King's Business - 1941-02

February, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S






(Illustrated with Kodachrome Slides) With KENNETH M. MONROE, Th, D. For an EASTER or SUMMER Conftrence

“ From Bethlehem to Calvary” in colored slides offers an in­ spiration and a challenge to young and old as presented by Kenneth M. Monroe, Dean of the Bible Institute of Los* An­ geles. Dr. Monroe will be available for meetings—-single en­ gagements or conferences— as follows:. EASTER March 28 to April 16— Southern California and Arizona SUMMER June 15 to 28— Northern California Those desiring meetings are invited to write immediately, giv­ ing alternate dates for convenience in making out the itinerary. Extension Department BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, 558 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif. June 29 to July 31— Oregon August 1 to 15:—Washington


Attention# Alumni! Graduates of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are urged to ar- . range Alumni gatherings for, fel­ lowship with the Dean. If you live in the territories mentioned and can arrange süch a gathering, please write ' immediately. been in America oh furlough from ser­ vice in Egypt under the: American Mis­ sion, has been assigned by her board to do visitation work in new districts of Portland, Ore., where there is hope of starting a new church at West Slope. Mrs. Seiver can be addressed in care of R. L. Baldwin, Box 1887, Rt. 8, Port­ land, Ore. ■Married Rodney W. Rood and Margaret Anne Davey, Dec. 20, 1940, Hollywood, Calif. Born To Richard W. (’39) and Mrs, High­ tower (Helen L. Brundage, ’39), a son, Gareth Karsten, Dec. 25, 1940, San Diego, Calif. To Newel A. (’37) and Mrs. Stickney (Elsie C; Huntamer, ’37), a son; Newel Allan, Dec. 25, 1940, Vancouver, Wash. To Dawson E. and Mrs. Trotman, a daughter* Faith Arlene, Jan. 1, Long Beacli,, Calif. To Dr. Marshall P. and Mrs. Welles (Helen L. Antisdale, ’29), a son, Rich­ ard Philip, Dec. 25, 1940, Ichowfu, Shan­ tung; China- To John C. (’31) and Mrs. Wiebe (Nancy Tupman, ’32), a daughter, Bar­ bara Louise, Deo. 29, 1940, Los Angeles, Calif.

Kurt and Mrs. Gaebel (Elsie Katz- enberger, ■ ’23) and their six-year- old daughter Barbara have been living in Wallace, Idaho (Box 1162), where Mr. Gaebel works in 'the mines. Mrs. Gaebel has been assisting in the Sun­ day-school of the Methodist church. Harry Woodard is superintendent of the boys of the Children’s, Baptist Home, Inglewood, Calif., and has been attending George Bepperdine College, Los Angeles. Homer A. Kent, ’18, in August of 1940, closed a fifteen-year pastorate at the First Brethren Church of Washing­ ton, D. C., to become , affiliated with Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Ind., of which Alva J. McClain, formerly of the faculty of the Bible institute of Los Angeles, is President. Mr. .Kent is Professor of Church His­ tory and Pastoral Theology at the semi­ nary. He writes: “We will appreciate an interest in your prayers here at Grace Seminary and'will not forget to remember the ,great work there at Biola.” Robert G. Rogers, ’18, 935 Eighth St., San Pedro, Calif., has been selling Bibles and other religious supplies, and has available a thousand different styles and .editions of the Bible. Mrs. Rachel T. Seiver, ’25, who has

desh, India, is a graduate nurse and has been joined in the work at Chinchpada by Dr. Karl (’29) and Mrs. Klokke, who have been in language study at Amai­ nar. Dr. Klokke, who received his degree of M. D. from the medical school of the University of Illinois, is beginning with dispensary work from an old school­ room, but hopes that a hospital may be built later on the five acres of ground granted by the Government for that purpose. At Posts in the Homeland Mina Septer, ’ 20, 1200 N. State St.,’ Los Angeles, Calif., is a worker for the Hospital Gospel Ministry through the General Chaplain's office at the Los Angeles County General Hospital. She works among patients who regis­ ter themselves as “Protestant, no pref­ erence.” Each month- more than nine hundred persons of this classification enter and leave the hospital. Eric E. (’25) and Mrs. Swadell (Laura Pim, ’25) are serving at Tur­ lock, Calif., where Mr. Swadell has been pastor of the First Baptist Church Since July Of 1940. They have four Children: Carl, 14; Eric, 12; Bobby, 9; and Mary Rose, 6. Mr. Swadell is Sec­ retary of thé Turlock Ministerial As­ sociation.

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