T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February, 1941
Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE
stltute a thorough and complete testi mony concerning the Messiah.” Donald A. (’28) and Mrs. Fairley (’28), members of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, though unable to return to their field in French Equa torial Africa after their furlough, were permitted to sail from New York early in December for the Belgian Congo instead. Their field address is to be Mission C. and M. A., Boma, Belgian Congo, West Africa. Kathryn Dick, ’29, 818 Hayter St., Dallas, Ore., is on furlough from ser vice in British West Africa under the Sudan Interior. Mission. She has been doing deputation work in Washington and Oregon. Dr. Richard F. (’32) and Mrs. Jant- zen (Ella Gimbel, ’32) sent word in De cember that they were scheduled to sail on December 31 for Africa, expect ing to reach Lagos on January 26. Be cause war restrictions place a ban on the sailing of children, it was neces sary to leave their little son, Milton, one and one-half years old, in the Gowan’s Home for Missionary Children in Ontario. Dr. and Mrs. Jantzen are members of the Sudan Interior Mission. Before leaving Southern California to do deputation work, Dr. Jantzen, who is an osteopathic physician, served his internship in the Los Angeles County General Hospital. Mrs. Jantzen is a graduate nurse and received her train ing in the same hospital. They can be addressed in care of the Sudan Interior Mission, Jos, Nigeria, W. Africa. In “Other Fields Kishiyo L. Hirose, ’40, who has made a visit of several months in Japan since her graduation from the Institute last June, wrote from Japan last fall, describing the widespread idolatry she observed in the temples of Japan and added: “There is a mixture of feelings while watching the crowd, sometimes pity because they are subtly blinded by the god of this world; sometimes anger and many times a helplessness that only prayer can comfort. I wished you could see the immense crowds of little people, bowing sincerely to these gods. There is seriousness upon their faces, and their hearts plead for for giveness as they beg for answers to their prayers. It is real to them. Japan is surely in need of true wit nesses, for truly many are falling by the wayside. Please pray for this na ture-loving people! . . . In these peril ous days indeed His witnesses are in need of heaven-reaching, fervent pray er. . . I don’t know how to thank the Lord for the three short years I spent at dear Biola. They have been precious years and I shall cherish them all my life.” Olga E. Noreen, ’26, Scandinavian Alliance Mission, Chinchpada, W. Khan-
Missionary Arrivals and Departures Oscar F. Walton, ’24, called at the Institute on his way home for furlough after service at the North China Theo logical Seminary, Tenghsien, Shantung, N. China. His furlough address is 55 N. York Road, Hatboro, Pa. F. Ernest (’21) and Mrs. Diem, 25 de Mayo y Tucuman, Goya, Corrientfes,
Argentina, S, A., returned to their field in June of 1940 after their furlough. To their" former work among Spanish speaking people they have added a testimony to Israel. They write: "We are sending to 250 Argentine Jews, practically all of whom are professional men and women, a series of twelve monthly mimeographed letters which are being very well received, and con-
Dear Fellow Members: The executive committee, of the Biola Alumni Association are indeed grateful to the staff of THE KING’S BUSINESS for dedicating this issue to our Alumni organization, and for giving us this opportunity to extend our Christian greetings to each of you. “ And the God of all grace, who called you unto his eternal glory in Christ, after that ye have suffered a little while, shall himself perfect, es tablish, strengthen you” (1 Pet. 5:10, R. V.). It appears that almost all of God’s servants are undergoing manifold testings as they labor for their Lord in the enemy’s territory. May each trial reveal His faithfulness in your experience! “Wherefore let them also that suf fer according to the will of ,God com mit their souls in well-doing unto a faithful Creator” (1 Pet. 4:19, R. V.). ' ‘God is faithful, through whom ye were called into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Cor. 1:9, R. V.). We rejoice to know that God has proved Himself faithful to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and has sustained her testimony during this period of stress. We are of the per-
suasion, however, that our God would bestow even greater blesjing upon this school if every alumnus would assume an even greater prayer interest for her material and spirit ual needs. Let us reaffirm our loyalty to Christ and to His interest in Biola, which is the training1 ground of Christian young people for labor in His great harvest fields that are waiting to be reaped. Pray for, give to, and direct the thoughts of young people to BIOLA, that our Lord might be glorified by the bearing of much fruit. , We r e c o m m e n d to you THE KING’S BUSINESS as the official organ of Biola by which you may be kept informed regularly concerning the school’s progress and activities, and we suggest that if you are not now a subscriber to this magazine of our Alma Mater, you become one immediately. In closing, we would appreciate your cooperation in supplying us with the following . information, which will aid us in bringing our files up to date before we publish a new Alumni Directory. THANK Y6U. Sincerely yours, Dudley L. Girod, President of the BIOLA Alumni Association.
Kindly FILL this blank out TODAY and MAIL it to Helen J. White, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Name ................... ......... ...... p®...... ....... ................ ........... ........ ................ ....... ...... Permanent Address (for Alumni files).......................................... ...... ....... ......... . Address (for next directory)....,.................. ...... .......... :...„....................................... Remarks (about your work, your victories, your prayer requests, or any other information about yourself)
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