Motivate Me Wellness Incentive Program
Through our Motivate Me platform with Cigna, associates and spouses covered under our medical plans will have the oppor tunity to earn incentives throughout the year in the form of contributions to their HRA or HSA by completing the wellness-related activities listed in the char t below. • Associates and Spouses covered under the Cigna Choice Fund HRA plan will be able to earn up to $250 each per year. • Associates and Spouses covered under the Cigna Choice Fund HSA plan will be able to earn up to $500 each per year. After completing an activity*, no further action is required by you to receive the incentive. The incentive is typically deposited into your HRA/HSA within 4 weeks of the date you completed the activity. *In order to receive an incentive for a biometric screening, you and your doctor must complete the wellness screening form found here and return it directly to Cigna. • Click here for more information on the program. • Click here to read the Notice for MAA-Sponsored Wellness Programs.
Incent i ve Va l ue HRA HSA
Act i v i ty
Earn i ng Frequency
Hea l th Assessment Biomet r i c Screen i ng
$25 $50
1 per year 1 per year
Preventat i ve care , va l idate by c l a im: Adu l t Phys i ca l
$75 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $25 $25
$150 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100
1 per year 1 per year 1 per year 1 per year 1 per year 1 per year 1 per year
Annua l OB/GYN Exam
Cer v i ca l Cancer Screen i ng Rout i ne Mammogram Colon Cancer Screen i ng
Prostate Screen i ng
F l u Shot
$50 $25
Denta l Cl ean i ng & Exam
1 per act i v i ty, up to 2 per year
Matern i t y Suppor t : Hea l thy Pregnanc i es , Hea l thy Babi es
1 per year
Other Programs : On l i ne Hea l th Coach i ng
1 per program, up to 4 per year
Te l ephon i c Coach i ng-Chron i c On l y Apps & Act i v i t i es (Digi ta l Engagement ) Se l f -Repor ted Act i v i t i es Par t i c ipat ion i n loca l f i tness events (5k , marathon , obstac l e races , char i t y races) F i nanc i a l We l l ness Programs (budget i ng , debt e l imi nat ion , ret i rement pl ann i ng)
$200 $100
1 per year
1 per year upon earn i ng 20 stars
1 per act i v i ty, up to 4 per year 1 per act i v i ty, up to 4 per year
1 upon compl et ion of the pr imar y ser i es
Fu l l y vacc i nated aga i nst COVID-19 (documentat ion may be requ i red)
$250 per member
$500 per member
Max imum amount of i ncent i ves Assoc i ate + Spouse are e l igibl e to rece i ve i n a pl an year
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