* (One pair per frequency period) Contact Lens Allowance* (One pair or single per frequency period)

Up to $83 reimbursement

24 months

• Elective • Therapeutic 12 months 12 months *Contact Lens Allowance in lieu of Frame Allowance (may not receive contact lens and frames in same benefit year). Plan pays up to $130 Plan pays 100% Up to $105 reimbursement Up to $210 reimbursement

2022 Bi-Weekly Associate Payroll Contributions by Coverage Level Employee Only $2.90 Employee + Spouse $5.79 Employee + Child(ren) $6.22 Employee + Family $9.85

Click here for the benefit summary for the Cigna Vision Plan.


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