T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February, 1941
making excuses, and there are cer tain ones very common. ‘‘To be fore warned is to be forearmed,” and it is possible to meet every “objection” of man with the Word of God (John 14:26). 1. “I am better than many ‘profess ing1 Christians.” Answer: James 4:17. The above excuse reveals that he knows what a Christian ought to be, yet he has fallen short. Note also Romans 2:3. ; 2. “There are hypocrites in the churches.” Answer: Romans 14:12. We are answerable for ourselves only. There are no hypocrites in the true church, and although there may be some in the visible church, they will not go to heaven (Matt. 23:13). Better then to spend the few years of this present life with the people of God, even though in the company of a few hypocrites, than to spend eternity with the hypocrites in hell! 8. "God is too good to damn us.” Answer: Romans 2:4; John 5:40; Ezekiel 33:11, etc. God in grace and mercy has provided a way of escape, free and available for all. 3. “I would have to give up too much.” Answer: Mark 8:36. Better to give up life itself than -to lose the soul. Romans 8:32. A loving Lord de prives us of nothing profitable for our welfare and happiness. Philippians 3:7, 8. Compare the loss with what we get. 5. “I will lose all my friends.” Answer: James 4:4. We are better off without friends, if they are the enemies of God! This “loss” may come, but, note Psalm 1:1, 2; also new friends are in store for us (2 Cor. 5:17; 1 John 1:3). For the Leader 1. Assign two of your most competent young people to give a prayerfully pre pared demonstration of how to do “per sonal work,” ,i.e., have one of them pre pared to present “objections” and “ex cuses,” as though they were his own, and have the other meet those objec tions with the Word of God. The subject might then be opened to the entire group for further suggestions. 2. Give opportunity for members of the group to suggest “objections” other than those given under Section H above, and discuss the best arguments and Scriptures to meet them. 3., Enlist the help of your pastor and efficient “soul-winners” of your church to make this meeting profitable. 4. Pray that this meeting may stim ulate personal work on the part of Christians in your Society who never before have had a “taste” of soul-win ning.
sinners—they resist conviction! Sopae compare themselves with others who are worse than they—they stifle con viction! Some set about trying to “be good"—they appease conviction! Many “objections” are made as an excuse for not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Christian young people should be alert and eager and able to meet these “objections” intelli gently and Scripturally. ✓ A common symptom of the hideous disease of sin is the tendency to make “excuses.” How common they are! How ■empty they are! How dangerous they are! If there is some way that we can train and develop ourselves to break down these objections and excuses, and win lost men for Christ—let us get at it! For Those Who Have Topics I. OBJECTIONS TO BECOMING A CHRISTIAN MAY BE MET BY L I V I N G A L I F E “TRANS FORMED” BY CHRIST. (Read 1 Peter 3:15-18 carefully and notice how it develops the subject under discussion. Note the R. V., or Weymouth’s translation of v. 15, i.e., “in your hearts consecrate [or ‘set apart’] Christ as Lord.” ) 1. Nothing so closes the mouths of “objectors” as holy living (v. 16; cf. Titus 2:7, 8; John 9:25, 31-33; Acts 4:14). 2. It has been often and well said that there is no sermon so power ful as a life well lived. T he G ospel A ccording to YOU YOU are writing a Gospel, A chapter each day, By deeds that you do, By words that you say. Men read what you write, Whether faithless or true. Say! What is the Gospel According to You? —Selected. We are the only Bible the careless world will read; We are the sinner’s Gospel; we are the scoffer’s creed. We are the Lord’s last message, given in deed and word, What if the type be crooked ? What if the print be blurred? —Annie Johnson Flint. II. OBJECTIONS TO BECOMING A CHRISTIAN MAY BE MET BY KNOWING AND U S I N G THE WORD OF GOD. Read and make appropriate com ment on Colossians 4:6. “Excuse making is age old!” Since the fall of man, the human heart has" sought refuge in “excuses” (Gen. 3:12, 13). It was common in the time of our Lord’s life on earth (Lk. 10:29; 14:18). Today men are still
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