King's Business - 1941-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February, 1941

Whan the desired floor was reached, the elevator stopped, and the door was opened. Bat Dr. Horton made no move to go. The elevator boy waited a. moment, then said to him,;“Why don’t you go? The door is open.” “So is the door to' heaven,” answered Dr. Horton,, walking out and leaving the young man to make the very obvi­ ous application.—Selected. Because God Loves Us ' L uke 23 MEMORY VERSE: “The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world” (1 John 4:14). APPROACH : Sometimes an older person likes,to ask a small boy or girl, “Why do you think your mother is so good to you?” The person who asks the question wants to hear the amusing answer that the little one will give. Perhaps the answer will be, “Mother is good to me because I go to bed without whining,” or, “Because I eat all my food like a good child.” But neither of these replies is the real answer, is it? There is another more important rea­ Lord Jesus die for us?” We cannot say,' “He died for us because we are good,” for in God’s sight we are all sinners. “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Rom. 3:10). We have no good works to boast about, any more Just Off the Press New and Timely Bo ok l e t . . . THE FOURFOLD PROPHECY Four interesting chapters: • the Northern Confederacy • the Roman Empire Understand what the Bible has to say about current and future prophetic' events. Only 25c each by Herbert Lockyer • the Palestine Conflict • the Return of the Lord # • 5 i I _ 5 -Division son behind each of these answers, just as there is a very important r e a s o n behind the question that we mùst ask ..ourselves in today’s lesson. LESSON STORY: Our question today is: ‘.‘Why did the j V

than the crowd of people had who gath­ ered aUout Jesus when He was on earth and. who cried wickedly, “Crucify him, crucify him.” Their rulers, Pilate and Herod, both said they could not find anything in Jesus for which He should be punished with death, but the people kept right on shouting for their own way, just as we do sometimes. They even said they would rather have a murderer, Barabbas, spared, and have Jesus put to death instead. Sometimes we make no wiser choices than that ourselves. No, the Lord Jesus did not die for any of us because we were good, or be­ cause we loved Him. There must be another reason. As He hung on the cross. for our sakes, the Perfect One who never sinned, the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour said something that showed the real reason for His dying for us. He said, “ Father, forgive them.” How much He must have loved us all, to have said that when He had been treat­ ed so cruelly! It was love—the love' of God the Father and the love of Jesus Christ His Son—that made Jesus will­ ing to die for us, for only by His dying could anybody ever have eternal life. Have you thanked Him for loving you that much ?

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Object Lesson L ove from A bove

OBJECT: A capital "L.” (From a piece of white paper cut a cross with upright and cross arm 2 inches wide Color one side red and the other gold. Fold .down at the middle of the cross arm, with the red inside. This will make the letter “T.” Fold again, bringing the two ends of the cross arm together, making the letter “L.” ) LESSON: What do you think this large “L” stands for? I will give you a suggestion. It stands for one of the most important things in the world. "Is it ‘love’ ?” Yes, you are right. Taking into con­ sideration the color, what kind of love do you think it might represent? “It is golden, and gold reminds us of heaven.” That is a very good answer. It re­ minds us of the love of God, which came down from heaven. Real love wants to do something for the one loved. A mofjrer, because of






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