King's Business - 1941-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February, 1941

people not only forgot this purpose of the Passover. They also allowed very wicked thoughts to enter their hearts. Some of*the people were scheming how they might use this holy occasion in order to trap Jesus, and then kill Him. But was the Lord Jesus afraid? No, “He sent Peter and John, saying, Go fend prepare us the passover, that we may eat.” And He told them exactly how to get to the appointed place, and what to do when “they arrived. For hundreds of years, men and wom­ en had been observing the Passover feast each year. But on the night of our lesson, the Lord Jesus enjoyed, among His disciples, a new kind of meal. We call it “the Lord’s Supper.” The Bible says that the Lord Jesus “ took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying. . . This do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.” The purpose of this meal, too, was to help people remember—to remember the Lord’s death for' their sins, and to remember that He is coming again. In a very sad way, the chief priests and scribes of Jesus’ day forgot what was the real purpose of the Passover meal. Can we ever forget the real meaning of the Lord’s Supper? Object Lesson “ I ” R e m i n d “ U ” • .OBJECTS:1 A piece of string, an autograph album, a picture, a piece of bread, and a small bottle of grape juice. (Tie the string about your index finger.) LESSON: What do you think this means? [Hold up your finger with the string around it.] “It is to remind you of something.” You are right. There is a danger of forgetting things that are important. Here is an autograph album. In it I read, "Forget-Me-Not.” Why is that writteh in this book? “ So that you will remember the per­ son who wrote it.” Why do people take pictures such as this? “ So that they may remember what their friends looked like at a certain time.” We are likely to forget many things which should be remembered. The Lord Jesus Christ knew that His followers BLACKBOARD LESSON 'AS OTTtn AS HE EAT THIS bftEAD, ADD DBIflK THIS CUP. HE DO' SHOW THE LORD'S DEATH T IL L HE CO ITIE“

very shadow of Calvary! Yet the frank record is encouraging. In spite of our selfishness and failures, the Lord deigns to work through us. To these self-seek­ ing men He says, not, “I have cast you off,” but, “I appoint unto you a king­ dom” (v. 29). Surely this is grace. Some years ago there lived in a thatched cottage at the head of a Scot­ tish glen a poor Highland widow. It was a poor home, but on a cupboard was an old cracked cup, covered with a glass globe, as though it were an ob­ ject of considerable value. That old cup had a history. Years before, one au­ tumn day, a carriage with a lady in-» side had stopped at the door of the lonely cottage. The lady had asked for a little water, and it was brought for her in this very cup. To the old woman’s astonishment, she afterward learned that the lady who ' had used the cup was Queen Victoria. The fact that the queen’s lips had touched the rim of the old cup consecrated it, and made it an object of great value to the old woman. Since Christ’s lips have touched thr cup of blessing, it has become sacred to us.—God’s Looking Glass. The Lord’s Supper L uke 22:1-20 MEMORY VERSE: “For God so lov­ ed the world, that he gave his only be­ gotten Son, that whosoever believeth, in him should not perish, but have ever­ lasting life” (John 3:16). APPROACH: Do you remember some time when there was a special guest at your house for dinner? Everybody at the table was glad to listen eagerly to him. Our lesson today is about the last meal that the" Lord JSsus ate wiüi His disciples before He was crucified. How quietly they must have listened to His words! What He said and did that night wgre matters so important that every one of His followers—even in­ cluding you and me—has been asked to remember them, for His sake. LESSON STORY: It was the time of year when all' the people who said they trusted in Jehovah were to eat the Passover . meal ac­ cording to God’s di­ rections —■the meal . that was to speak to them every year of the time when He had delivered His own people so m a r v e l o u s l y in Egypt, years before, when the angel of death “passed over” the houses that had blood sprinkled on the doors. The Passover was to speak to them of the coming Saviour, who would shed His blood and die for men’s sins. But 5-bMSlOh Golden Text Illustration 1 C orinth ians 11:26

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