T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February, 1941
HI. T he P l a N f o r D is c ip l e s (47-53) The plan is that the ¿disciples are to he “ witnesses,” beginning at Jerusalem and extending ter the uttermost part of the earth (cf. Acts 1:8). Hence it is the disciples’ duty and privilege and responsibility to preach everywhere “re pentance and remission of sins,” through faith in Jesus Christ. This is to be SSatM C hurches ^votion and^Praise” ' to meet, their, musical- needs. Here at last is a really practical hymnboqk ' ior any church service. Con tains 3Í2 musical numbers and 23 respon sive readings. Coihpléte orchestration for 15 Instruments npw available. D E T O T :I O lí A Tf I) P R A I S E B y H A I j B O R L IL L E N A S Outstanding: hymn writer of our day Everywhere churches large and small, of many denominations are selecting. “ Devo tion and Praise.” Especially suitable for church school. Contains a choice selection •. of old favorites, as well as. the. best new hymns and songs. _Bound in waterproof blue cloth, reinforced, for hard usage. Also comes in rope brlstól. Prices;: Single/copies, 55c and 40c; per ' 100,, -not pfepaid,' $40.00 and $25.00. Returnable; sample on request. LILLENAS PUBLISHING CO. “ The Best ih. Gospel Music” 8923 Troost A ve.,Dept KB. Kansas City, Mo. PROMOTEfl NATION-WIDE REVIVAL Our 8-page periodical contains each week an evangelistic editorial, a lesson oh evangelism, an outline of an evangelistic' sermon, and other features. ‘ Special offer'— 20 w.eeks for 25c THE GOSEEL MINISTER, Westfield, Indiana C b u rcjiea - seeking „ the best .in Grospel songs a n d hymns are turning “to'?“ De-
the content of their witness, based up on our Lord’s death and resurrection. The power for witnessing did not re side in the disciples themselves, but in the Holy Spirit. They were to wait until the Holy Spirit came upon them. Since the advent of the Spirit at Pente cost, it is no longer, necessary that be lievers shall tarry for His coming. It is needful only for us today to yield promptly ,to Him whom the Father has sent to “guide . . . into all truth” (John 16:13). The first disciples were to wait in the city of Jerusalem, which was to be the first place of witnessing. To attempt to witness in the power of men tal culture, or of eloquence, or of per sonal magnetism, or in any other hu man energy is to fail miserably. We must settle it in our hearts that the only power for witnessing for Christ is that induement which the Holy Spirit imparts. That these disciples were now fully assured of His resurrection and of their divinely imparted ability to fulfill the commission, and that the power would of a certainty come to them by the Holy Spirit, is all revealed by the record that •they “returned to Jerusalem with great joy: and were continually in the temple; praising and blessing God.” The same commission, the same responsibility, the same high privilege, and the same suf ficient power are ours today. Points and Problems 1. “As they thus spake, Jesus him self stood in the midst of them” (Lk. 24:36). Walls and doors were no bar riers to the risen Son of God. If you wonder sometimes just what kind of body you will receive in the resurrec tion, study carefully the records of the Lord’s resurrection body. It had aston ishing powers. 2. “ Supposed that they had seen a spirit” (v. 37). The disciples needed to be taught that “spirits is invisible. God is spirit (John 4:24). Therefore, “no man hath seen God at any time,” that is, God as spirit. But "spirit” may in deed manifest itself in visible form (çf. John 1:32). The form, however, is hot the spirit. 3. “A spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have” (v. 39). Here we have the clearest possible affirmation of the reality of our Lord’s resurrection body. It was not a "spirit,” but it was a “spiritual body” (1 Cor. 15:44), and these are two altogether different things. A “ spiritual body” is a real body of “flesh and bones,” in which the life and power of the Spirit of God has become the energizing principle, instead of the blood which is the energizing principle in a “natural body.” This truth of the reality of the resurrection body needs to be affirmed in these days, against such errors as Modernism and Russellism, which seek to dissolve the reality of the resurrection, body and
make it a mere survival of the spirit after death, nothing more. 4. “While they yet believed not for joy” (v. 41). The psychology of the record here is perfectly in accord with human experience. There is perhaps not one of us but has had experiences Which for a moment seemed too good to be true. 5. “ These are the words which I spake unto you” (v. 44). Here we have the source of the whole difficulty which dammed back the tide of faith. The Lord had told them often what would happen, but they had given no heed to His words. Instead of looking for the resurrection to come to pass, as He had declared it would,. they may have rea soned: This is the end. The same prob- lepi still exists among the people of God. Instead of paying strict attention to what the Lord has said, what He has prophesied as to the future, we begin to look at circumstances until: \ve suffer the loss of both faith and courage. Then He has to do with us as He did with the disciples, deal with us person ally, showing us that “ thus it is writ ten,” and opening our “understanding” (vs. 45,46). All our troubles would be over if we only would believe and un derstand the "words” which He has spoken unto us. Lord, forgive us for our dullness and obstinacy. Golden Text Illustration L uke 24:49 The power of the Holy Spirit is prom ised for every task that the Lord re quires of one of His servants. And when the,Holy Spirit is in control of a revival service, His leading will be re garded as more important than any human direction, as is related in the Moody Monthly: “A minister once went from : London to study the Welsh revival. He found the church crowded, and climbed through the window close to the front Apparently there was no preacher, but people speaking everywhere. After a while, looking at his watch, he said to a man sitting in one of the front seats: ‘Where is Evan Roberts? I have been waiting an hour and a half to hear him.’ , “The answer startled him.. ‘I’m Evan Roberts; you see, they can get along without me, but not without the Holy Spirit.’ ”
Harold Laurance U’Renn “ The ‘Caruso’ of Gospel Singers” Who proclaims the Gospel through the mastery of his voice—and with an ear nestness that grips the heart of the lis tener. Mrs. Harold Laurance U’Renn (Etfrieda Campbell) Soloist—Personal Worker REV. P. CROWLE-U’RENN AND PARTY Open for a few m ore engagements . Write Harry M. Hillis, Mgr. 8*1 So. Hope St. (Hotel W illard) Los Angeles
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