King's Business - 1941-02


T H E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S

February, 1941

DAILY Devotional Readings

1. Safe in Him “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him” (2 Tim. 1:12). The Lord Jesus has launched the ship of salvation on the ocean of life. Through nearly two millenniums of his­ tory, in which the storms have raged and several times nearly engulfed the frail bark, He has never lost a life entrusted to Him. He deserves our im­ plicit confidence. We can stand with Him against the fiercest foes and know that victory is sure. —A London Journalist. A Christian need not fall farther than his knees.—Selected. 2. The One Who Asks Admittance ‘‘Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows” (Isa. 53:4). Only the Father and the Son, in the union of the Spirit, know, or ever will know, all that this Applicant at your door went into, all the unfathomed ocean of pain and woe, of darkness, and of blackness, and of desolation, for the sake of you. He comes now asking for the value of His sacrifice. And what is it ? Liberty to have His way inside your will altogether and without reserve. —Handley C. G. Moule. “He . . . Will Come” “For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry” (Heb. 10:37). He may delay, but each day brings Him nearer, The signs abound in earth, and sea, and sky. Each day His holy Word shines brighter, clearer, And well I know redemption draweth nigh! Oh, precious hope, though dark the night of sorrow, He may return before this night is o’er! He may be here ere dawns another mor­ row! Then shall the Day-star rise to set no more! —Anna Hoppe. \ v ______ 4. Involuntary Influence “None of us liveth to himself” (Rom. 14:7). Our involuntary influence, like our shadow, is ever with us. . . . It is co­ extensive with our existence. As a peb­ ble flung into the lake causes ripples to extend over its surface, so, as soon as 3.

we enter the world, we influence it in some degree. A man may have but .little of this world’s goods and may occupy a lowly sphere, b^it if he has the Christ- like disposition, his influence will be rife with benediction.—C. H. Palmer, s 5. God’s Loving Kindness “The mercy of the Lord is from ever­ lasting to everlasting upon them that fear him” ,-(Psa. 103:17). If only our hearts could open to the full acceptance of that thought, sorrow and care and anxiety and every other form of trouble would fade away, and we be - at rest. The infinite, undying, imperishable love of God is mine. Older than the mountains . . ..wider than the heavens, and stronger than all my sin is the love that grasps me and keeps me and will not let me go, and lavishes its tenderness upon me. —Alexander Maclaren. 6. The Spirit of Promise “Ye shall pass over Jordan to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God giveth you” (Deut. 11:31). Paul, writing to the Ephesians, re­ minded them that they had been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. Why that expression ? Surely because the Holy Spirit was indeed the promise of the Father. And X take it that the land of promise is a land in which the Holy Spirit delights to manifest Himself in and for and through the believer. It is a life in which the Lord Jesus is made personal by the Spirit. —Colin C. Kerr. 7. Rolling the Stone Away “And they found the stoneVolled away from the sepulchre” (Lk. 24:2). “For the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door” (Matt. 28:4). That is only one example of countless others in which we bother about things for which our Father has made ample provision. The angel has already re­ ceived his commission, and at the ap­ pointed time he will remove the stone. If we leave the angel out of our think­ ing, the stone will appear an over­ whelming hindrance, but if we think of the angel, we can quietly believe that the stone will be rolled away. ;—J. H. Jowett. .8. Mutual Concerns “We are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones” (Eph. 5:30). - Our union with Christ is a real union. Everything that concerns me Christ is

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