King's Business - 1941-02


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

February, 1941

A Story to Tell L uke 24

INSURANCE MINES, MacKEIGAN & HILKER F E B S H IN G SQ U AB E B U ILD IN G LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 148 South Hill St. Phone VA-7102 G O S P E L S O U N D F I L M S Souls are being saved, Church and Sunday School attendance is increasing, revivals are taking place, people are giving more, with the help of The Scriptures Visualized sound films, 12 films already available. You may arrange for preview of a film to convince .yourself of the results.. Write us today. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS (Dept 5) 325 W. Huron St. Chicago, III. HOMILETICS AND EVANGELISM Two courses. of twenty lessons each “that help the preacher to improve in the mental side of preparing and' delivering Gospel messages and stimulate the spiritual side by evangelical *con­ tents. Build the framework and then put on the Gospel siding that * faces the needy world. Study how to prepare homiletical crusts that hold evangelical fillings to feed the hungry people. Both courses will help'. Two courses with The Gospel Minister for 13 weeks fpr $1.00. Union Bible Seminary, Dept. 26A, Westfield, ind.

MEMORY VERSE: “Go ye into all the /World, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). APPROACH: The Lord Jesus died, as other men and women die, only He was the Sinless One and did not need to die unless He chose to do so. He was laid in a grave, as other dead peo­ ple are. But He rose from the dead, and in our lesson today we find Him talking with the disciples, eating with them, and teaching them. What a won­ derful time they must have had toge­ ther! LESSON STORY: It was a wonder­ ful time for the women who came to the grave with spices for a dear dead

LESSON; You could never guess the names of these cans by looking at them. When I turn them around, you will see their names. One is “U” Can and the other is “I” Can. They remind me of Christians. Wait until you see what is in them, and then you will see how, they are like Chris­ tians. They both have a white capital "T.” What do you think the letter “T” might stand for ?t . No, it is neither “ teach” or "taste.” These “T’s” remind me of the word "tell.” “U” and “I” can,tell. There are many things we might tell about school, business, or pleasure. There is something more important than any of these. Let us look at these “T’s” and see whether they will let us know what we should tell. They are folded, and. when I unfold them, they make red crosses. “U” and “I” can tell about Christ. Do you know that this is a great privilege given by God to man? The Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples before going back to heaven, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). Eyery time you see a tin can, I want you to remember that "U” and “I” can ■ tell about Christ and HiS' death on the cross to save the world.

body but who found that the P e r s o n they looked for, the Lord J e s u s , was alive again. It was a wonderful time f o r t h e disciples who were walking to t h e village of E m m a u s, t h e i r hearts full of sor­

Send for large sample package of Gospel tracts that make Jesus known. Famous for a fruitful ministry. Use them in your soui- winning work. Presents the Gos­ pel message in many ways— in­ teresting, appealing and ' convinc­ ing. Also Trapt Racks, Post Cards, Cellophane Sheets, etc," Big assortment. Send only 2tb. Faith. Prayer & Tract League

row because of Jesus’ death, for they sobn found that the Stranger who walk­ ed with them was their own living Lord Jesus. “Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things con­ cerning himself.” It was a wonderful time for the lonely disciples, gathered together in Jerusalem, without their loved Leader, for the Lord Jesus sud­ denly appeared in their midst, alive and saying, “Peace be unto you.” He ate with them and explained some things that puzzled them. He said, “It be­ hooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day . . . that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all na­ tions.” It was a wonderful time for His followers when “he led them but as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them . . . and [was] carried up into heaven,” for He said He would come again (cf. Acts 1:11). The Lord Jesus said, “Ye are witnesses of these things.” And He in­ cluded us, too. What a wonderful story we have to tell! Object Lesson “ U ” AND “ I” G an OBJECTS: Two tin cans, a capital “U,” a capital “I,” and two red crosses. (One can should be tall and slim, and the other short and wide. Glue the “I” on the tall one, and the “U” on the other. Make the crosses from white paper, with the upright and cross arm 1 inch wide. Color one side red. Fold each upright just above the cross arm, making a “T.” These “T s ” should be of a size which will permit their being concealed in the cans.)

Dept. KB

Muskegon Hts., Mich.

G O S P E L S I N G E R S ! Songs of Grace No. 1—Songs of Grace JVo. 2 : N ew Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartets Choruses, Choir and other Songs. Each,- 30c postpaid G O S P E L P I A N I S T S ! Sacred Piano Solos with Variations: “ There’s a W ideness in G-od’s Mercy” “ Blessed. Be the Fountain” Each 25c Postpaid, Order from— Gordon E. Hooker 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Two Challenging Studies by Ruth Paxson Life on the Highest Plane An Exposition of God’s Plan of Redemption R. A. Torrey described.these studies thus: “A remarkable book—one of the most satisfying I have ever read. A book not merely to be read, but to be studied and read again and again.” Three volumes: $1.50 vol.; $4.50 per set The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian An Exposition of the Epistle to the Ephesians — the Grand Canyon of Scripture A missionary writes: “I do not know when I have read a book so full of inspiration, so elevating, and so full of real spiritual food.” Another mis­ sionary says: “A book such as this one you have written is a tonic to those who have allowed depression to invade their lives and who perhaps tend to forget what a glorious heritage we have in the unsearchable riches of Christ.” Price $1.50 Order from the author: MISS RUTH PAXSON *7 Lincoln Place - North Plainfield, N . J. ________ __________ »

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