City of Tonganoxie 2022 Budget Book

City of Tonganoxie 2022 Adopted Budget Library

The budget for the Tonganoxie Library is made up in part by ad valorem taxes. To set the property tax rate, the Library Board makes a mill levy recommendation to the City Council, and the City Council considers approval of the recommendation under its tax levying authority when setting the property tax levy each year. City ordinance states that the Library General Fund mill rate cannot be set higher than 5.95 mills, while the Employee Benefits Fund does not have a maximum mill rate set by City ordinance.

2020 Actual



Adopted Adopted

Expenditures by Category Personal Services


66,857 407,602


76,000 436,969


117,600 475,280

Contractual Services

Supplies Equipment

- -

- -

- -








Expenditures by Fund Library Fund

$ $

474,459 474,459

$ $

512,969 512,969

$ $

592,880 592,880


Personnel Positions No City Personnel

0.0 0.0


Budget Considerations

> New school resource officer > Convert part-time wages to one full-time Police Officer position The 2022 library budget anticipates receiving $421,867 in ad valorem tax revenue. Of this total, approximately 76% is anticipated to be collected in the Library General Fund and 24% is anticipated to be collected in the Library Employee Benefits Fund. The City receives these funds along with its own ad valorem tax revenue and remits the Library's portion via check. Additional revenue remitted to the Library in this manner is motor vehicle tax revenue. The Library employees are also covered under the City's health, vision, dental, and life insurance coverage, as well as the City's liability insurance coverage on the Library facility. The Library reimburses the City for these premium costs on a monthly basis.

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