T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
February, 1941
Who is he, then, who cannot spend all ? He is a man who lives spiritually, a man of character, of purpose, of high conception, of noble sympathy. A man who knows truth and loves truth never can spend his fortune. Once that for tune was attempted to be described, and the words of the description I remember well: “An inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away.” —Joseph Parker. 14. What Is a Pulpit? "We are,his witnesses” (Acts 5:32). A ministerial student in a remote country chapel was complaining to the senior deacon because there was no chair in the pulpit. “You should provide a pulpit chair,” the student pleaded, “so that the preach er may be able to rest a little.” “Young man,” replied the aged dea con, “you must never sit in a witness box.” Would that some of our modem min isters realized that the pulpit is a Chris tian witness box, where they should bear testimony to the saving power of the cross.—Christian Herald. 15. Living Today “Jesus Christ the same . . . today” (Heb. 13:8). This glorious fact that Jesus Christ is the same today is one of the great evidences for the truth of Christianity. There were many who were inclined to doubt and deny our Lord’s resurrection. But it was impossible for any who knew Paul to allege that Jesus Christ was dead. They could see that Christ was living in Paul; they could see that Jesus Christ was the source of that marvel ous enthusiasm, that determination, that perseverance.—F. S. Webster. 16. The Source of Rejoicing “Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” (Psa. 85:6). Nothing can comfort the soul with out C h r i s t . Temporal enjoyments, riches, honors, health, relations yield not a drop of true comfort without Christ. Spiritual enjoyments, minis ters, ordinances, and promises are fountains sealed up and springs closed. Until Christ opens them, a man may go comfortless in the midst of them all. No troubles or trials can deject the soul that Christ comforts. He is “as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing” (2 Cor. 6:10).—Flavel. 17. Power for Sanctification “The Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us” (2 Tim. 1:14). Just as God gave the Lord Jesus Christ to die for you, that there might be pardon for all your sins, so He gave the Holy Ghost, to dwell in you that there might be power to meet all your
concerned in, and everything that con cerns Christ I am concerned in. The Bible tells us from beginning to end that our salvation is not our own sal vation merely, but that Jesus Christ may be glorified. Our pardon shows His grace; our sanctification shows His holiness; our resurrection shows His power; and our being glorified is to re flect His glory—D. W. Whittle. 9. Adding Knowledge “Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge” (2 Pet. 1:5), • .It is a reproach to be ignorant of the things of God . . . the thing I am more astonished at than any other, as I go up and down the country speaking and teaching, is the number of ignoramuses there are, and they are in our churches —people who do not know the first principles, and who have never taken the slightest trouble to add to their faith knowledge.—M. Goodman. 10. Work It Out “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling: For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Phil. 2:12, 13). What are these inner voices which, if we heed not, cease ? . . . What are the yearnings to be all for Christ which, if we embody not in action, die? What are they but the living God working in us to will and to do the life work which He has planned for us from all eternity? It is this which you are called upon to work out. Work it out in love. Work it out in daily, faithful ministry.—James H. McConkey. 11. Past Months and Now “Oh that I were as in months past” (Job 29:2). Christian, if you are not now as you were “in months past,” do not rest sat isfied with wishing for a return of for mer happiness, but go at once to seek your Master, and tell Him your sad state. Ask His grace and strength to help you to walk more closely with Him; humble yourself before Him, and He will lift you up again to enjoy the light of His countenance. —Charles Haddon Spurgeon. i t . “How Much I Owe!” “Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty” (Isa. 33:17). When I stand before the Throne Dressed in beauty not my own; When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart; Then, Lord, shall I fully know, Not till then—how much I owe! —Robert Murray McCheyne. 13. A Fortune that Cannot Be Spent “Made . . . meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light” (Col. 1:12).
WhatAreYOUR MistakesinEnglish? They may offend others as much as these offend you I F someone you met for the first time made the mistakes in English shown above, what would you think of him ? Would he inspire your respect? Would you be inclined to make a friend of him ? Would you care to introduce him tc others as a close friend of yours? These errors are easy for you to see. Per haps, however,, you make other mistakes which offend other people as much as these would offend you. H ow do you know that you do not mispronounce certain words A re you alw ays sure that the things you say and write are gramm atically correct? To you they m ay seem correct, but others m ay know they are wrong. Unfortunately, people will not correct you wheri you m ake m istakes; all they do is m ake a mental reservation about you. “H e is ignorant and uncultured,” they think. So you really have no w ay of. telling when your j English offends others. IFR E E — Book' on English Sherwin Cody, perhaps the best known teacher of practical English, has perfected and patented a remarkable device which will quickly find and correct, the m istakes you unconsciously make. Correct English soon becomes a H A B IT . M r: Cody’s remarkable new invention, the 100% Self-Correcting Method, has already improved the English of m ore than 100,000 people. N o useless rules, no tedious copying, no hard study. Only 15 minutes a day re quired. You learn by creating the H A B IT of using correct English. Nothing like Mr. Cody’s method has ever been used before! A new book, “H ow ' You Can M aster Good English in 15 M inutes a D ay,” is ready. It explains M r. Cody's surprisingly easy method. Get a copy free and learn how to stop m aking embarrassing errors. You do not want others to Judge you unfairly. M erely mail the coupon or a postal card. SH E R W IN C OD Y SCHOO L« O F E N G L ISH , 732 Searle Building, Rochester, N . Y. SH E RW IN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH 732 Searle Building, Rochester, N . Y. Please send me your free book, “ How You Can Master Good English in 15 Minutes a D ay.” Nam e ____________ _________________.......__ r,r-: Address ____...__
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